Hey everyone, long time viewer, first time donater...

Hey everyone, long time viewer, first time donater. Figured I'd donate during this game because it was my favorite when I was a kid and I love to see someone break it. Let's kick cancer's butt and kill those animals. Can I get a HOOOOOYYYYYPE!

Other urls found in this thread:


>My (enter relation here) died of cancer and speedrunning is awesome!!!!!! kill the animals because of (enter quip here)!!!! yeah!!!!! a bunch of my donation goes to the stupid cunts who run this thing and not actual doctors, but I'm too lazy to donate directly and too filthy to admit that I've only justified this donation because of the raffle rewards!!!! WOOOOT!!! Can i get a kappa in the chat!!!!!!

Hey everyone, that pretty girl on the coach is my girlfriend, please congratulate her for the second year anniversary of her transition.

>runner does anything
>10 minutes of clapping ensues

Say what you want, I'm going to enjoy spending the week curled up in a blanket with a mug of coffee making webms of nerds and speed honeys.

what does kill the animals mean?

It's a racist sentiment. It's advocating the eradication of black people.

Hey guys, had to donate to my favorite streamer playing my favorite game [Inside joke here], and lets save those frames! And can I get a FrankerZ in chat?

wtf i love speedrunning now

>donating because my [insert family member here] just got diagnosed and every dollar counts towards beating cancer. keep it up guys!

>tfw my friend actually just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer recently

>and kill those animals
I have baaaaad news, user...

In Super Metroid, you can save the animals that helped you throughout the game during the final sequence. They usually do a run of the game toward the end of AGDQ, and donations can be put toward either saving them or killing (AKA not saving them).

>europoors donating their last coins to amerijew CEO's pockets

Fuck, I don't think that setup block was there last I checked. For a second I was hopeful that they really would skip SM for once.

>greetings from germany!


doesn't mean shit if it's a last minute bonus incentive. animals are a huge donation drive, and they're basically pissing that away the entire marathon.

>But muh cancer research
>Prevent Cancer doesn't actually give money for cancer research

That's a good thing, that incentive causes more cancer than PCF will ever prevent.


this guy looks cool. id hang with him.

My dream is to go to a GDQ, do something on stream, and have Sup Forums post videos of me for eternity afterwards.

Le Animals meme is the only FUN they have left. Without that it's just a Cancer Pamphlet and Tranny Awareness campaign.

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>All Main Quests (No Amiibo)
>(No Amiibo)

You mean they can't use cheat codes this time? Oh no!

As long as it doesn't feel forced I'd probably catch it and immortalize you.

You need one of those pamhlets if that's your idea of fun.

That pure unadulterated joy he brought to every run with his high pitched babylike shriek-laughter is something that can never be replicated
I miss him fellas

Sadest part is that PreventCancer actually sends a lot of the money back to GDQ. GDQ is great and all, but they could pick a heaps better charity. I prefer smaller marathons anyway like down in Australia they have ASM which is pretty chill and they raised a few thousand this year.

What am I looking at here?

Come up with something better than seat sniffing and make it happen bruh.


post webms



I fap to the voice of that one cute announcer

Hey everyone, couldn't make the stream due to work but had to check in during this game to see my childhood get totally owned. Money goes to runner's choice.
>uhb uh uh... uh... ehm...


Every time I see a GDQ and he isn't there I die a little inside.

>playing 3ds in public

Who doesn't?

that guy looks like a bro


The GDQ weeks are entertaining. At least once per event there is either one actually good run or some catastrophic failure.

I still remember "today is my gf's transition aniversary", i was watching it live. Things went south real quick

>Is it an OK time for donations?
>how about some donations?
>I'm just going to interrupt real quick with a TWO HUNDRED dollar donation
>can I read more donations?

Fuck this gay earth.

Do people not spectate with friends and just simply go to do this instead?

if i hear that obese asian nasal voice one more time commentating

Ah yes, the Tranniversary. What's worse is that the gf looked fucking mortified, meaning the bf somehow thought it was a good idea to announce to the entire world that she used to be a man.

>used to be

When is this coming back again?

>cargo short
>big gulp
>doom shirt
>actual haircut
Guy looks like a regular bro, who also likes vidya.

You know what I mean faglord

that dude looks genuinely happy to be there. i wish i could be like that.



this guy looks like a cool dude to hang out with


Even better in slow motion.

Watching the interactions between arrogant cunts and awkward virgins never gets old.
Atleast they have their total lack of self-reflection in common.

Got a webm or youtube of this? Or just point out how to finds this on Youtube?

Why do people still watch GDQ? I'm honestly curious at this point, is it just because it's popular, even though all the soul has been drained out at this point?

Big milkers.

Don't they have it already picked when they sign up? They don't need to say what their choice is...

at this point it's like watching The Walking Dead: i just want to see how cancerous it's going to become.
>tranny identifies as Super Hot

I believe it was during a Fallout 3 run, if that helps any.

>"HEY, VSauce Michael here."

I don't watch live anymore. I wait for it to be over, scan the youtube playlist for interesting games. Watch a bit and judge how interactive the couch/runner is, if theyre shit, I skip.

I found it for you.

autists like me watching other autists doing autistic shit for my autistic amusement (ref: the webms in this thread so far)

They dared to have fun.

The best part is every AGDQ means it's a new year for the anniversary.

>yfw someone BING BING WAHOOs near you

>2 seconds into the video
>"that's my girlfriend, Melissa"
oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i can't watch this no no no no no no no no nooooo no no no no no no no


I started watching it the first year because Jewyama (or someone else with SDA) shilled the event on here. I watched Awesome and Summer GDQs for years, even after it took a noticeable drop in quality and no fun allowed bullshit. I stopped watching a few years ago because how sterile and tranny infested it's gotten.

>Want to get into speedrunning
>Don't know which game to go absolutely full autism on
whats wrong with me

my nigga

max comfy

no snacks though, fucking Sup Forums and the snack posting fucked me

fucking lol'd

>tranny "girl"friend
jesus christ man.

they need more trannies

when is it starting again?

The horror

>Another 10 thousand dollar donation from "Anonymous" :^^^^^^

This is what actual top male performance body looks like.

So its agreed the only reason to watch at this point is the tranny freak show yes?

>20 different extra content incentive goals still not met
>1000 dollars towards killing the animals save the frames xDDD


So did this guy ever actually end up killing himself or was it really all for attention?

What a cool guy who's probably there just for the vidya.

is that guy doing a texas tuck?

I don't know what that is.

he looks to be zipping up his jacket, and failing

pure cringekino


Thanks. I watched the video on my phone on lowish res and even then I gotta say that the "girlfriend" looked pretty solidly tranny so it!s not like he was outing someone that was actually passing

greetings from Germany!



>QuikTrip cup


What is people's problem with this actually?

She's really trying to make them look bigger than they really are