Can we all agree that it was shit?
Can we all agree that it was shit?
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can Sup Forums agree? no
No. I'm doing my second playthrough now. It's great fun.
Good atmosphere and exploration, mediocre combat and questing, weak story and characters.
It was good. Didn't deserve GOTY though because it had many obvious flaws.
t. someone who played the game
It wasn't shit but wait few years and all Zelda fans will shit on it just like on Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, claiming that they never liked it in the first place.
No. It was a well deserved GotY.
It was actually quite good got it for Wii U and switch
t. nintenbro
Why does story matter in a Zelda game?
Too many shrines which has 0 relation to the open world.
>this same post every day for a year which ignores the game's crucial flaws
Can we all agree that this game causes endless posterior aching regardless of it's quality?
yeah big shit like the entire saga
Just like all the industry insiders and rival developers who heaped praise on the game too. All of them Nintenbros and/or paid off, right?
No it was great, so was Bloodborne. Suck my sweaty cock.
>Goddamn those pipes in Super Mario Bros! The underground has no relation to the overworld. The entire gameplay is RUINED!
>Giving a shit about other opinions
They're retarded, blinded shills. The game is GOOD but it clearly doesn't deserve GOTY. The combat is fucking SHIT. The sidequests are all fucking fetch quests and Shrine quests. Fucking Skyrim has better sidequests. The only thing this game has going for it are the godlike physics and open world. Thats it. Very very good in two things and fucking shit in others. Makes a good game overall but in no fucking way the best game of the year.
You mean the same people paid to praise any AAA game that comes their way?
Cry some moar ACfag
It was fine the way it was but I sort of wish there were a lot less shrines but that they were longer and more full featured like mini dungeons instead of one room micro dungeons.
Exactly. Just like when Jake Solomon praised Mario + Rabbids, he was paid off.
Because it sets the pace for the game. I'm sure a better story could have been made, but they fucked themselves in the ass with the open world meme. It often makes story telling difficult.
That don't sound like an argument, soylent.
Nah OP, the game is a genre-defining masterpiece.
It's not perfect, it has some niggles. But these are minor quibbles which never overshadow what is a exceptional gaming experience and a masterclass in game design.
Not shit but 7/10.
It's a great walking simulator with occasional combat.
And I don't mean that to sound like a shitposter.
It actually does have a lot of great scenery. But the climbing and paragliding get old when it's easier to just teleport everywhere
You don't have an argument to refute kiddo.
>game was too different from traditional Zeldas,
>If the game was the same old Zelda formula, you guys would be saying it was shit anyway
There is no pleasing you faggots.
My argument was already presented: why should I praise a game that game journos and the (((industry))) likes, when they've proven to be the most disgusting hive of scum to ever infest video games? They have NEVER been right on anything, and they never will be right.
>being this contrarian
I don't know. I don't like the open world approach as much. Call me a fag.
My favorite Zelda is still Oracle of Seasons.
So, if an old school gamer like me, who owns every major console for the past 30 years, was to tell you I think it's an incredible achievement and an amazing game, would you accept that? I'm not paid off or a blind fan boy. What say you?
The Zelda formula was fine, it was a matter of making it better than the garbage it became over 20 years of stagnation, not throwing it away.
>being this salty about Zelda winning a deserved GOTY award.
The fact that this thread exists just proves what a salty permavirgin you are OP.
>Sup Forums two years ago
>"modern Zelda games are shit, they're too linear when the original games were open world"
>Sup Forums after BotW released
>"this is shit, Nintendo fell for the open world meme when Zelda games have always been linear. OoT is how the series has always been"
>media tells me it was good so it was good
It was good tho
>Blind nintenbro calling others permavirgin
>old school gamer
>relies on the "it's popular, therefore it's good" argument
>can't back up claim in any way whatsoever.
dungeons/bosses sucked
that's about it, everything else was great
Yea, but soyboys will defend it all the way.
