Wtf is this???

wtf is this???

cdprojekt turned SJW?

literally all AAA devs are SJW my dude

Why are you obsessed with SJWs?

Remember when Geralt saw a tranny and went on a 20 minute dialogue about how progressive and strong that girl was for being born a man but chose to live as a woman?

that's what you get when you ignored the impending agenda, its just the start
the decadency is just warming

you can fuck him

even this guy?

i thought he was #based

He said AAA.

>inb4 this is transphobic because it looks like a dude in a dress

Your flamboyant man-whore friend who would be crown prince of Bullshitland if he wasn't already a noble who gets in trouble more than Triss has flaws uses a cross-dressing card-slinger faggot elf as his tailor.

If the game didn't capture you up to this point to the degree that your gross ignorance and prejudice can't look past these two people, then you like hating shit more than you like fun or you hate the game and are stupid enough to keep playing it.

so mafia 2 wasnt AAA? or his previous work doesnt count?

go back to /pol you fuck wit

It was in a different time period.
Are you dense or autistic?

When you consider that Geralt and his people are possibly the most ostracized group in the entire world, it only means they can turn out two ways: shitty cold-hearted misanthropes like Lambert or what Geralt is, a person with probably the most progressive and tolerant views in the world.

Remember Geralt was some dreamer with wide-eyed dreams of rescuing princesses from monsters and shit. And now he's a jaded fuck. But it doesn't stop him from having a lot of heart for people who are in just a shitty social situation as him.

>tranny faggots existing is sjw
Christ stop whining
It's sjw when they glorify transexualism and shit like that, not them merely existing in the game world (they exist in real life, you realize?)
You idiots would call a game set in Weimar Germany sjw is it actually just portrayed the degeneracy of its time

It was a ethnic joke aimed at Anglo-Saxons, few understand this.

how different? the far left didn't exist at that time?


So am I the only one who would absolutely fuck him?

They didn't give a fuck about vidya.
Are you underage or something?

You might consider running your car inside of your garage. Make sure it's closed and you're inside of it. I'm being honest when I say this will not only help you but everyone else in the world.

He's straight, you rapist.


>They didn't give a fuck about vidya
fake news

Im a trans lesbian and i would not touch that with my 50 foot pole, you are gay son

Stop trying to talk sense to retards.

I mean, I absolutely have a thing for drag queens so I can't say I'm totally straight

>Infinitely delays his game due to spending too much time shitposting about American politics
More people would want to play his game if the character selection was better.

>Infinitely delays
>character selection
what character selection
are you stupid

False-flag kun, why won't you kill yourself?
