Opinion on the newest DLC?

opinion on the newest DLC?


the game still sucks

it doesn't if you are not Sup Forumstard butthurt about niggers

>white male on the cover
fucking hell

>Still plays BF4
>Played BF1 like 4 times and never touched it again.

Haven't played the game in a while. How's crouch sliding spam and ADAD after the patch?

>get back into bf4
>hackers everywhere

Only 2 maps for now, because apparently DICE feels it's better to break it up and stretch it out for longer.

The new weapons are very MEH-tier and most people won't be replacing them over their old favorite weapons.

Still haven't released the weapon time to kill fixes they've been testing on the CTE for months, though MAYBE next month.

I hated so much the progression in this game back when it came out. Yesterday I started playing it again and I'm glad that loot boxes now are not a random prize.

DLCs are a little expensive, maybe I buy one when they are in sale.

That buck tooth Russian dyke is disgusting I'd rather have the nigger.

I didn't mean progression. Just the way you get loot boxes. Progression is still pretty boring anyway.

>You have to be a Sup Forumstard to be butthurt
I don't care about niggers but those fucking machinguns and smg everywhere makes me mad.

we wuz soldiers n shiet


I really dislike Cape Helles, Achi Baba is beatiful and fun on conquest.
New weapons are mostly really cool.
I'm waiting for the second part of the DLC to drop, but from what I've seen Zeebrugge looks cancerous.

I have origin access so I recently installed bf4 and bf1 together. Quickly got bored of bf1 and deleted it, still play bf4.

This subscription model has a lot of issues but one great thing is that it removes any kind of buyer's remorse. There's no added cost to try any particular game, so there's no feeling of investment. It allows you to quickly tell which games are worth continued play and which you should just scrap.

If I had paid outright for bf1 I would probably play it all the time to subconsciously "justify" my "investment" to myself.

too much retarded SJW nigger shit


Much better now imo

The infiltrator class is fun, grenade launcher is amazing. But I'm still mad at how long this has taken compared to what they said originally.

People still play this garbage?

Does it make the game not be boring?

If you found the base game boring it's the same thing.

What has more players PC or PS4?

Best thing was the new medic rifle and the assignment that is making everyone right to revive you. I hope everyone remembers and starts to revive even after they finish the assignment. Also people are slowly starting to realize how important smoke grenades can be

Haven't played any game, only downloaded the update and checked the maps in the menu, is it really only 2 maps and 1 operation in this DLC?

PS4 has generally triple the amount of concurrent players.
Search BF1 player count.

Ps4 has 38k at the moment vs PC 18k

$15 for the pass right now I think on consoles, PC should be getting it soon, if not definitely for Christmas sales

Yeah, 2 more maps next month. French and Russian had 2 extra maps to make the total an even 20 when Apocalypse comes out

PS4, even BF4 had 20K players last weekend and the damn thing was a launch title.

I never bought it, 60$ isn't worth how much I'm actually gonna play it. I already got what I need.

>dice is the only company that acknowledges people who play snipers are fucking niggers

Why do leftypol soyboys worship niggers?

Is this game still as boring as it was a year ago?

I still have 5 hours left on my Origin trial for it. Is it worth going back and trying again?

even xbone has more players for this than pc


Didn't EA/Dice say those numbers from any website are not correct?

I'd wait until the final xpac. Nothing has really changed.

They said that about Battlefront to cover for the fact that no one was playing it.

But iirc they said this before Battlefront2 was even out.

There was a Battlefront that came out before Battlefront 2, It's called Battlefront.

I thought you were talking about the recent one. Can't blame myself for that train of thought.

Yes. Problem?

But that was a thing ever since Battlefield franchise came to consoles, I don't see youe point.

>the dreadnought on Cape Helles
Jesus fucking Christ

>mfw still manage to hold first sector through two rounds of dreadnought insanity and score perfect defense.

Good thing half of those idiots just wanna be faggots and snipe from the dumb boat. Out of 32 players on the enemy team they had exactly one medic


Pretty much the same story with Operations since day 1.
Most Attack teams just want to sit back and snipe, but end up getting farmed by the defense team.
Operations is pretty shit unless you're on a good defense team picking them off like a shooting gallery.

>the game gets better after lowering the skill ceiling

reddit everyone

If I want automatic tacticool weapons I'll play a game with modern setting
When I play a game with historic setting I want to play with the more common weapons, that being bolt actions and trench war in this case. Now it's just stupid and the same boring shit than every earlier game was, except it's even more boring because now you can't even customize your weapons properly, while being stuck to same style of weaponry and gameplay

Why do people still play this casual cancer when there are way better battlefield-like shooters out there?

How's crouch sliding and ADAD spam is skill?

You're on of those who think that parry spamming with cestus in ds3 is skill as well

Cape Helles blows in conquest but have you tried it in Operations? It’s like D-day, pretty fun

Lowered the skill ceiling for players. Good for shitters, bad for Pros.