I liked it before i saw any reviews on it, uh oh
I can agree that it's story, most of it's music, final boss, and ending were shit. Also difficulty was kinda all over the place.
Though everything else about the game was top tier so it's a fantastic game.
You're still relying on the reviews to argue that it's good.
Using teleport occasionally is fine, but if you used teleport as excessively as you seemed to means that you probably didnt get the full experience. Hopefully you at least played in pro mode.
How did you come to that conclusion, i liked the game without any reviews, why would i need reviews to be good to argue the game is good? I would like the game even if the reviews were hyper critical. Learn to read, you monkey.
gghhhh hnnnn mmmmgghhhnnhhhh
>botw goty
hhhhheeehhhh uuuunngggghnnnnnngggg
I'm really loving it but I wish they kept track of certain things. Like recipes for food. Hell having to slowly make multiple recipe is just plan annoying. Durability is dumb but doesn't really hurt that much personally.
Just did the island shrine where they took all your stuff and boy it was fun and super annoying.
>>relies on the "it's popular, therefore it's good" argument
Never said any such thing.
>>can't back up claim in any way whatsoever.
Using my experience of playing vidya for 30 years and my understanding of Game Design, I could explain EXACTLY why BotW is a masterpiece. But it's probably stuff you've already heard and are still in denial about so whats they point?
I didn’t like it, but then again I hate open world games, so take it with a grain of salt. Loved Mario Odyssey tho.
Also, what the FUCK is up with all the trans shit in Zelda? This was my first Zelda, is it normal that EVERYONE is either a transgender, a strong black woman (who don’t need no man), or a fantasy creature?
The secret is that you there's really no need to keep track of recipes. Each ingredient just has some stats and when cooked it's all just added together. Ingredients don't "synergize" to create secret combinations or anything like that. The recipes you do see on posters in inns are really only visually distinct.
True. Really I just wish I could easily make multiple food in one go than having to go in the menu each time to hold the items I need. It's just time consuming for no real good reason personally.
traps arent trans retard
So why can't you handle criticism of the game without relying on metacritic or game awards?
>Using my experience of playing vidya for 30 years and my understanding of Game Design,
Gonna stop you right there. 30 FPS and season passes are not good things. You trying to defend them as such only outs you as a fake.
Can we talk about how bullshit the lightning storms work?
>See a Cyclops during a lightning storm
>Sneak up to it and drop a metal shield right next to it
>Wait 1 or 2 minutes and no lightning even begins to strike
>Drop 3 metal weapons around it
>Same issue
>Move them slightly farther away but in strike range
>no go
>Move them completely out of range of hitting cyclops
>instantly starts attracting lightning
I don't understand why there's all kinds of cool shit you can do but this is forbidden for reasons unknown.
No argument there. Only advice I can add is to only cook things you actually have use for to save time. If you for example already have the armour set that maxes out your fire, cold, thunder resistance, etc then there's really no need to make it. By the end you really only want Max HP and speed boosting ingredients as well as maybe one or two Endurance and Attack up meals.
Switchfag here
love the game
think it has a number of flaws
but it didn't ruin enough of my enjoyment.
Solid 8-8.5/10 for me.
I'm almost certain these threads are just made by consolewar falseflaggers now.
I know a lot of people who own a Switch personally and met a lot of them online and they're fine.
Sup Forums is fucking garbage now, every side of the fence is pretty much the worst representation of their own fanbase,
every thread is the same boring shit every day, the new reaction and shitposting images get old faster than ever.
I'm not even frustrated, I get on my computer super fucking bored and scrolling through the catalog does nothing for me anymore.
>Sup Forums says Uncharted is the worst series to ever exist and that only sonybros like it
>it was GOTY 2016
>now GOTY awards matter again when Zelda has its turn
No. You don't have to like it, but if you can't appreciate it for what it is, you are a fucking retard.
