Is Sup Forums beyond salvation?
Is Sup Forums beyond salvation?
only dole dipper can save us bros
name 1 reason why Sup Forums shouldn't be deleted
I know a good way to fix Sup Forums
Split it into jap games and western games, fucking weebs ruining everything and should be contained
t. Wojakposter
Only bringing back dubs will save it, no really
>Top image is barneyfag over 7000 times
That level of autism should be worthy of being throw in an insane asylum.
the only people who complain about the board being ruined are the ones who no longer fit in with the new primary demographic and their spicy hip memes. y'all should've moved on by now
t.summerfag from 2008
dumb frogposter
Reminder that cucks like this always come from reddit or shitty boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums, all of which are far worse by a huge margin.
#1 add an e-celeb board (this can include a lot of non-vidya shit so it'll get plenty of attention)
#2 ban all phoneposters from making threads (they can only reply)
#3 have mods enforce the rules consistently and reinstate public bans
#2 is an interesting idea. It still doesn't solve the low effort reply problem inherent to phoneposting, but it at least detracts from a lot of theoretical shitposts.
gee I wonder who the crossposters are
How do they still not like the pic?
>Sup Forums
What is wrong with Sup Forums? They're the only board that can turn a waifu/meme thread into actual discussion.
>Not wanting Sup Forums to collapse on itself, taking us all with it
Hello, newfriend.
No u
Don't you mean "what went right," user? The fact that effective shitposting still generates legitimate discussion is great. Imagine if every "What are some games..." thread on Sup Forums turned into real discussion.
Why aren't there any other big completely anonymous posting websites? Just this one and then the smaller spin offs and the smaller original Japanese.
Sup Forums is only fun to collect (you)s. I don't actually listen to anything posted here.
>being this new
kys yourself op
I hate it, but mods now do too.
It is. Sup Forums is arguably the worst board.
Suddenly things don't seem so bad
Just so you know, that is a large factor in how Sup Forums became so shit and was one of the easiest to troll boards of Sup Forums for a long while. They all thought they could be clever and turn shitpost threads into real discussion but failed and ended up just always relying to bait and with just successfully made bait threads and shitposts.
I honestly believe people will still post e-eceleb/off-topic shit on Sup Forums regardless; people always make threads for YGO or Persona or whatever despite /vg/ being one block down
This is for /r9k/ and not Sup Forums, right?
To think all of tha cancer is a result of one guy making sadfrog into smug
What's up with Plutia on /biz/
#2 won't work. Removing their ability to make shitpost threads is a good thing, but they will just take their shitposting to existing threads which is arguably worse
Phone posters have to be removed, completely. Sup Forums should be made read-only on mobile.
>gib khazar milkers caught on on Sup Forums
Jewfus have broken them.
This is just depressing
Sup Forums.
this but unironically
>that spike from GG
>/tg/ and /vr/ are based
>/o/ is good in their little corner
>Sup Forums has Tite "The Heart" Kubo as its most posted mangaka image
>Sup Forums is literally 5 pepes and a crying Wojak, complete shitpost saturation
>/biz/ rightfully exposed as the worst blue board on this entire forsaken website
>Sup Forums's most common image is Barneyfag getting triggered
>Sup Forums is shitposting except there's AMD & NVidia
>Sup Forums is too busy baneposting to go full Sup Forums
Yup, this is accurate.
Curious as to the Top 6 of some other boards though.
>that spike during gamergate
the beginning of the end
>breaking the containment chamber
why contain it?
I'm curious what Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /jp/ are.
Would Sup Forums be a better place if phoneposters couldn't post at all?
Western part would be completely overwhelmed by Sup Forums, while the jap part would become much less so.
fa/tv/irgin here, seeking shelter from SW spoilers.
Sup Forums is infinitely worse. Consider that most Sup Forums threads actually pertain to video games. Our threads are either capeshit or outright Sup Forums shit, just some Trump tweet and a rant about niggers. Even Baneposting is dead now, it's all politics and superheroes. I've tried to be the change I want to see but discussion of niche films will die out at four replies at best.
Sup Forums might seem like a shithole but most places do until you've tried something different.
>Sup Forums is entirely pepe and wojack
Don't know whether or not I should be surprised
Sup Forums the anonymous reddit
Stream that film, if you're so great.
ducking idiots. this board has improved dramatically this passed year. even /e/ threads get deleted now, when was the last time you even so a /cgl/ thread?
/jp/ is probably 5 very specific Touhou reactions that everybody on the board has and Japanese Bird.
Sup Forums is probably 6 different images of suggestive SFW cartoon girl images from 6 different shows.
And Sup Forums runoffs flood Sup Forums so much that the actual board topic of comics dies in a flood of live action Sup Forums superhero posting.
2006: No phone posters
2016: Nothing but phone posters
So, yes. Why would you ever want to post here from a phone? Browse, sure, but you will never post anything worth reading as a phonefag.
Where do you go to find these repost stats?
It's kinda hard to explain but here it goes
Da combrence bestergay refealeb to the borld da buttering botheads dat run this clam.
Brice has alreagy ganked 10%. Once it greaks prough the $1.50 rebistange the ganic will gebin and ball holders and spectacles will gebin to boffgoad, with da gales albready bong gone.
Once it poots brough da $1 nark, unagated BEER will ribe grough all DARKies. With all those who pumped geir burrent abbounts into this clam bitching at deir arsemole gontinuoubly while debreshing gittrex.
The $0.50 bark will be get, the blargest ganic in pistory will ebsue. The binal beluded chodes will gebin to go obbline, and bageguckers with their femgineering palaries boaged up in ARK will be cleft with it guck in their ballet, unagle to bove it to gittrex to salbage gome self resbect.
Da grice BILL gank at this boint to pub $0.10, band most grobably pub IOC bevels.
Brom that gay borgard the beluged Darkie bagegucking femgineering berds who gought bis coin dinking it had bungamenbals will go back to their bobs, with no boney in deir gurrent abbounts, to be made rebungant by da gext bave of pajeets abbiving to ungerbut deir bages.
Beluged DARKies will hold gabs BOREVER, with no bob, no boney, and no grypto.
I barned you DARKies. Bear's still gime to bet out. Bell NOW.
Don't be beluged, don't be a DARKie. :DDD
What's /vp/?
it would but that wont stop people from doing it. its a battle you have no hope of winning.
It gets worse
what is that tweet? i dont ever recall seeing it
>barneyfag is Sup Forums's #1
The absolute state of this board.
>luluco that high
another barneyfag picture
If you looked at the numbers for image posts within the past year, I can 100% guarantee that most of the top 10 would be brainlet wojaks.
a more furry Sup Forums
Rename this board video games/random, and make /jv/, a japanese/vidya board. Maybe that way the mods will actually give a fuck.
pic related is reason enough fag