>Nintendo also said that it is seeing robust demand for its 3DS family of handheld game consoles, which have exceeded lifetime worldwide sales of more than 20.4 million units. "In the United States we're on track to actually sell more Nintendo 3DS systems this year than we did last year," Fils-Aime said. "That's incredible for a system that has been out in the marketplace and is enjoying its seventh holiday right now."
Nigga, mario sold 5 million in 2 weeks. You think a pokemon on switch is a gamble? It well sell millions of switches.
Connor Clark
who's the guy on the bottom right
Connor Peterson
>At least the 3DS has games. The best 3ds games are DS games.
Nathaniel Wright
Is that fucking Fernand
Brandon Bennett
>Pokemon >Gamble It's literally the safest product I've ever seen released to sell well
Evan Barnes
Metroid 5 here we come
Aiden Sanders
Metroid: Samus Returns didn't deserve best handheld game of the year.
Nathaniel Richardson
>Mario Odyssey >96
It's 97 again retard.
Tyler Perry
Aaron Turner
Sup fags
Luke Brown
Yeah right. As if we were getting more games released for 3DS. It stays dead unless they release another Resident Evil, Rune Factory/Harvest Moon, or Metroid game. Which we all know won't fucking happen.
Colton Martinez
>robust demand for its 3DS family of handheld game consoles well geeze, i wonder if this had to do with the black friday sales!
Elijah Lopez
The 3DS can play DS games?
Daniel Ramirez
You didn't know? It can
Gabriel Moore
What game did and why?
Kayden Miller
of course it can, full hardware BC, you can choose between upscaled and pixel perfect resolution But you can't download DS games unless you hack it, but then it uses worse emulation
Jose Hughes
What I mean is that Pokemon games have historically always been released on handhelds
Sure, it'll sell well with Switch owners, but does everyone who owns a 3DS own a Switch? I guess I don't know Nintendo demographics very well. I would have thought that inexpensive availability was a big part of why Pokemon was popular.
Sebastian Wright
Pokemon XY single handled boosted the sale of the 3ds for months user. It fucking worked on me
Mason Miller
>B-but the 3DS is dead! It is. There are no new game worth shit coming out, neither original titles nor sequels/remakes/etc. Not even fucking DLCs are coming out anymore, Resident Evil Revelations became stale as fuck, Advance Wars franchise is dead since DS(right after they finally released an actually good and balanced entry - Days of Ruin), Metroid's future is uncertain, Zelda games moved to Switch, Pokemon is meh.
It's dead, Jim.
Andrew James
If you were smart, you would have taken a bunch of cheap 3ds's, hack them, load up a SD card full of normie games (Pokemon, Mario, etc) and then resell it on eBay for a markup. Made almost 2 grand doing this during the Pokemon sun/moon hype.
Brandon Cox
Hey it's me Lukas you alright bro?
Brandon Perez
I'm a 30 years old male. I tried the all the other Pokémon after Gold/Silver (original) and I really never liked them. I tried Y during last weekend, and I falled in love again. I dunno why...
Ian Morales
As a weeab, it has game i'm looking forward to:
>DQXI >Radiant Historia >Strange Journey Redux >Alliance Alive >Persona Q2 >New Etrian Odyssey in development
I'm fairly sure that Nintendo will announce new titles soon in their January Direct
Caleb Long
Mario is 97.
Chase Gray
Can't play Kid Icarus on DS.
Josiah Long
>no new games/sequels/remasters >atlus alone have 5-7 games/sequels/remasters next year
Benjamin Clark
>does everyone who owns a 3DS own a Switch? Pokemon fans will buy whatever system Pokemon is on.
Robert Thomas
I'm so fucking excited for Alliance Alive you have no idea mate
Kayden Brooks
Ever Oasis or Monster Hunter Stories
Cameron Murphy
>Monster Hunter Stories
Daniel Hughes
>>PS4 outsold 3ds in 4 years
Nintendo really really shat the bad when they launch the 3DS, it had a disastrous launch, remember the ambassador program?
Liam Allen
>DQXI Never got into those, I might give them a bash. Which one do you recommend for new to the series? >Radiant Historia You mean that "remake" that changes the characters drastically (poor Eruca) and adds nothing else to it? Meh. >Strange Journey Redux That shit again? What's so good about it anyway? I mean original game is almost identical to any other SMT games: story is alright but the gameplay is shallow as fuck (get demons, level them up, steal their skills, kill boss, rinse and repeat ad nauseam). >Alliance Alive Some new and original game? Tell me more. >Persona Q2 Fair enough, might be cool. >New Etrian Odyssey in development Series has plenty of fans, granted. I'm not a fan of it really.
Gabriel Lee
It has its problems, but Metroid only won because Nintendo fans forced it to win by spamming the votes
Matthew Wilson
Literally no good 3DS games even came out this year. No wonder PS4 has already outsold it's lifetime sales
Christopher Nelson
IMO x/y was as good as not baiting the original Ruby and Sapphire
Aaron Sanders
here you go 3D Mariobabs
Jason Ortiz
>People don't want the switch so much they're increasing sales on their last Gen handheld
Them not being able to outsell the fucking xbone is proof it's a failure.
Ayden Edwards
>forced imagine being this asshurt over a Metroid game
Adam King
Samus Returns is legitimately good game, sod off.
