Best tank.
Xenoblade 2
I think you meant to post Poppi, I'll fix your mistake
Anybody that can read moonspeak here?
thats a man
No is not, trapfags got BTFO. But there are jokes about it ingame, Tora REALLY thought she was a man and Zeke comments how she is the mainliest of the party.
Adenine voice make my dick diamond.
>future free patch will add NG+
>they said this mode will allow you to "recruit those blades"
The gatcha hell has just started.
Poppi a best.
>yfw I took Brighid off of her and use her as a DPS now
Also, anyone know if multiple +enemy drop rate effects stack? I applied a bunch of gold chips to my blades' weapons and so my entire party is sporting +50% enemy drop rate effects.
Why did Pyra and Mythra come back in the ending?
To make Nia suffer.
Because he wanted to write a sappy love story, not a depressing one
Klaus/Pneuma let them.
Power of the shota cock.
Love how the soldier just casually turns his head at her
wish fulfillment
If you already beat XBC2, rewatch this XBC1's scene
New implications arrise.
I hope you didn't let this degenerate steal her brother's underwear.
I would not be surprised at all if we see Blade DLC for 2 that adds Alvis and the Monado.
He's just casually remiding her not to forget him.
See the back of Alvis' jacket
Did anyone else encounter this?
I did a salvaging run and was disappointed that I only pulled up a few coins until the camera zoomed out and scared the shit out of me.
Why is this particular enemy literally bigger than the dock it's fought at.
to bait your tears first with a fake death
they tell you hours prior that the aegis can survive without core just fine for a while
zohar fucks off, pneuma quits existing, what is left is the "common" blades pyra and mythra, so they just reawaken from their core crystal like any other normal blade
it's a bullshit asspull don't bother questioning it
>mfw I pulled it up in leftheria
Yep, I was at an even smaller dock, beat it while technically being inside it the whole fight.
because zohar lingering power yada yada, should have stayed gone honestly, would have been a good ending to Rex's character development
>biting your nails
haha faggot I bit my nails for 18 years I recently stopped for some reason
>It's Pyra on the main cover
Seems like Mythrafags are the ones BTFO
I loved every instance this occured. ROGER THAT MASTERPON
What is the best/easiest way to increase salvager rank?
*cat brrrap*
To do Sheba's affinity shit at the same time, and farm for gold with gold cylinders in Torigoth
On a side note, is there anywhere to get Platinum Cylinders?
Look closely at the cartridge.
are any of the blade sidequests good? I finished the story but never did any of them because of all the roadblocks
Nia has the best iddle animations
(kitsune nia appears close to the end).
Do you mean the initial ones, or the affinity quests ones?
i just got to the australian guy's town, when do i get morag and when do i get sexy nia outfit
Not sure is Zeke is pulling a owain or a jojo.
I'm not sure what the difference is
Some Rare blades come from quests, like Praxis, Theory, Vess and Herald
Then all rare blades have a quest in the middle of their affinity charts
Wait what? NG+ is coming in a patch?
I did the Praxis one but that's it. I started Electra's and I think Nim's but never finished either
Does anyone else hope the next Xenoblade expands upon X and plays like a multi player MMO?
I always dreamed of exploring a huge open world with a buddy but sadly the technology isn't there yet. It seems like such an untapped market too.
Yes, i don't have the link to the translated article though.
I'm hoping for a XCX2 and a XC3 to finish up the "blade" games then move onto a new (implying it still won't be based off gears) xeno
if you got the collectors alot of the art work in the book shows a taller teenage looking rex. it actually would make the story a lot more coherent if they kept that.
>farming legendary cores
>unlock Floren and a bunch of crap
>very last legendary core
Yeeee boyyyyys I did it. Too bad I now have both her and Herald on Morag. Don't need two ether cannons...
I don't like MMOs so no.
I would have fun if I could team up with others MH style but with Xeno combat.
No, MMO means your character is just a self insert without actual "impact" in the story, like WoW
Wasn't that Xenoblade X's multiplayer content?
The NIA of this scene is too high.
She grabbed my heart.
How do I change my rare blades weapons to look like how they were originally looking without gimping damage and side effects?
I hope the next one picks up the XCX story after that fucking ending. If they do XCX2 I hope they don't have a million party members then not let you use them besides 2 for story missions.
