Observe Samus Aran's crotch armor

Observe Samus Aran's crotch armor.

Do you notice anything?


No hole where i ciould put my dick?

it's made for rubbing, not for penetrating

She needs shithole remodeling.

very true

Is this a Metroid thread? I just started yet another replay of both Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Samus Returns and I could do with a Metroid thread.

Also I'm really enjoying my Samus figma.

no, it is speciically about Samus' crotch armor nd its characteristics

please remain on-topic

Some jpeg artifacts I guess

it looks kind of slutty

Are any of the Metroid manga any good?


the chibi one sure is


Alright, I guess my image kinda relates to the topic though.

Not really.

Which ones?

ew no, that version looks like trash

Is that a dicktip poking up out of her waistband?



delete this goy

>xbros are underage
>sonybros hahahahahhahahahahahahahahh goldenface.bmp
>nintenbros are sick fucks


I want to rub it