When does this start gettting good? I just finished chapter 4 and so far it hasn't been as amazing as you guys made it out to be. Gameplay is kinda fun but it gets boring rather fast plus while the world is beautiful it feels pretty empty. And do the characters and story ever stop being shit? So will it get better later or should I just drop it and get XC2?
When does this start gettting good...
>Diversity the game, 2015/6
>Weird xeno mechanics
I'm a fan and playing the new one, but I'm not autistic to tell you it's perfect. Beware of those people.
The moment you get a skell and then unlock its real power, you're going to love it. Just save, save, save -- you'll never know when a badass enemy comes out of nowhere and destroys it.
I generally like the expansive worlds, the stories, and the feeling of accomplishment. Everything else is... pretty mediocre desu.
Here's the XB2IDF trying to decry X because it's a better game.
>no skells
Why, Sup Forums?
>Empty world
Explain this meme.
>Save scumming in a game that allows you to continue after death
How much of a pussy can you be?
You got memed
Just play XC1. It's the only good game one the series.
XCX is not played for plot. It's played for the environment and gameplay. The gameplay will get a new option that opens up both features by a wide margin called a "skell" and then, much later, you can get a skell that's capable of flying, which opens it up fully.
If you want story, you'll find the good stuff in the writing for the sidequests. If you're looking for main story, 70% of it occurs in chapters 11, 12 and the epilogue...the final two hours of game. And it's not complicated or involved. It's extremely simple. The biggest element being a large twist uttered as the very final line at the very end of the credit sequence after the game is over.
That's right, goy! Who cares about the millions of shekels you lose when your skells are destroyed? Support your local multicultural economy!
in over 100 hours of XCX I havn't missed a single perfect eject
it will not just listen to the soundtrack my dude
This mecha always makes me want to play the game but it's probably not worth it for it alone.
the mecha actually make the game worse
If Sup Forums is telling me this then I know for sure it's great.
don't say I didn't warn you
waifus > mechas
Bro, its not good. It fucking sucks. Only reason some say its good is because its a fucking exclusive.
But why can't we have both, user? WHY?
XC2 > XC1 > XCX
If you disagree you are a faggot
I know for a fact people would say this even if XC2 was bad, because this is Sup Forums and the game is an exclusive.
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying even if it is, people like you would be saying the same.
Gameplay-wise, soon enough. Overdrive is one of the best mechanics but the game is awful at explaining it, so you gotta do your research to fully understand its potential.
Overdrive aside, you probably haven't even reached the end of a class tree.
Once you master Duelist for instance, you are free to equip Assault Rifle and Longsword in any other class - usually Dual Guns(Commando, Winged Viper, FMJ) are paired with the Longsword in optimal builds.
Story-wise, it's nothing impressive really, but it gets better than Chapter 4 for sure.
X's world is far from empty, there's plenty to see. The fun of the game is running across the huge gorgeous landscapes just taking it all in for hours on end, then doing it all over again in a mech. The combat and story are just dumb jrpg schlock, but the world is the most immersive of any video game, and it's for this reason that Xenoblade X is the finest game ever created.
>Assblasted XC2 fag strikes again
How does it feel to have your story focused game feel so inferior to a tech demo?
It doesn't get good.
XC2 > XCX > XC1 imo, they just get better
each shares a flaw the other doesn't but they progressively get better overall. I hope they go full Morytha with the DLC
>the game is an exclusive
like the other two?
Well, you would like to have elma as a waifu
Different people say different thing, in my opinion
After first Mech>On Foot>Flying Unlocked.
I actually liked On Foot combat but i liked traveling with the Robots vehicle mode and then disembark to fight on foot instead of fast traveling places, but flight made that too easy.
PHOENIX+Flight+ ABOVE ENEMY multipliers made grinding easy too easy too.
There's also sorts of things you can find, not to mention the metric fuckton of wildlife you come across.