Sync issues with the controller

>sync issues with the controller
>dock scratches the screen
>zelda game cartridge not getting recognized
>freezing, restarts, crashes and boot loops
>get dead pixels on your Switch screen, nintendo's warranty doesn't cover it, they say "its normal, cannot be considered a defect"
Why do people like this again?


Mine got a stuck pixel less than a month after I bought it.
Also my joycons started getting stick drift but since I've had them longer than three months they won't fix it for free.


Didn't realize we were still in March

9 months too late to be complaining about this

Literally small amount of users experienced this except the sync issues. RMA and fixed.

>posting a video from 9 months ago
Are the shitposters really this bored tonight?

I'm glad I take care of my electronics unlike you.

Bullshit. I just got both my joycons RMA'd last week.

Do we really need multiple threads of people begging that we stop liking good stuff?

blunders of this scale are timeless
also these issues are still occurring

accessories have a 3 month warranty, consoles have a year long warranty. I got the joycons in july so they aren't covered anymore and it would cost me almost as much to pay the repair fee as it would just buy a new set.

Good thing the Switch is covered by a free 1 year warranty with total replacement and overnight shipping provided by Nintendo.

>dead pixels not covered by warranty

>also these issues are still occurring
Show me evidence that these issues are still occurring at a large scale.

I told them I got them a year ago and they told me that they would still fix them if I just told them I only had them for 3 months, so I called back and told them that. All they need is your word.

But you can return it to the store. Unless these are dead pixels you acquired a while into the device's ownership, sorry kid!

Bullshit. I went through that little song and dance with them with my Wii U pad. They look up the serial number for the product so there's no way to get around it.

>sorry kid!
truly representative of your favorite console

>But you can return it to the store
No you can't. I'm , tried taking it to gamestop where I got it and they basically told me to stuff it up my ass

>last year
man just like that annoying blue light on the PS4.
oh and you still have to buy another PS4 anyway because it's the new pro version.

Works on my device

You can return consoles.

>dude tells you he tried and he couldn't
>respond with "but you can"