Reminder that you can't call yourself an idort or PC gamer if your steam account is newer than 13 years old.
Reminder that you can't call yourself an idort or PC gamer if your steam account is newer than 13 years old
>newer than 13 years old
I have played PC games for well over 25 years, my steam account holds an amazing number of 8 games, most of which are from valve or giveway shit.
I didn't fall for the DRM meme.
Reminder that if you post dumb weeb shit you should be put in front of a firing squad
i wouldn't fall for the DRM meme too if not for all fucking games releasing with DRM
Fresh is best
If there is no DRM free version for purchase I simply pirate.
anyone whos been using steam for 13 years doesn't play videogames anymore
and puchimas is trash
what about games with multiplayer
>i dont multiplayer
dont lie faggot
MP is not important for me at all.
i do
accordingly to literally whom?
>Buying all the products gives all the money to the same company
What is this argument?
all the companies have the same owner, the illuminati
same company or not it makes no difference
you're giving money to jews
the (((jews))) are behind everything dontcha know
So is "pc master race" since jewvidia and jewtel have monopolies, and if you don't pirate windows you also give your money to bill
You aren't any better, you just suck different cocks.
Call me when you can pirate a gpu, cpu and motherboard then we talk.
this, i wasn't a counterstrike casual so there was no reason to use steam till ~2010 when boxed copies became steam codes on a slip of paper
>not buying everything preowned
oh I didn't want to give the impression I believe that retarded Sup Forums shit
Reminder you shouldn't call yourself a gamer if you have any self respect anyway.
>Implying that solves it
>Implying the guy you buy from won't use his bucks to keep supporting the jews
>he doesn't pirate his atomic particles
not my issue
>It is ok because I indirectly support the jews
Largely this
Steam works well today but for many years it was fucking trash to be avoided at all costa.
I've been playing PC games since the 386 era and the OP is a kid.
why are the amputees laughing at me
Who are these fuck nuggets
This, steam was fucking trash and didn't really become necessary till about 2009 or so. Before then you could still go to a CompUSA and get a physical copy of Crysis or whatever.
>steam is the only way of playing computer games
god damn, who knew pcbros were so fucking stupid
I said valve drones, stupid filter