Do it faggot

Do it faggot.

You're a fucking retard if you think I wouldn't criticize my favorite game.

Devs ruined the community over 10 years
Its full of shitty roleplayers
Story became fanfic tier

Graphics suck
Not enough content.
Implied sex scenes are missing.

>super metroid
Some of it is too cryptic, the final boss was a cheap cinematic cop-out, and the Ridley glitch, while hilarious, ruined what could have been a kino fight

Ultimate Doom
>nightmare difficulty
>i don't like some of the levels in thy flesh consumed
>some of the music is bland

1. it doesn't have a sequel
2. sometimes it's just TOO good and it overwhelms me
3. slight balance issues

Camera sucks
Lives are pointless
Odyssey is better

Blue coins were awful, Last boss was awful, Last level was awful, pachinko level was legitimately poorly designed (although i never had a problem with it personally).

>Shitty tank and helicopter battles (especially if you want to stealth S-rank it)
>That ghost mission
>Shitty level designs

-Plot points at the end are incredibly bad.
-The introduction is incredibly painful to play again after the first playthrough because of it's lenght.
-No gay romance, even if the game sets it up perfectly.

>conspicuously placed cover makes it obvious when a gunfight is about to break out. Could have been avoided with more variety in cover objects/shapes and more frequent placement of cover-like objects in non-combat areas
>characters frequently point out the next target landmark, but it is never necessary and rarely even possible to actually use that landmark for navigation
>Joel's lack of an unlimited-use combat knife like Ellie's switchblade is the most objectionable concession to gameplay over logic. I'm not sure how this could have been fixed since the limited shiv mechanic is important to avoid making melee overpowered

1) some chapters have too much backtracking
2) game’s too easy
3) partners don’t interact much after their introduction

>easy af even on hardest difficulty
>the only thing your choices affect is whinch picture you'll see in the end
>brick has more personallity than the main character

>a bit on the easy side once you figure it out
>only two options for English: Shitty PS1 translation or overdone meme translation
>Characters lose all plot relevance once they join your party because they can perma-die

what game?

vanilla kotor 2 ??

Randoms battles
Useless party members
Somewhat lame final battle

Final Fantasy Tactics?

Somewhat annoying underwater level
Mood/Tone issues when balancing humor with tragedy, some people would say it's too melodramatic.
Certain bosses are huge difficulty spikes

>Takes two loading screens to fast travel
>Shit fps
Also, leveling should not exist in souls games.

Stalker call of chernobyl
difficulty level is a joke.
the only time i had some trouble was my first encounter with pseudogiant ( i was unprepared for it) my first encounter with controler and fight with those burers inside tunel. other stalkers/bandits/mercenaries are not threat to you.
it really is easy you just have to be carefull.


Artificial length
Merry-go-round music

3? How about 5?

Game more or less is a never-ending fetch-quest
Game has both random encounters and high encounter rate
Game often forces you to use characters you haven't been using who will be dead-weight when you are forced to use them or to spend some time leveling them up
Game has a terribad translation that manages to have "yes" and "no" mixed up and give very vague idea of what you are supposed to do next at best
Good fucking luck figuring out how to find the earth shaman or how to get the best ending without using guides or walkthroughs

This game basically features everything I hate about JRPGs and yet it is one of my all-time favorites. How the fuck does that work?

>party interaction could be deeper
>jeff should have more useful items, instead of being the bazooka and bottle rocket guy
>monkey caves, or rather the item management required to navigate it

Paper Mario TTYD

1.Slightly too easy.
2.Backtracking can be annoying
3.Music isn'r as good as the original Paper Mario.

1) Bottles Bonus puzzles have to be redone every time you turn the game back on if you want to use those cheats again
2) There's no point in collecting the last 19 Notes or 40 Mumbo Tokens
3) Freezeezy Peak requires being backtracked to because you can't beat Boggy in the second race without the shoes from Gobi's Valley

>Moment to moment combat is fairly boring
>Levels consist of going from locked room to locked room, killing enemies to clear the room
>Paying attention to the time for feeding mags is a pain
I love what the game is going for but my goodness, it could be done so much better now-a-days.

Magic system is exploitable
Plot deteriorates rapidly, especially at the end
Didn't get a chance to fuck my hot teacher

That's WoW rigt? Anyway here's mine
>It's buggy as fuck
>Only single difficulty is playable
>ctd all the time

>Ruined the series forever
>Trophies on ps3 and ps4 are easy as fuck and unnispired, also no platinum
>No extreme mode with a bazillion enemies

Kh 2?

F F 8
is a good game

The formula is getting stale
Competitive play is in the shit hole
Devs need to stop taking good features away each iteration

tekken or some other fighting game?

I can't. I welcome anyone to try.

>it runs like shit
>developed by Obsidian Entertainment
>open world meme
Graphics are alright because it's a RPG and I like the theme

I can't think of 3 bad things about Super Mario Bros. 3, help me out Sup Forums

>Too easy
>96 instead of 100 triggers my autism
>Gave birth to a plethora of Kaizo mods

>Blood Vial system is a downgrade from estus
>Bosses locked behind tedious chalice dungeons
>Too short

>Thunderblight Ganon is an asshole
>You can't pet dogs
>You can't repair or improve weapons

Third act on the island is shit.
The big room to get Ashley on the higher level to pull the cranks is annoying and stressful.
No option to switch outfits in-game thus needing multiple saves for different outfits.

>Second chapter is godawful
>The game doesn't explain how to fly a plane well at all
>Your brother is a fucking idiot who refuses to take his head out of his ass

>Blood Vial system is a downgrade from estus
Why does everyone say this? I dont understand whats so wrong with it.
Like because you cant just refill them? you have to go out and buy/farm some?

