Crash Came back, bigger and better than ever

>Crash Came back, bigger and better than ever
>Sonic mania is sega's best game in almost a decade or more
>Mario odysseys return to sandbox style is universally praised
>Megaman 11 finally arriving, making Inafune cry like an anime fan on prom night

so is it so much to ask for Activision to Pry their little death grip off spyro and have him make his glorious return too?? or is he forever doomed to be nothing but a cheap cash grab for a failing franchise??

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Is Spyro even good?

Spyro was good enough to rival crash as a Play station mascot, thats gotta count for something.

>mario odyssey was a smash hit, nintendo continues to put out quality
>crash trilogy is as good as ever
>sonic consistently releases shit

sonic mania was made by fans. sonic remains shit and should have been replaced by pic related years ago

yeah I admit modern sonic has thrown shit at the fan one times too many.

I played it a little when I was young. It seemed badass, but he was quickly replaced by Gex.

Will Crash go back to PlayStation or stay as a third party?

>Sonic mania is sega's best game in almost a decade or more
I'm sorry user, You missed a lot

>cringey anime weeaboo trash

theoretically Sup Forums should be riding this game's dick

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: The original Spyro trilogy is a masterpiece. The controls are great, so the levels never feel too big or dull since you can charge and glide from one end to the other real fast. The first one has a strong fairytale/fantasy kind of feel to it, 2 and 3 go in a cartoon stereotype direction with the levels, but make up for it with the minigames.


Gex had the Bubsy problem in where he wouldn't shut the fuck up.
Spyro did talk but only when the situation called for it, he wasn't making stupid quips at pop culture at the time.
Plus, dragons are fucking awesome by default.

fuck off

Freedom Planet > Mania agreed

Gex talking was the best part.

I love the one liners. I had gotten into the series originally for the gameplay.

Freedom planet is unironically a great game, but replacing sonic isn't some kind of trivial matter.

it's pseudo sonic you dick cheese, you can't even compare the shitfest that has been sonic over the past 2 decades to a legitimately decent game, you fuck off.

>crash is good
lmao kill yourself

you sure about that?

sonic is getting btfo by literal who's. besides, the game is extremely underrated

the vast majority of people agree with me so I don't think I will.

>>nintendo continues to put out quality

well, what I have to say to that is that I respect your opinion and gex is a pretty fun game.

It is. I like crash better just on a stylistic basis of a character but spyro trio was superb.


You know how much of a mindfuck that was when I first played it on PC?

It feels so good.

>virgin sonic
>chad planeteer

At least it’d be proper use of the meme.

>nintendo continues to put out quality

Quit spreading lies, will you?

>zelda botw
>mario odyssey
>2 goty contenders in 1 year

you cannot deny

Who is this and what is she suppose to be and why do I kinda wanna fuck it?

a character from a sonic esque indie game that was pretty alright. you want to fuck it because you're a pedophile.

>Metroid's "triumphant return" BTFO by a fangame
>Nintendo is now just the Mario/Zelda/Pokemon company
>Smash Bros being taken over by literal whos and weebshit

>Inb4 Nintendo DMCA's this shirt

AAA in general has been getting the shit kicked out of it by indies for a long time now

>more fun
>much cheaper
>no publisher telling them what to do

fuck AAA games

FP2 unironically looks like it's going to be great and I can't wait for more of that god tier OST

>>Crash Came back, bigger and better than ever
Eh? I love crash but it was a lazy remaster. It was incredibly disappointing to just see them remaster the classic games instead of actually making a new game.
They even messed up the remaster in quite a few ways.

I just want Banjo, man. Fuck everything else.

>N Sane Trilogy
>"better than ever"
Kill yourself

What are you on about for Metroid?

Sonic was never good.

Spyro 1 is a masterpiece of 3D platforming. Spyro 2 and 3 are good too.

What are you off about?

>metroid's triumphant return
>samus returns
lmaoing @ your life, everyone's waiting on prime 4

>shit controls
>shit pacing
>le 'git gud' excuse to bury retarded ass level designs
>3d platformer with precise jumps
>multiple repetitive backtracking levels in a fucking linear platformer

sure it's a good game

>Being a Primebabby

of course I am, Prime 2 is the best game in the series

Not him but then why the hate on Returns? Seems like a a fair appetizer for when the prime bootymeat shows up.

>Sonic mania is sega's best game in almost a decade or more
Are you one of those people who only associate Sega with Sonic? Sega's put out a good number of quality games over the past few years.

I don't hate on returns I actually like it, bought the special edition. But a 3ds remake isn't going to be the "triumphant return" of metroid

>Seems like a a fair appetizer for when the prime bootymeat shows up.
yeah ,that's what I'm getting at

Persona 5 is Sega's best game in a decade

EUGHGHG rotating pixellated sprites make me physically ill.

>Megaman 11

Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The only thing I want to know is where our buddy Rayman is these days...

Rayman Legends.

I played the first one on my original PlayStation. Was fun, but not as memorable as Mario 64.

holy fuck that thing is huge

There is nothing inherently wrong with the Sonic franchise. It's more that the climate of discussion changed.

Can we get a Croc remake? or a Croc that was like the first one

He was pretty cute

Spyro was never good

Knuckles is the best character in Sonic

It’s pretty unlikely that Sony would try and buy the IP outright from Activision after it’s been proven with the N.Sane trilogy that ‘90s nostalgia bux are lucrative.

Was the reason why Ratchet/MediEvil missed their own points, because they underestimated the older games or something?
Like, as if RaC was "just a kiddy platformer", even thought the game itself was a bit serious?

This should've been the one

Was good, but rereleasing a "definitive" edition while keeping us in the dark on another 3D Rayman for over a decade is suffering.

needs more yous

>Crash Came back, bigger and better than ever
Did he really?

nice palindrome get