This is honestly amazing

This is honestly amazing.

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BOTW is breathtaking, I just wish it was higher res/better LoD/better FPS. The artstyle alone is great.

It doesn't look like this. Not even close.

If you think it looks "basically the same" you need to get your eyes checked.

This is honestly amazing.

>I just wish it was higher res/better LoD/better FPS
What is cemu, Alex?

I miss being 12 and logging onto runescape to talk to my one wizard friend. Shame I never got any of his offline details, as he was one of my first online friends

speaking of online friends, I wonder what my old roblox friends are up to... I was comfortable enough with one to actually exchange addresses and stuff... Havent talked to him in YEARS though...

Even Nintendo lies to customers and downscales their games.

Really activates my almonds.

What are some fine examples of honestly amazing videogames?

Pretty fun to play too

>that ps2 graphics

Why'd you stop posting your gay little collage?

That's alpha footage though. The gameplay footage was the same as the release.

It looks like a PS2 game.

The first 8 hours of BoTW are really astounding, that's why it got such high reviews (they never played past the first divine beast at beast).

After that it just turns into a mess of recycled shrines, korok seeds and recolored enemies, any sort of immersion dies at that point.

ps2 graphics are as good as games ever needed to look
7th gen is when things started going downhill and the literally autistic obsession over graphics is part of it

If you like that art style, you should play Kat's sequel
It's great and has BotW's art style, but better!

could you imagine having opinions this bad

this game's art style is so overrated

it looks like an unfinished, ugly mess

Says the pleb who thinks graphics makes the game.

I think I'm one of few people who has played the game all the way through on Wii U, Switch and PC
Cemu wins hands down as the definitive experience


i met my wife playing runescape when we were both 14. we talked online constantly, nearly every day. found out we lived an hour away from each other, went on really awkward teen dates, and i always knew we would be together forever. that was 13 years ago, and we've been married for 5 years now. i'll always love runescape for that.

Somehow even worse than Skyward Sword. Can't believe I got shilled into buying this fucking game.

Yeah, Skyrim was cool 5 years ago.

This is honestly amazing.

>Tfw you'll never talk to your RuneScape, gamefaqs, halo 3, or WoW online friends ever again

I practically grew up on the internet.

It's not a problem with "art style". Some of the textures are just low-resolution, and the level of detail on distant objects is noticeably reduced. These are optimizations, not artistic choices.

Criticism toward the game's art direction would concern its use of cel shading on characters, color palette, lighting, and so on. It excels in these regards, it's just that the lower fidelity compromises the mission somewhat.

>ps2 graphics are as good as games ever needed to look
Working within the graphical limitations of the PS2 is actually a lot of effort and developers deliberately making their games look like PS2 titles wouldn't actually save as much time as you think.

I wish PS2 games looked like that.

Do you remember what PS2 games looked like? I know you likely weren't alive when the PS2 was the primary console but having an aesthetic instead of focusing entirely on fidelity and realism is one of the reason so many games from that generation hold up as well as they do.

I'm not talking about deliberately making the graphics worse, but rather not spending so much fucking time and money doing nothing but making it look nice while forgetting to make an actually fun game
as long as it's got good art direction and doesn't run abysmally (as in actually unplayable, not 59 fps) who fucking cares

too feminine

wow................................................................................................................................................................... so this is................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ the power of............................................................................................................................................................ nintendo's hibrid console.................................................................................................................................................................................... honestly amazing....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

your wife is taking black dick while you're away.

>I'm not talking about deliberately making the graphics worse
But that's exactly what you were talking about.
>ps2 graphics are as good as games ever needed to look
PS2 games looked like shit. Only MGS and heavily stylized games really hold up.

If he's comparing it to the ps2, he obviously knows what he's referring to.
It's okay that your babby's first open world game looks and plays nothing like the Witcher 3, but that's okay, user.
It's just a game.

I'm not talking about shovelware user
and good art direction ties into heavily stylized, although it doesn't even have to be that
look at metroid prime, I'd hardly call that heavily stylized and it still looks fucking incredible but more importantly, good enough for the game itself
that's all graphics ever needed to be, and you can't seriously tell me all this retarded pixel count circlejerking really contributes to any game in a meaningful way

This, first 10 hours max are some of the best video games has to offer, but anything afterwards sours the experience entirely. Basically by the time you've unlocked the full map you'll be bored.

The game also peaks in the first five minutes with this shot here.

and also............................... its portable ....................................... holy s##t..........................................

It can sometimes. Street Fighter V has amazing visuals whilst any 3D Street Fighter on PS2 looked like absolute shit.