I'll only consider the positives (the physics system) if you acknowledge the negatives (the horrific framerate, the overpriced moneygrubbing season passes, the liberal propaganda, etc).
>Sup Forums is one person
There were additional problems with previous Zelda games and different solutions to those problems that didn't rely on going full open world with the game just like there are problems with BotW that wouldn't be improved by being as aggressively linear as some of the previous entries.
> (You)
>So why can't you handle criticism of the game without relying on metacritic or game awards?
Dont know where youre getting that from, pal, i never mentioned either of those two things except to say i like it despite them. Whether they are positive or negative i dont give a shit. Believe it or not, i just like the game as is, no external influences. Maybe you think i am someone else? Not everyone is one person, buddyboy.
>liberal propaganda
Now this I gotta hear....
>(liberal propaganda)
Sup Forumsturds pls you aren't welcome here baby.
and what game deserved the goty according to you?
>Dont know where youre getting that from, pal,
Anytime I bring up criticism of the game, I get called a sonybro and someone brings up metacritic to show how "wrong" I am. You can't take innocence from that.
all I'm saying is this: crossdressing in a game is completely stupid and has no place other than to ruin the gameplay. No, I don't care if it's a joke, I hated it when FF7 did it, I hate it here. It did nothing but try and get brownie points with the SJW audience.
t. sonygglet.
one got 10/10 because it's a movie.
the other got 10/10 because it's a game.
Why is BotW the first Zelda where people start whining about story? It never fucking mattered before, why does it matter now?
That's not an argument. Game journos praised the gameplay of both titles equally.
But it had the best boss in the series.
Agreed. Bought it for both Wii U and recently on Switch, plus the DLC on Switch. On my master mode playthrough and still having a blast even after 120+ hours of playtime all together.
botw was god tier compared to most of Zelda
H-hey, this user is correct.
Not him, but I'm glad you asked.
We can all agree that OP will always be a faggot.
How much of a hipster contrarian can you be?
There is nothing wrong with being contrarian against the disgusting scum that is the gaming industry.
>It did nothing but try and get brownie points with the SJW audience.
Go offline. You're clearly drunk.
Haven't owned a psanything in my life. Actually more of a nintenbro if anything and I can acknowledge the mistakes they made on this game.
I haven't played it, but it fell for the open world meme so I doubt I will agree with half the people that laude it as the second coming.
Still, rather surprising from Nintendo, what with their "if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality." Though I guess the jump wasn't that impressive.
>he says while making another "sony is evil sjws" thread, unaware of the irony
I can't remember the last time I played a game with controls this bad. I spend half the time fighting with them, Link constantly dodges in the wrong direction or not at all, there's random delays between pressing a button and performing an action yet other times does it instantly and fighting more than one opponent is a complete mess thanks to the shitty camera and lock on system (which genius had the idea to not let the player select a target?). There's a good game behind it all but every time I start to enjoy myself I make the mistake of trying to ride a horse. The whole idea of horses disobeying you is shitty to begin with, but combined with the awful controls and terrible collision detection it makes horse riding insufferable. It is the single worst mechanic I've seen so far this decade and whoever came up with it should be fucking shot.
Despite this I'd say it's a decent game, probably a 3/5 but could've been a 4/5 with a bit more polish and if it were developed for hardware that wasn't utter shite. If this is GotY then we've had a fucking terrible year.
>I can't remember the last time I played a game with controls this bad. I spend half the time fighting with them, Link constantly dodges in the wrong direction or not at all, there's random delays between pressing a button and performing an action yet other times does it instantly
You're likely telling the truth. But that honestly sounds more like you had trouble with your actual controller(s) and their hardware. More so than the game.
Is this autismo or cemu retardation?
>objectively game of the year if NOT the decade
yea ok buddy
No and I thought the game was awful
>The author is so dumb he doesn't realize that he can just create a new system account to get a new save file for his son.
He deserves this.
I think we can all agree Sup Forums ain't getting over being BTFO by Nintendo.