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I'm not sure what would change about VRchat apart from real waifus
>Tekken 7
I'd try not to die.
Nothing of value to bring back.
>warhammer total war 2
try not to die
bring back a dark elf gf
>Crusader Kings 2
>Asturias, AD 769
Probably get AIDS and die 1 hour in.
>doom 4
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
Oh boy the 80s
last thin I played was doom evilution so
>covered in corpes left behind by the doomguy
>problably the beginning of the first level
>at the same time the doomguy appears so they shoot him instead of me
I will probably end up with PTSD if I survive
>Starcraft 2
I guess after all the war shit is over, I'd either take a ghost suit for cloak or a protoss shield crystal.
>In the pug
>Try not to be lewded for 24 hours
>Run over to the presentation room and bring back marker
>Team Fortress 2
>2fort outside of the fence, out of bounds from the fighting, or alternatively inside the intelligence room with 3 level three sentries surrounding me at all times
>Overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime overtime
Bimbo liqueur or a stack of pure succubus milk
I'm not coming back, you can't make me. Let me stay here.
>Titanfall 2
I think titans are too big to count as ''souvenirs'' so a jump pack or some shit,I dunno.
Do servers count as part of the location or part of the game?
>Metal Gear Solid V: Ground zeroes
>Can't wait to see Big Boss in action and be recruted into MSF.
[spoiler >Can't wait to see Chico raping Paz [/spoiler]
>existing before the 20th century
>Space Station 13
1. Try not to die
2. CentCom Command
3. Literally makes no difference.
4. A [STAND]
>Super Mario Odyssey
1. Getting to Rosalina, whether by Peach's wishing or planting the visit idea in Mario's head
2. Mushroom Kingdom
3. Post-game
4. Power Moon, Mushroom, whatever, but hopefully a kissed cheek from Rosalina
Hotline miami. Free pizza. Stay at home....
Metro 2033
>Talking to the people in Polis station, hearing the stories, maybe participate in a border defense
>Bring back pic related if I survive
xenoblade 2
1) open blades till i find a cute grill
2) grommott
3) doesn't matter
4) cute grill blade
Poly Bridge
>Building Bridges
>Some small town in the forest
>a bridge
>reference pic related
>forget to add pic
>Tee Eff Too
>Dustbowl or Goldrush
Just spectating lmao
bring back any Australium weapon
World of Warcraft
Hopefully I end up in Stormwind
Ask inn keeper for a hearthstone and ask if you can set the stone at my home and how to do it
When I get home, set my hearth at home, instant way home whenever. If I end up in Silverman, though, I probably end up in elf jail and get nothing done. I at least get to enjoy elves, and if I have my phone I'll probably take some pictures for home
>Modded Skyrim
I'll bring back my waifu to the real world
CKII for me too my nig, though I know what I'll be doing.
Last game I played was Jojo's Bizarre Adventure arcade fighting game. I would just choose a time between part 2 and part 3 where Cars is already gone and Dio hasn't surfaced yet. I'd likely just be homeless for 24 hours. Not enough time to land a job and get a first pay check to really start living in and experiencing the universe. Attempting to get ahead early with crime sounds too risky, possibility of injury or death if I go too hard. As a souvenir I'd take either The Red Stone of Aja to sell it or Lisa Lisa to fug if taking her with me makes her mine.
>Forza 7
1. I race around limerock as much as i want
2. Limerock Connecticut
3. June, as it's not snowing
4. I take back a fatshit charger daytona and sell it to some dumb boomer for a gorillian dollars
>try to summon a blade
>stuck with a nose bleed for the next 24 hours
Rising storm 2: vietnam
I probably won't be going home, if I do then I take a classic m1 rifle.
Let's go little guy! I need more of that gooey purple stuff!
>769 ad
i have good new user
you would not die of aids
>female symbol
Which faggot site did you repost this from?
>Shin Megami Tensei 1
1) promptly shit my pants hoping that i won't become some demon's lunch
2) a bar in shinjuku
3) hours before everything goes to hell
4) bringing back a demon summoning program would be dope as fuck though
>hang out observing 10o asses
>hopefully a relay so I don't instadie
>whenever the game takes place
>my own Nyx frame to fulfill mind control fantasies with
Dota 2
Stay at fountain
Am I in the French Revolution, or am I in the modern world in the machine playing the French Revolution?
>Fallen London
Im stealing a correspondence tablet and selling it to scientists for a fuckton, or deliver it to the church to prove the existance of a scipt of the lord or something for sweet sweet dosh.
>In a FOB.
>Chilling with mortarbros.
