What are some games where i can play as a chaotic lawful cop?

What are some games where i can play as a chaotic lawful cop?

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>chaotic lawful

>here's 100 dollars, get some groceries
>here's 1400 dollars, get some liquor

Lahey is lawful neutral

>chaotic lawful

>chaotic lawful

>chaotic lawful

Are you insane? Lahey went more than once off the reservation.

>chaotic lawful

Lahey is lawful liquor

I'd say he is Lawful Good.

Now, he does have a set of values he wants to uphold above all else. However, his addiction gets in the way of that.

He always wants to help, and he never does anything for the express purpose of doing evil. When neutral types do bad to help the community, he looks the other way, provided it isn't against his core laws for himself.

Just started binging this show Sup Forums. I'm on season 8. It's a fucking ride, Lahey is so villainous. Sucks that he passed recently



so then he's chaotic good

You define chaotic by having no set of intrinsic laws. A chaotic person does not judge things by the laws they build their lives around. They do it all by whatever feels okay.

Lahey has intrinsic laws he wants to uphold. He want order. He's not good at it, but he strives to achieve that purpose. He has a few crisises over whether he should support someone who, usually is doing bad, but this time is doing good. That implies his lawfulness.


>he's actually dead
well there goes my day

Did Lahey not break Cyrus and the nips out of prison just so that he could lure them to the park and cause a shoot out to get rid of Ricky and Julian? That seems pretty chaotic.

>I'm on season 8
I'm so sorry..

The Netflix continuation is complete garbage compared to the first 7 seasons.


I'm really sad about his death, the series will never be the same without him though after that gut wrenching last season for him I am kinda glad

Jim Lahey is a fuckin' drunk and he always will be

What about telling everyone on tv that Ray lives in a dump?

Check out his youtube channel, shit's beyond cozy


Chaos and Law is not defined by the law of the land, but by the law of his own character. I'd argue that his Law resides in the greater good of the park. If he believed that greater good for the park could be achieved by breaking them out of prison, that would be lawful good.

However fucking misguided and retarded he can be, he has one goal - help the park. If he works against that goal, knowingly... he would fall... as a paladin.

hi guys

>Chaotic lawful makes no fucking sense
>Somehow it makes 100% when applied to Lahey

Straight up, I almost cried when I found out he died. He was a good man. By far the best actor on the show, and deserved more recognition than he got.

Frig off Randy


damn boy, you should really lay off those cheeseburgers man

Hey Randy, knock knock.

Who's there?

Fuck off Randy

Fuck off.

Frig off Randy.

You know, bein nice doesn't cost a dime.

>yfw you are the liquor

You know what else doesn't cost a dime you fat greasy cheesburger eating monster? Fucking off, go try it, fuck off.

Stay away from the Europe season. It's listed as a separate show

>not instantly getting goose flesh the second it happened and checking the internet to confirm your paranormal senses

reee you don't know shit about drinking


See ya later...
Don't think I'm coming over for the barbeque. Because I'm NOT!

Yeah you're not coming because there aren't gonna be any fuckin cheeseburgers for you to stuff your fat fucking gut with anyway so stay the fuck aowt you fuckin' idiot.


The series has been pretty bad since netflix took over anyway

Frig off BoBandy