Disagreed, I was having tons of fun for a good 90 hours. The first 40-ish hours were blissful.

why do you niggers keep pretending the rest of the game becomes shit just because the rewards aren't something completely unique every time
how is it any different from a heart piece or skulltula or a purple fucking rupee? the little environmental puzzles you do for koroks make them way more rewarding to get than any of that other shit, same with shrines which are also their own fun puzzle a majority of the time
what game of this scale has completely unique and worthwhile rewards for every nook and cranny, while also being as fun to get or find to begin with?

street fighter V is a terrible example, it has parts that look good but also parts that look fucking awful and the game as a whole has no cohesive art direction or theme which makes it feel like a jumbled mess
if you're talking fighting look at a proper 3d one from that era like soul calibur 2 (which looked great) instead of the bastard child street fighter spinoffs

Is Hyrule always so smoggy?

Honestly if you could freely manipulatr the camera it wouldn't be too hard to get pictures close to this one.

Take off those nostalgia goggles famalam.

literally what is wrong here
the animations are fluid, the models colorful with enough details to pop and be distinct while still relatively simple, the menus and ui stylized to fit the aesthetic
it looks perfectly fine, and more importantly they clearly had a vision for what the whole game should look and sound like and everything is put together wonderfully to that end
nitpicking screenshots is exactly the kind of shit that I'm saying is dumb as fuck

No one played Zelda for the fucking collectables, they played it for the purely adventurous tone and unique characters/plot. This is present in the beginning of the game with the king of hyrule and kakariko village showing promise, and that in combination with the huge world you have to traverse makes it a great experience. After you've been to every town, seen every area and done every kind of shrine you realize the world is missing all of Zelda's charm and it sours the rest of the game. Doesn't help that the main dungeons range from sub-par to absolute shit (the goron escort mission is one of the worst sequences I've ever played in a game)

It's outdated, visually unspectacular and nobody would buy it. It's really easy to create hardware that can run visuals with greater fidelity than this so there's no reason to stay in the past.

It looks better on PC, as usual

>the world is missing all of Zelda's charm

You're one of those faggots that enjoyed the Gamecube and Wii Zelda games, aren't you?

Those games are shit. Stop trying to tell people otherwise. Every Zelda from Wind Waker through Skyward Sword is GARBAGE. Breath of the Wild saved this series.

Not really, no. Wind waker is very mediocre but anything else after majora is trash in my book. Breath of the wild would be much better if it was not associated with Zelda at all, because it doesn't expand upon the formula ocarina set up and instead does its own thing.

As an open world game (a genre I hated before) it's fantastic, but if this is the future for 3D Zelda I'm going to get bored of it quickly.

>once you've played the whole game it loses some of the wow factor
stop the fucking presses, holy shit I can't believe you just tried to pass this off as a legitimate point
you're also completely wrong, the different areas and people have plenty of charm and memorability and botw is built entirely around having an adventurous tone, which is done even better than the others cause you really feel like you're discovering things on your own and getting sidetracked constantly to go check new stuff out
the dungeons are samey in aesthetics and not very long but the huge integrated puzzles are fun to figure out and very creatively designed for the most part
if you really think that escort mission was one of the worst things you've ever played I can't believe you've played very many games at all, unless you're purposefully being hyperbolic which still hurts your point anyway

>Witcher 3
You have to go back

>After you've been to every town, seen every area and done every kind of shrine
>it sours the rest of the game
It seems to me that doing all of that should take you 20 hours at the bare minimum, unless you're really rushing through things. That's a pretty typical length for a zelda game. The thing about BotW is, if you're hungry for more, you can get 100+ hours out of it. But if you're not, just finish it in 20. That's perfectly fine.


i unironically agree
7th gen has been a load of shit for the most part, and it's because we've shifted our focus to trying to make games look 4k or whatever the fuck

all of your points are moot since it was #2 in the series and now there's a #6 coming out, obviously people bought it and calling something "outdated" is a criticism with no credible metric whatsoever
why do games have to be "visually spectacular" anyway? why is that the focus instead of them being fun to play and well put together? that's my entire point
again I'm not saying for them to deliberately make games look shittier or use inferior hardware on purpose, but rather take the focus away from pure looks and use that extra power for something that really matters
it's like what happened with george lucas and the prequels: had all this new technology to fuck around with and spent all his time making fancy lightsaber fights and cgi aliens instead of focusing on making a solid movie or tailoring the aesthetic to a cohesive world rather than making it as over the top and expensive looking as possible

>all of your points are moot since it was #2 in the series and now there's a #6 coming ou
No brainlet, the visuals were not outdated at the time. They also don't have stylistic appeal unlike say, PS1 games.

>but rather take the focus away from pure looks and use that extra power for something that really matters

Sure, that would be nice. You'd be hard pressed to find someone around here who really gives a shit about graphics over style. PS2 visuals still look like shit.