Anthony Morales
I will be more than happy if Nintendo announce one of these games for 3DS in the next Direct
- Wario Land - Wario Ware - Advance Wars - Golden Sun - Another Zelda 2D - New Skip Game
Colton Lopez
>making a lot of money >planning new projects for it >failure
You have a strange definition of failure.
Tyler Price
I'm not saying it isn't, but people literally bought multiple copies of Samus Returns just to boost sales.
Andrew Baker
Justin Hughes
I would call it fans' dedication to the franchise. They really wanted Metroid to be great again and with Samus Returns it was proven that this can be done. Let's hope Nintendo don't screw it all up with the sequel (uh, Super Metroid remake?)
Leo Evans
>sales now equals quality of game
Colton Jackson
Did everyone who owned a DS own a 3DS when Pokémon moved over there?
Did everyone who owned a GBA own a DS?
Didn't everyone with a GBC have a GBA?
Switch will be fine as a host for Pokémon, and people have been clamoring for a full size Pokémon game on console since forever.
BUT. I don't think the game will arrive before there's a revised Switch available with much better battery life.
John Ward
>four years
Funny man.
Nicholas Parker
Thats because there no good alternatives, no oversized tablet with one good game not good alternative
Elijah Harris
If someone buys multiple copies of a game to prove they want it, they're still probably going to sell it on or give it as a gift, and more people will play Metroid, and fan base would be larger the next time.
At least that's the only thing that would make sense.
Justin Morgan
Switch isn't a handheld, though.
Everyone who played Pokemon knew they'd be getting a new game on the next handheld. It was a natural evolution.
William Smith
It has 2 good games though.
Benjamin Miller
>switch is not a handheld >can be played in your hands
By what definition of handheld are you operating with then?
Kayden Ward
It is though. At least people who play pokémon are likely to use it as such.
40% of users already prefer to use it taht way.
If the battery life was better, no-one would say it wasn't a handheld. People are used to carrying tabphones and mini-tablets of around that size around anyway.
Christian Watson
When the hell will they make a new one with updated hardware?
Colton Fisher
You are a man of refined taste
Aaron Miller
XY is a good experience even if it's a bad game Like no redeeming replay value stupidest NPC and routes. Great re/introduction tool though
Levi Hughes
>Switch isn't a handheld
Jace Watson
Anthony Brown
Never, the Switch is taking over.
Ethan Ramirez
DQXI is only confirmed for the PS4 right now.
Cooper Ward
So will Metroid 5 hit the 3DS or Switch?
Jace White
I’m glad 2D Metroid is back and shut dumbass fags like you up.
Ian Campbell
Sakamoto said they’re done with remakes.
Charles Adams
They did. It's called New 3DS.
Lincoln Perez
They know westeners own PlayStation to play FIFA, right?
Luis Wood
Ayden Edwards
So what's your favorite 3DS game Sup Forums?
Bentley Green
High quality 2.5D platforming makes 3DS the true spiritual successor to the SNES. It is the quintessential timeless Nintendo device. It has a piece of the whole company's video game history, from the dual screens to the perfected 3-D. We really need 2.5D versions of Castlevania and Mega Man X and then we got it nailed. Switch is just a gimmick. 3DS is the underrated fun spot.
Lucas Russell
3DS is the new home of classic gaming. This is where you want to do all your remakes. Wario4Lyfe
Gavin Harris
3ds would work much better if it had more power. The resolution is really disappointing. Especially when I come from playing my vita. Too bad the vita had expensive memory and limited support.
Tyler Anderson
As a person who owned three Nintendo DS but never a 3DS, I was always but off by the some of the bizarre design decisions, and I never felt developers tried to be as inventive with the software as they were on DS.
Logan Turner
The resolution really isn't that much of an issue. But you're of course allowed to feel disappointment.
Connor Gray
I do find it is an issue. I dont have an XL but I know someone that does and the upscaling becomes really apparent. If they just invested in a bit more power instead of the 3d function the 3ds wouldve been much better. Especially since it'll be the last handheld now mobile phones and the switch are out.
Camden Harris
You really don't need much more power for the classic style of games it excels at.
Eli Rogers
So, anyone going to answer my question?
Camden Bailey
And they're going to release the next one on the new handheld. Where's the confusion?
Thomas Turner
>has libraries of nes, snes, gba, nds, and 3ds >costs dirt cheap >portable Who wouldn't want it?
Jaxon Morgan
>Switch isn't a handheld, though. Did the PSP stop being a handheld when they released those video out cables? It's a handheld, idiot.
Nolan Martinez
Switch. 3ds is its deathbed.
Jaxon Evans
>which have exceeded lifetime worldwide sales of more than 20.4 million units. Why would they say 20.4 million units? The 3DS has sold almost 69 million units.
Lucas Butler
I think you do if you want a better resolution which would make the games hold up much better.
Carter Sanders
Why would anyone want to play that?
Jayden Harris
Luis Russell
>Golden Sun
Matthew Lee
Fuck the stupid Switch No 3D No Dual Screen Not even backwards compatible What a garbage "successor", we're supposed to be going forward, not back
The worst part is that they fucking got away with releasing a DOWNGRADED device and calling it a successor.
William Gonzalez
I don't get it. Why it gets worse after the hack?
Adam Sanders
>poor Eruca Yeah, I'm sure she'll miss being an ugly dyke
Ayden Thomas
Fuck off nigger.
Asher Nelson
I Will fuck my 3DS so hardly if Nintendo just announce an Advance Wars, Wario or Golden Sun.