>it's the Sup Forums Boogeyman

The game just flat out sucks, you can't spin it

>game you like sucks
Never heard this arguement before, interesting

There is no better 64p class based infantry/vehicle MP fps out there atm.

Nah, the gameplay is trash.
>Add way more random spread to guns and suppression so the weapon bullet plots are almost twice as wide as BF4's
>Make the snipers so fucking stupidly overpowered by increasing velocity, reducing drop, and having one shot chest kills ranges
>Vehicles are even more fucking overpowered from BF4 and can autorepair disabling shots

Play back to basics or hardcore

>tfw when you get that apex predator A1 alpha prime team of rabid medic whoring chads who just literally run into objectives and never lose a single battalion in a whole campaign of operations although its 3 maps and fuckloads of flags
>tfw you get the same attackers as a defender

I bet you're fine with the semi-auto rifles, you historically illiterate retard.

The maps are pretty good, theres some problems though. The defender spawn on cape helles conquest is fucking RETARDED and should have been all the way back at the other beach. The destroyer/dreadnought can just insta farm the defender main spawn, same with the torpedo boat spawn.

Operations as a defender on cape helles is fucking ridiculous though
The first round is a literal fucking christmas miracle because of how easy it is to defend.
Achi Baba is a bit better because of the elite spawns but it can boil down to loads of gadget spam either way.

Its a good DLC, not as good as the Tsar one. I'm excited for the last map in this though, it hasn't been revealed yet.

>Playing anything published by EA


Tsar was shite, it only had two good maps (Lupkow and Albion).

Tsar was fucking great on operations though. Galicia is legit one of the best operations maps and its exactly what Sup Forums always whines about this game not having.
Brusilov Keep on conquest is great as well.
The wealth of weapons was good too.

M1903 Sniper for headshots of course. And because I don't like the sweet spot mechanic.

>tfw used the 1903 for like 6000 kills before going back to the Gewehr98, having realized its just worse

Bullet velocity is so fucking important its not even funny, the firerate on the 1903 is nice but it just simply loses to the 98 on bullet speed

>using the hitscan98
Here's your problem. The 1903 is one of few weapons in this game that takes some skill compared to the other rifles.


Cape Helles is trash
Achi Baba is kinda cool

>I don't like the sweet spot mechanic.

Then why use the furthest range one, why not the M.95 or Vetterli?

Is BF4 still alive bro's loved that shit, remember i dropped it because i could only find like 3-4 good servers if that, PC btw

Real scouts use the Russian 1895 Trench

its actually fun unlike bf3 and 4 they made battlefield chaotic again

I am yeah, it's pretty annoying to see your country represented as 50% nonwhite.

Im guilty of this. I only use smoke grenades now and its pretty helpful. Plus i get 2 at a time which is neat.

could use some fixing up


Who has given this game a single inch of a fuck for this game a couple weeks after its lackluster release?
>still STILL FUCKING STILL giving EA money after all these years
Kindly neck yourselves.

This user knows whats up

Mondragon all the way baby. Automatic weapons (besides LMG's) are for the dogs.


>debate me on why last year's AAA microtransaction-palooza is da best in da world!!!!!!!!
>pls stop saying mean things about it and like it pls ;_;

How are you so braindead?

As a BF fan, nobody cares. The last real BF we had was 4. Everything since has felt like a gimmick or expansion.

The fanbase is waiting for BF5. Until then EA will lose a portion to the casuals among 3-4 games (BF hardine, Battlefront 1/2, BF 1...)

Expect the series to be shelves in the next few years when the name is tainted again by controversy. Even the normies I work with found out about the battlefield 2 shite. Similar to the Xbone announcement.

Fucking videogames after 2007 man....

Over 150 000 people care every single day user.

Don't know, stopped playing shortly after the first DLC came out.

It's shit user.

>BF hardine
People still play it?

>EA decides to make a game called Bad Company while they're in the running to get worst company of the year for the third year in a row
Narrative causality is real guys.

This shit is still alive?

I can still find matches on Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2 on Xbox

Cape helles is trash. First point as a defender on operations is way to easy to defend

its probably the best looking game ive ever played

It doesn't have a sniper scope. The fire rate make it more like a shotgun with slugs. And the weapon model and reload are just meh for me.
Just like the Martini-Henry and SMLE, this weapon has a short sweet spot range which it can be abused and get cheap kills with it. Looks and sounds nice though.

>have to blow up 5 boats with the AT rocket gun to get the cool Assault automatic pistol

this is suffering, do neutral boats count? even on the new boat map its hard to hit the boats in the distance and you need to land like 3 solid shots to sink a single boat.
what were they thinking?


what game?

$15 for premium, is it worth it? I'm bro tempted to pull the trigger. They still let your friends play the dlc if they're with you right?

not sure about the friends thing but the DLC breaks down like this
>p good