"I'm not a regular girl, i'm a cool a girl!!!!" "I actually like video games!!"

"I'm not a regular girl, i'm a cool a girl!!!!" "I actually like video games!!"

*rolls eyes*


>I have tattoo, use clown make up and got a gaming chair from my patreon supporters
Gas them


666sasuke666 has donated $10000



why do people use head phones over their hair? wouldn't it be annoying as fuck?
also >razor

"Tanks rubylover69 for the donation, tanks"

Just shut up and show us your feet.

Shes cute, but shes probably both an awful person and deeply lacking personality.

Im not a regular girl! I have a girl tinkler!

Cute! Don't let anyone ever get you down and keep being the cute girl you are.

If I was a hot girl I would be separating these pathetic chuds from their money too. I think I hate the guys who pay them more than the trashy girls.

So shes anyone from Sup Forums?

I probably wouldn't call most people from Sup Forums cute.

Hey I'm not cute, you fag.

>you will never be an average looking girl and make twitch bucks off lonely virgins

I think what you mean is
*gets triggered*
because you are triggered, poor wittle fella

>wanting to sell your soul and whore out
get some dignity

LoL, these girls suck massive balls at games too xD

cant sand these trendy little demons.

yeah you're not cute, you are a adorable faggot

If you were cute enough you could play them just the same. Even better if you don't slut it up at that point because they'll fall in love with you and give much larger donations.

>you will never sell your virginity for thousands of dollars
>you will never sell your panties and some masturbation videos for enough money to not even need to work
>you will never use this to launch a career in STEM where you will always be hired simply because it's literally impossible to fill diversity quotas

Christ any mildly sociopathic woman can become stupidly successful. Hell you don't even have to do any of that. Just don't stuff your face and have any sort of personality and you have your choice of successful men.

If you'd ever worked you'd understand, we're all whores. Actual whores just make more money for less effort. Even doing bukkake porn is more dignified than anything in the service industry.


>you are a

>i'm a cool a girl!!!


Are there any cute slutty tranny streamers?

post feet

It will never not astound me that lonely guys will donate money to these girls when we live in the age of endless free porn.

tfw you'll never be a chad with a hot steamer grill gf


>using a """"gamer chair""""

One day i, too, will be a cute girl with a girl tinkler.
One day.

SonyD is actually a really chill dude.

Do not put it off user, be the cute girl you know you are and don't let anyone stop you!!

>tfw HE broke up with her
>tfw SHE begs for him to come back
>this has happened at least 3 times now
Looks are meme, it's all about not being autistic

Why is fatty so smug?


They get sponsored by those companies, and the companies send free chairs to them, to show off on stream.

I'm working on it, but lifestyle changes move slow, you know?
thanks, i needed that.

I'm not a regular girl, I'm a Christian girl I actually like the bible I have modesty, I don't use makeup, I think a woman's place is in the home and that man is the head of woman

It's so fucking true. I'm 23 and I'm a pussy that can't even make eye contact.

Sure user.

I know they do. But I've heard so many girls regret not doing it as soon as they can. If you're sure this is who you are then do it and don't look back.

I'm telling you, dating someone that was "famous" was hell and quickly led to the end of a long relationship that started before all that. Girls having people people constantly lavishing them based on looks 24/7 goes to their head.

Even then there's still escorts and even if they still can't find any they could travel to other countries with that money and find them.

>knew this guy online
>turns out he was a girl
>blocked her one day

Do it before you hit 20s or it's too late. At best you'll have 5 or so years to enjoy it.

All I want is a titty streamer or ASMR girl gf.

I'm a reasonably handsome guy. I have a good job and make pretty good money.

How do I accomplish this?

This is true, but looks do help

Sony and his girl have been together for a long time now though I think. They seem to actually have a stable, healthy relationship.

you don't find one you MAKE one.
>Find a reasonable attractive girl who doesn't really have any hobbies or interests. (avoid ones with hairdye, piercings, or tattoos)
>Introduce them to vidya
>Introduce them to streaming

You don't. Find an ugly girl.

Nah they broke up last year. Valkraye went on to streaming and Lives with Alexia

You just need money or fame as a substitute.

>"I'm not like the other girls!"
>Still stays far away from any gaming communities that would not grovel over her just on her gender.

>THOT posting


>I think I hate the guys who pay them more than the trashy girls.
Yes, this. If I had some innate way of spotting these offenders in the wild, I'd fucking hunt them and put them down.

Daily reminder women are trendy little demons that pretend to like video games.

>I'm a reasonably handsome guy.
Kek, everytime.

>I want a girl who is constantly receiving attention from other guys

Better hope you never make a mistake or else you'll be up against 2000 beta orbiters waiting to make a move on her.

Trust me, it isn't worth it.

Really? I could have sworn they were still together but I'm pretty out of the loops, I haven't watched him stream in awhile.

my current gf doesn't like video games except shit like animal crossing or pokemon. doesn't really bother me, apparently her last bf was too beta to give her attention and would just play WoW 24/7

Christ almighty, I'm in agreement. The only reason these girls exist is because there are fucktards stupid enough to give them money. The fucktards are the problem. Get rid of them and these girls would go the fuck away.

>I don't use makeup
>clearly wearing eyeshadow and mascara

My professor gave her steam name to me at the end of the semester. I'm closer in age to her then most of the students (late 20's). Debating what to do about that. She likes Civ and Stellaris, that's pretty cool.

>hating the streamers and not the kiddos who give them $1000 a stream

What the fuck is a girl tinkler? Jesus christ.

> Girl gamers (like, 98% of them).

I looooove league and overwatch!! I play support and mercy :3

Idk maybe play games with her?...

girls like these make best sluts

My GF is hot AF compared to me. I dumped her twice and she came back both times and I'm still with her. I still wonder why she's stuck with me.

As a girl I wish there were cute guys who would take advantage of their looks to stream on twitch. All we have is maybe Bjergsen on a good day. At least he's good at the game too.

she probably has low self-esteem and likes being treated like shit as a result

she loves you, dummy

How massive is your dick bro?

He just needs to stop being so skelly and I'd husbando him. pokimane can back the fuck off and keep getting pounded by scarra and fed for that monthly rent for all i care

Because if these girls didn't stream, it wouldn't be happening. These cunts purposefully flirt and be "cute" in order to manipulate dumb betas or kids. Any amount of money means a simple "Oh thanks for donating!" and some fake blow kiss to the camera. The titty cosplayers who have Patreons do the same bullshit, the more money you give the more "attention" you receive.

I wonder what drives redditors who don't even know of the existence of greentexting come here.
>le ebin quotes
>le ebin reddit asterisks

What drives numales such as you here, newshits?
And why do you have to make it so obvious in the way you write that you are feminized pussies?

dude, we just had a trap lover 400mil get, this board is over.


Hes super rich isnt he?

What's a good way to get viewers?
I'm ugly and a chestlet so don't bother recommending being a titty streamer

Are you actually ugly or not a model ugly


do something interesting, play something interesting, actually have goals. Goal less streams are very boring and grindy, nothing to look forward to : /

>being a chestlet girl
Man, couldn't have a worse fate as a streamer

>how bout that ass tho

>mentally challenged people
>knowing how to do any of that