>Bring back a claymore.
I know claymores arent in yet but I marvel at the idea of just having one on display.
I bring a cute girl
My very safe base
calming down girl and feeding her dodo eggs
girls phone number
>Darkest Dungeon
Well, fuck me.
Xenoblade 2
1. Find Nia and convince her to let me be her driver
2. Probably Gormott
3. Whatever time is optimal to achieve point 1
4. Nia
>Nier : Automata
would probably spend the entire time hiding like a bitch behind the androids knowing they're preprogrammed to defend humans
stealing a pod to keep at home sounds awesome
World of Warcraft.
I'm assuming I have access to the basic transportation systems and understand the languages.
I'd probably go dick around some city, assuming it's a real world, something like Dalaran or Stormwind would actually be pretty interesting.
I'd also choose a time of relative peace, perhaps something during the events of WoD, as Azeroth itself was left alone.
If I could take anything, no matter what item it was, I'd probably grab some retardedly powerful artifact that'd give me OP powers so I could continue dicking around in the real world.
Something stupid like say, Aluneth and overcharge myself with arcane magics assuming I wouldnt blow up immidiately. Actually, fuck that. I'll grab Xal'atath and give into madness.
I literally can't die for good, so I guess I'm coming back with a sweet jetpack.
>Darkest Dungeon
MGS3, Groznyj Grad. Hang out with Johnny, push The End around a bit, punch Ocelot in the face, and then take Eva and Raikov back home with me to be sex slaves
>Xenoblade 2
Try to see if I can resonate with a core crystal and if I do I'll take a with me back home
probably get shot immediately
>find a sticky-jumper, medigun, invisi-watch and standard-issue rifle from a non-lunatic, go to town flying around utterly invincible
>modded MarioKart/winter servers for max-comfy
>sometime in the 60's, also most recent update
> is right on the money
Project Diva Future Tone
I'll take Miku back
find a game that has easy to acquire real world money, then take the money back with me
Well, uhm, am I a Kerbal? Is it with respawning crews? Is it stock?
I am glad I didn't start a new STALKER game.
Last game I played is Darkwood, so fuck my life. I don't care where I spawn, it's gonna be miserable and deadly wherever I end up and who the fuck cares about souvenirs, it's all dirty with mud and rust and has poisonous mushrooms everywhere, so fuck that as well.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
>Spend the entire 24 hours trying to get laid with a viera
>the woods where the viera live
>don't even understand that question
>A fucking Viera
I mean, you can just chill in town brothelin' or self-flagellating, or whatever.
Live life chasing link around so i can sell him anything i can find out in the wastes
>royal sword broke
Im there
>need fuel for cycle
Im there
Base my entire life on having what link needs at a modest price
Ill effectively sell everything link needs at a fraction of the rupees other merchants are selling for so that way link will go to no other merchant but me
After he beats ganon I'll help fund the rebuilding of hyrule and put myself in the royal court via commerce
>Binding of Isaac
God no
The Steam Sale item that would make everything I buy in real life be half off would be great, better if I get two so everything is free forever.
Demon Gaze 2
>Exploring dungeons
>Grimodarl castle
>Demon key
>MonHun Generations
>probably a mushroom or a herb or some shit because it's a Monster Hunter where you just do gathering quests instead of hunting monsters
1. Siting in bunker, pissing pants from mutants and emissions
2. Bunker at Yantar
3. Doesn't really matter
4. Either Soul from SoC or Compass from CS
AIDS won't kill you, but your immune system is so fucked by today's chemical additions to our food that you'll die of food poisoning as soon as you eat anything.
>try not to die
>interact with delves
I probably don't fulfill the requirements to pilot my own ship so I'll try to live in one of the cozier planets.
>not going directly to the cultists and demanding unholy knowledge/power in exchange for bringing their master into our world once the 24 hours up and you return
lichhood, here i come.
>Dying light
>watching the news on Harran and thinking about how fucked up the worlds is
>somewhere outside of Harran
>presumably 24 hours before the outbreak or after it's over
>some knock-off brand item we don't already have that only exits in the Dying Light world
>Witcher 1 blind
>End of act 3, Geralt is wrapping up sidequests before finalizing the alliance with the Scoiatel.
>Would probably bullshit with Kalkstein and confirm his theories on Atoms in order to bring about a new age of SCIENCE. Or failing that since he’s in the swamps leave a letter at his house and go shoot the shit with Vinnie instead.
>Would probably take a Salamandra brooch off of the thousands of Salamandra bodies Geralt is littering the streets with at night.
Good vacation overall.
