ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

what a shitty t

What game is that?

Sonic Adventure 2, Chao Garden


Did anyone ever notice that there's a cave behind the waterfall?
#mindblown #childhoodraped

>where sonic fags go to when they say Adventure is good.

man i love vaporwave


I'd unironically wear something like this for the starting area of Spyro 1. Or any of the Spyro 1 backgrounds for that matter. Spyro has some godly backgrounds.

That actually looks pretty good and I would wear it around


the subtlest shirt in my collection

>aw dude, I LOVE Infamous 2!


I kinda been wanting to buy this for a while but I'm not sure about getting it.



have this shirt, there’s only been one guy who knew what it was from


I would love to get one of travis touchdown's tshirts