Honestly blood vials are only trouble upto gascoigne, after that i had a lot in my box

>2d despite having "3d" graphics
>lack of reason to explore the maps
>combat is lame

>Too many broken options like X-Fire and Gil Toss
>too many useless padding skills like wield axes and calm animals, you have to artificially limit yourself for many skills to be useful
>Lenna and Krile don't have much personality

>"there is an intruder"
>didn't step in the light
>was walking as slow as possible to avoid making noise
other than that occasional thing, i can't really name anything else.

I agree that after Gacoigne it stops being a real issue, I just think that forcing players to farm is inherently bad game design

>Can't walk outside my truck and manually hook/unhook trailer, or walk in and enjoy a cup of coffee at a truck stop

>Graphics are good but honestly still pretty bland, base map is absolutely dreadful to drive through when the DLC maps are 100x better

>Could still use way more customisation options. the two tuning packs were great, now we need packs for the other truck companies

>Third act on the island is shit.
Its not as good, atmosphere wise as the rest, but it has some of the highlights of the game, like regenerators and such, also the island is a very stressful place. Only part that i really dont like is the bulldozer, because it can get boring after playing it 12 times
>The big room to get Ashley on the higher level to pull the cranks is annoying and stressful.
literally only the first time through, if you have the semi auto rifle you can beat it in 3 minutes
>No option to switch outfits in-game thus needing multiple saves for different outfits.
I guess i never thought about it, i mean on ng+ you can beat the game in 4 hours and then you can select a new costume.
If anything i would complain that there arent a lot more costumes.
Take a look at re6, many great costumes and you cant fucking use them

>set in finland
>looks like a fucking minecraft game
>shitbox is an uncontrollable piece of shit at hihg speed

>Shit story/character development
>Post game sucks
>combat system is bad

>auto-healing and auto-repairing of vehicles
>very little variety in maps that are still being played
>no sugarcoating it, it's an EA game

>gameplay becomes easy/chore-some after first playthrough
>couple puzzles had obscure answers
>endings are based on two factors instead of overall gameplay

And I still love it.

1. Pleb-tier fanbase and massive crowd hate.
2. Meant to be played online but most players play offline and no cross-platform play.
3. I keep putting hundreds of hours into a character then rerolling and have never completed the game due to this.
I'm willing to bet someone can guess this one first try...

Why is it your favorite then

Not him but that's fucking not what the thread is about

>Never going to get a good remake

>More scenes could have been real cutscenes
>Is real slow at the beginning
>No assets on important stuff (No blood, injuries, and some important background characters are GENERIC NPC MODELS FOR FUCKS SAKE)

Aside from those the game is perfect for me. Loved it, can't wait for their next project.

>i don't like some of the levels in thy flesh consumed


Chrono Trigger
>Too fucking easy
>All sidequests are at the end of the game and the rewards makes the game even more easy
>Magus is over hyped takes too much to catch up

>most enemies have hitscan attacks and will fuck you up regardless of how well you prepare/fight them
>Cyberspace is rad as shit, but movement is like sliding on ice
>mouselook mod is kind of a necessity
>leaning still lets you get shot, so on level 5(I think) you still have to take damage while your shoved down corridors with hitscan enemies

It didn't have online,
The learning curve was too high so pussy's nitpicked it.
The fun ended where it began.

Here's a bonus, Bungie are niggers false prophets.

Metroid: Fusion
>Stopped many times throughout the game by dialogue that's mainly one sided until the near end
>Yakuza-X is a sudden spike in the intensity of bosses, and afterwards it's an immediate SA-X chase scene, losing to either sends you way back.
>Not being able to really backtrack to other sectors was weird, if you had a specific part to do but you wanted to revisit an area, better hope you can or else the door is locked.

I have more to say but I'll abide by the three

Persona 4


It was buggy and unfinished on release
combat is too easy usually
Your gender determines which one of two characters you get in your party that run and the male option is boring as fuck and feels way less connected to the story than the female one

>It never got a sequel it deserved.
>Combat can be awful.
>Lots of cut content, making game feel unfinished (especially towards the end).

Kotor 2

>hmmmm a drowner, gotta be
>hmmm he went through this trail of white dots to this area of yellow
>hmm, a drowner, better use an oil before i effortlessly kill it


not long enough
not enough bestiality content
and not enough mother on her child incest.

>Your gender determines which one of two characters you get in your party that run and the male option is boring as fuck and feels way less connected to the story than the female one
Are we talking about the same game by any chance?

I bet we are

Yes we did, lol.

outdated graphics
relied too heavily on instanced content
publisher was a faggot who killed it before its time

>Main character's boyfriend is a total edgelord
>Main character is a complete retard
>first half of the game is extremely formulaic

>takes more than an hour to actually let you play the game proper
>tutorial literally only teaches you how to press button and doesn't explain jack shit about the mechanics
>best ending is cryptic to get

No easy way to replay levels; you bave to enter a code the game never even tells you about.
The boss foghts are mostly uninspired beat em ups (aside from 1 GOAT fight).
The first boss's suit sucks.

>it runs like shit
>developed by Obsidian Entertainment
Why have you repeated yourself?

3. When I'm playing it I am not doing something that I truly want to be doing, and generally oftenmost don't feel right whenever Ichoose to boot it up.
2. What it could be/have been if it were developed further.
1. It dulls my mind


Did you play the later titles for the ps1? I think I played some of the earlier BoF years ago, but don't really remember much about them


There, that's 3. Guaranteed to get instant revulsion.

>it looks like shit, even for the standards of the time. The PS2 port improved rendering in some ways but was severely memory starved
>the voice acting is hammy
>it's incredibly unbalanced

Melee combat sucks