Assuming I took the position of Rex I would take Pyra with me
>Risk of Rain
>at a time an location you choose
I choose NOT to be on the alien planet of infinite death, but rather on the comfy hi-tech world that spawned all the sick tech the characters use.
I'll take the unstable watch back as a souvenir.
Arma 3 with enough mods to make my computer beg for mercy. Since the map was Kunduz, Afghanistan, I guess I'm limited to that province. Year is 2009. I'm going back to some random mountain. Bringing back a goat. Always wanted a goat.
>Mother 3
1. Hang around the village and maybe sneak into Osohe Castle.
2. Tazmily Village
3. Chapter 2, basically.
4. Maybe one of Duster's thief tools.
Quantum Break
Beth is my souvenir
I love Beth
>Kabuki Quantum Fighter
Well I imagine it would be like this, but more cyberpunk.
I'm fucked
>how do you spend the next 24 hours
Trying not to fucking die I guess
>Where are you transported to
Hopefully behind a welded door
>at one point in time are you in
In the near future I guess?
>what souvenir do you take back
If I fucking manage to survive I'll bring back the medic pistol so we can real caseless ammo and what ever that recharging goo is irl
That human that tried at the beginning got a lot worse than just the comedy nosebleed the nopons got.
Doki doki literature club
Day 3 at the literature club with Natsuki
Ill bring her back with me.
i love her so much it hurts
I plead the fifth.
Bravely Default.
1. Spend the day chatting with locals, learn about history and try local foods.
2. Eternia. Stable government, comfy snow and the hottest chicks.
3. 2 days before the party arrives, don't want to be anywhere near the mess.
4. Blessed Shield, if it works here I've got healing powers and if it doesn't a strange looking shield won't prompt too many questions.
>hang out with Solid
>take back stealth camo
1. Chill with Scooter, try to buttfuck Helena Pierce. I believe she is very lonely due to condition of her face. Drink all types of beer there are. Convince med claptrap that Zed's trying to kill him.
2. New Haven ofc!
3. Vault Hunter already did New Haven quests so it's nice and quite.
4. I would like some skag skull, tbqh. Or some energy shield, if there are no skags around.
Disconnect your phone too, just in case.
>Grim Dawn
123. Hang out in town, fuck going outside
4. The ability to summon a magic raven that can shoot lightning and heal wounds
>Rocket League
Play matches and explore area outside.
DFH Stadium.
I'd bring back a Dominus.
what i do, where i am and at what time doesn't matter, but i get to bring back the notebook.
>Use notebook IRL to bring forth anything i desire
>hot spring, maybe do some snowboarding
>bring back sexy fish mipha
I hide in the hunters dream for 24 hours huddled in a corner with the doll and pray to god that moon monster thing doesn't try to come to town
Darkest dungeon
>The ruins
>Late 19th early 20th century
>Ideally a virtuous quirk and my life, if not that madness or death
I try to take one of the min/maxed super robo suits. If I can come back with it, I'd be a walking god. The only problem is making sure I survive the ordeal, since I'll probably be surrounded by demons, unless Gordon, Defender of Earth, decides to help me out.
>Persona 4
>Rainy day
>Take a bowl back
>Etrian Odyssey V
1. Grinding levels, killing FOEs, protecting my loli guild.
2. City of Iorys
3. After we discover the 5th Stratum
4. Pic related
Wait I just realized. You don't die in that game, you just go back to the hunters dream like nothing happened.
Fuck it, I treat this shit like Valhalla, grab the kirkhammer and go fucking nuts. ALL SHALL FEAR THE NAME OF BILLY!
> Ark
well fuck...
>Borderlands 2
Get guns, shoot shit, recklessly get myself killed a bunch of times and respawn.
I bring back an Infinity Pistol because fuck yeah infinite ammo.
Or Catch-A-Ride station so I can scan and spawn my piece of shit car at will.
Or New-U station so I can do risky shit that might kill me and come back safely.
Or bring Maya with me.
Time Crisis 3
1. Staying the hell away from Lukano
2. Anywhere the hell away from Lukano
3. Sometime the hell away from the war in Lukano
4. Spent casing from Ashley Winston's rifle
For those of you that say I'm a coward: Keep in mind that there's a distinct disconnect between how fun a video game is and how fun it would be in real life.
>infinite ammo
sound cool but
>infinite BRASS
>Sacred Stones
>Fucking Ephraim
>Ephraim's bed
>The morning when I give Ephraim morning head
>Ephraim's cock
>Infinite lead
>Infinite brass
Time to start a company and flood the market with infinitely cheap metals.
The OP infographic needs trans representation