What, so you were expecting large structures and caves to explore? Huh, weird.

user 7th gen was the PS3/360, we're in the 8th gen now, 9th even depending on how you count the switch

>he obviously knows what he's referring to.
Or he's an underaged who was born after the PS2 came out and it's the oldest console he can think of.

People saying BotW doesn't look like a PS2 game are fucking delusional.

I liked the artstyle and I currently play it on CEMU at 4k with some graphics packs...but my god...the pop in is the worst I've ever seen. Nobody mentions this shit but fuck me is it bad.

Having better graphics doesn't inherently make a game worse you fucking idiots. If graphics that aren't photorealistic are part of the game's artstyle, like BotW, then it's just fine, and graphics aren't that important anyways. But acting like it was a mistake for games to continually strive for better graphics is completely fucking retarded. Games have been doing that since games were first invented, not just 7th gen. It just so happens that other problems within the industry started to arise at that time.

Hey, don't stain my Ratchet with your Zelda shit.

True. Ratchet and Clank looks fucking amazing at 1080p and above.


>not outdated at the time
no shit, stop using this argument
games don't change, soul calibur 2 is exactly the same as the day it released
>they also don't have stylistic appeal
bullshit, there was a fuckton of stylized shit that generation, gen 5 stuff was far worse cause it was literally the first attempts at 3d graphics period, and the jitteriness of ps1 models is hardly something stylistic rather than just straight up not very good looking
>you'd be hard pressed to find someone around here who really gives a shit about graphics over style
what are console wars, or the entirety of the pc gaming population
do you not come on Sup Forums that often or what?
>ps2 visuals still look like shit
you can't claim ps1 has stylistic appeal and also claim this, it's completely moronic

why is the lack of caves so fucking disappointing

Is the left supposed to be an improvement? lol

>when lazy eyes get you off

upscaled emulation doesn't count you retard
you can't play a ps2 game in HD in any official way

I'm done with you. PS2 games are ugly and there's no logical reason why games should still look like them. Yes, Ape Escape and othe trinkets aged fine. Who cares.



>ps2 graphics
Try dreamcast

That looks like a DS game

This is honestly amazing

People who shout "downgrade" and post this screenshot are dumb. Yes the grass is nicer and the rocks have better textures maybe but compared to the first trailer the final game has:

>better draw distance
>WAY better environments overall, just look at this puny fucking death mountain
>world that's more vertical with more complex terrain

Also in the first trailer when the guardian chases Link into that forest, you'll plainly see that the up close environment simply doesn't look as good as micro environments in the final game. Tell me with a straight face that the world of the 2014 trailer looks better than the final game

Dreamcast games generally looked better than PS2 though.

You were saying?

If you enjoyed the game past 10 hours, you probably have autism.

>can't play PS2 games in any true officially supported way.

So... Like Nintendo games?

you can beat the game in an hour

I just wish they kept the sharpess of the style. I mean just look at those goats, they look fucking cool, I feel like the 2014 just had this really slick, original look that was downgraded hard for the actual game, and it just doens't inspire the same kind of wonder in me.

> (the goron escort mission is one of the worst sequences I've ever played in a game)

I agree with this a lot. Holy shit that was bad.

They made the right trade-offs and the game is better for it

this is why MC will always be better to me than Terraria. You cant get that sense of discovery and mystery in 2D.


says the faggot who thinks the jittery pixelated diarrhea of the ps1 has "stylistic appeal" lmao
>ps2 games are ugly, except for the non shovelware ones
thanks for admitting you were wrong, and also ignoring my point yet again
where have I said all new games should be forced to look exactly like ps2 games?

You can say that about any game you austist.

>(the goron escort mission is one of the worst sequences I've ever played in a game)
Stop being a fucking drama queen. This part was fine, fun even. This is the first time I've ever seen someone complain about it

Play Super Metroid

what the hell are you even trying to say
using emulation, or god forbid mods in an argument about graphics is fucking retarded and misleading

>A giant structure you can't enter
>a fucking shrine

>you will never feel the same sense of discovery and struggle you felt when the game was InDev and Alpha
>there will never be surprise updates to trip over.

Use a 4K upscaler for your switch if your TV doesnt have one built in or has a shit one

It really does help alot

The gaming mCable +Switch is a great combo

I have. Unless you lock yourself in a dark room with a CRT being the only thing lit, 3D is better at giving immersion.

MC could have easily become as kino as Dwarf Fort, since it was originally meant to be a 3D DF. But Notch found success with doing less, and here we are.

People got too used to the gameplay of BOTW which was super impressive when the demos first came out. I remember when people would get wow'd by features like shield surfing, updraft to slow-mo, the enemy AI, parrying guardian lasers, riding flying boulders, but now we're spoiled.