Would rather it not be an MMO though, I hate those and I feel having a load of other players around would take away from exploring the world.
It was but it felt very haphazardly and not very intuitive.
nah keep X's big zones, but keep the story centralized to an actual character
Damn... but the game is so bad.
do the opposite of an mmo for XCX2
Have very few characters and make the focus isolation exploration
So I'm guessing at the end, they can't use any of the regular Aegis powers like control Siren? They're just like "regular" blades.
If they do a post-game DLC, I wonder how it will work, since you won't have access to the third form to do crazy damage. Unless they ignore the lore.
yes and no, personally they should've gotten rid of the multiplayer or just use a social system. ie run an event where players tackle quest like what they had, but with their story team and it contributes to points. throw a timed event in occasionally.
I actually liked that scene more in english, still the best part is Gramps shaking his head when Rex tries to get Mythra to look at him.
there's no confirmation it'll take place post-game
They stated Elysium
It's very possible, its in the space station and its right before the final boss
is there anywhere in game that shows like a completion amount or stats?
that would suck, it must be on the actual "Elysium".
>that ear wiggle in Kitsune mode
>that stealth Zanza flashback
>the triangle symbol on Alvis's back of his coat and Mayneth's chest
>the way he uses the Monado
It all makes sense now.
I have a feeling they gave him a turtle just to complete that fucking joke.
can you do a new webm using the vid? it has better wuality than the current webm.
Whats the joke in japenese, I doubt One Eyed Monster worked
"Turtle head"
They're both dick jokes anyways.
Pls help
>Where is Pyras favorite drink?
>How do I level up merc level? I have 500/500 and want more squads
Is it worth playing the game in Japanese the first run through?
>entire story game keeps reminding you blades always can come back
>Pyra/Mythra are blades
>people in these threads keep asking how or why Mythra and Pyra survived
Someone please explain the confusion to me. I dont get why this apparently doesn't make sense to some people. It was so obvious the instant she threw her core what was going to happen.
Why was Jin/Shin keeping Lora alive? Was he just too attached?
go back to the camp fuck face
I thought so, I'm not some Localization purist, if they got the joke to work, its fine.
Actually I'm surprised both English and Japenese jokes makes sense, but that's probably why they gave him a turtle in the first place.
Garfront Village, to both.
some tea that you can get in the merc camp
to get your merc level up you need to do quests in the merc village, I think the first one has you cook food rations
Pls no bully
That's lucky
You don't
Jenerossi tea in Uraya, Garfront, EXPERTLY BREWED
>Long awaited patch finally confirmed
>They identify two obscure as fuck glitches to fix while identifying general bug fixing instead of the widely reported memory leaks killing the framerate and making the game unstable
Are MS fucking with us
i've would've liken the american version of the joke as this
>Jenerossi tea
Fuck off that is so on the nose it's not even funny
are these foxes related to a quest or blade. they're all over the place or am i crazy?
Morag a cute.
You think a big problem like memory leak can be patched so fast? nioh's took at least one month.
I really hope the general bug fixing fixes the memory leak. But given they chose not to identify it, I'm not confident. Had 4 crashes so far.
>identify two obscure as fuck glitches
huh? I thought they just said 'bug fixes' in general
They identified something to do with the event theatre crashing a specific scene, and something else
the pass has a torna icon, it's not post game lol
>if you watch the “Something in Common” (Chapter One: Encounters) cutscene in the Event Theatre, then return to the game, a glitch will make the camera sway and it will stay like that until you restart the game. If you happen to save, then you will be stuck in swaying camera hell. Therefore, if you happen to watch the cutscene, make sure not to save, and restart the game instead (even if that means losing progress);
>if you get the quest item Healing Herb (English name TBC) for one of the quests in the Gormott Province at 12:00, then it will not be added to the Quest Log (basically preventing you from completing the quest);
>if you get the quest item Pure White Helmet (English name TBC) for one of the quests in the Gormott Province at 7:00, then it will not be added to the Quest Log (basically preventing you from completing the quest);
>various other bugs.
Yeah you're right, its probably going to be a prequel, Goddamn that would be boring as fuck, I don't care if Addam is Rex's great great great father