Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition

I'm thinking of buying this for my shitstation 4 for like 15 bucks. What am I in for?

I tried to play Baldur's gate 2 and the original fallouts but couldn't get into them, any chance I'll like this?

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Nobody has played this?

The game is rough around the edges but at least it's not as linear as DOS2.

Not a promishing first post.
Game acts like it's the opposite of linear from the ads I saw/read

It's definitely very linear. The maps for each act are rather big for a game of this type, so you can walk around them, but the plot has linear progression.

I'm ok with the plot being linear, as in doing quests in a linear manner.
I was thinking of a "you can only do the quest this one way and/or only get one outcome regardless of choice"

This isn't a "choice and consequence" RPG like Witcher.
You have some degree of choice like in any RPG with choices, but the outcomes are largely the same and nowhere near anything like Witcher.

That's not what I read/hoped for.
Thanks man, guess I'll give it a pass since the cRPG combat is not something I particulary like

You're a huge faggot and I hope you choke on a bag of dicks for having taste this shit.

Play co op with a bro on tactician mode for hilarity.

Be prepared to spend 3/4 of your playtime waiting for skeleton/goblin #54 to take it's turn all the while you're bombarded by what can only be described as German """"""""""""humor""""""""

It's Belgian, actually. And this type of humour is actually called "black humour", and no it isn't related to niggers, and is rather well liked in Europe in general. Best example of black humour are things like Blackadder and Monthy Python.

I think I'd like the humor
I don't mind turns taking too long, better than it being real-time combat. Those always suck in these games.

Nobody I know IRL would be interested in playing this

d:os is a combat-focused game. It does have a story and some characters, but it's very noticeable that anything that isn't combat (and the occasional puzzle) takes a backseat

That settles it, I'll buy Black Flag instead.

ok, have fun

Ugh. Just got to the Phantom forest. This place fucking sucks. Getting tired of fighting like 20 things at once.

Fighting the orcs alongside the mountain men in hunters edge is one of the best parts of the game yo

He's not talking about that part of the game though, he's talking about the forest "proper".
You know, the part that makes up 80% of the entire map of that zone.

My party fucked up everything left and right there. However it contained what I thought was the hardest encounter in the game, killing that asshole voice stealing immaculate. I played through the whole game with Wolgraff so it was a satisfying victory when it was over!

Different fag here. I bought this during the last sale but haven't started yet. Can anyone redpill me on these classes? Also should I do lone wolf on my two characters or use the other party members?

Classes aren't really "Classes" in this game, more like starting points. You basically make your own classes with progression.

What are some good starting points then? Also what about the lone wolf thing?

Obviously you want a magic-based starting point if you want a spellcaster, a physical-based if you want to go melee, and ranger-based if you want to go bows/crossbows obviously.
You have a pure one for each type and few hybrid ones.
Don't use lone wolf, the companions are great and have nice sidequests and stories.

If you're on PC, I recommend using this:
"Six Man Party with Difficulty Increase and Quality of Life" this one.
That way you can have all 4 companions with you, but with the game being appropriately harder to compensate.

Thanks nigga.

It's fun. Combat is pretty rough in the first area, because the game assumes you stay in the main town for the first few levels to investigate and do side missions. After that, assuming you're smart about how you approach things, it's a good level of difficulty, and the story is kinda interesting, but still cliched in a lot of ways.