
What the fuck is this guy's deal?

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>stuck at the part where the old lady wants a safe place

if i visit the hunters dream through the lantern will everything reset?

i had 10k souls and wanted to upgrade


Crowsteel doesn't mess around.

i probbly died like 30+ to this fucker. His gun was too op

Things don't reset, upgrade away

I remember you could approach this guy and hit R1 right as you entered your melee range and about 1/3 of the time he would arbitrarily parry and oneshot you and the other times you could hit him a few times freely. Didn't seem to matter what angle you came from nor at what speed.
Fucker was the second hardest enemy in the whole game + DLC.

>stuck at a door

literally how

Voldo even has a mask in SC4 that looks like that or its one of the customization items

ok thanks''

i kills the dogs in cages but then this skinny dude with a lance went berserk and killed me and another hunter was shooting me

its my first time playing this game idk why it makes you start at the monster hive


I should be more specific and say that enemies do respawn if you go to the Hunter's Dream, but any story progression you made won't, so don't worry about screwing up a quest or anything like that.

He's hacker edgelord/RPfag you sometimes see on multiplayer servers back when anti-cheat wasn't as strong as it today
Seriously, he isn't even really from Cainhurst.

this guy was harder than gherman and lady maria but has no lore, wtf

Old King Doran is still harder

ignore the old lady for now, you'll realize what to do with her eventually

>He's ha-

t. someone who doesn't know how to actually play the game, dodge r1 on repeat is a surefire way to get brainleted by the ai

After doing a new playthrough, I think I can safely say Laurence and the Chalice Dungeons are the absolute worst parts of Bloodborne, and Laurence may be my absolutely most hated boss in any Souls-type game.

I still never beat that pain in the ass of the boss

Beastcutter, they give it to you in the DLC

his final phase cannot touch you if you know what to do

>get stunlocked by his stupid lava
>get one shot by his 180 degree turning attack
The only good thing about his boss fight was the music, and even that was ruined by his autistic screeching

>infinite bullets for shooting over 1/3 of your HP with one shot and keep spamming old hunter bone
>has roughly 3 times the HP of someone who has 40 vitality
>can parry and one shot you at complete random
Yeah, nah, this guy's a fucking hacker and I dont feel the least bit bad cheesing him with poison knives. He's not that hard to parry and eventually kill in a war of attrition but it's completely unnecessary, it's a rigged fight so just cheese it and save the frustration

>when you realize Crowsteel is actually piss easy if you go ham when he tricks that Chikage
The only dangerous attack he has is that BULLSHIT Repeating Pistol.

all NPC enemies in Souls games input read, it was super obvious in DaS1 because enemies would run right up to you and stand there waiting for you to attack and make you eat shit with a parry

Crowsteel is only intimidating because of ranged parry and the fact that he will actually ATTACK instead of entering obvious bait patterns

At least he's easy to cheese.

My way of cheesing him was "run the fuck away when he's in 1h mode and rush and spam R1 when he's in 2h mode".

the old cheese way was let him 2h and run away to the door and he would walk back while still transformed and eventually died

fuck that guy

>nice health bar you have there, would be a real shame if something were to happen to it

But there is no frustration, you need to fight him properly. You have the advantage, you are a human with a brain, he's a dumb AI limited to only what he's programmed to do.

It's called not just walking up to him, and pressing circle and r1 over and over expecting anything to happen. He's designed to read you, so after you dodge toward him, you're probably about to attack thinking you've just iframed his attack, so he parries. If you backpeddle to much in straight lines he'll see an opportunity to just shoot you.

If you backstep from his R2 though, he will expect you to then slide right back in with another attack to capitalize on his missed attack, and do it again expecting to hit you.

It's called having a brain and thinking for a moment about what's going on. He's easy as fuck, Fromsoft gave him all those crutches to stand a chance against a competent player and to filter the shit ones.

Literally every boss in that dungeon is a fair fight, save for the one bad hit box on the hotdog.
Git. Fucking. Good

Or you can get him to follow you right up to the corner by the door and *block his path* back into the room. He'll just keep walking into you and let you kill him.

>puts on theifs ring
nothing personnel

>retarded kid regurgitates half decade old stale as fuck meme in a desperate effort to get cool boy points on le Sup Forums

Go. Fucking. Back

fair != fun
All of them boil down to standard delayed attacks and insanely fast attacks while having very little interesting about them. The crazy damage they do makes punishing them harder than it should be too and just makes the fights drag on. Having to slog through hours of dungeons to get to them probably doesn't help my impression of them.

For the record, beating Orphan at BL4 was way harder for me than any of the Chalice bosses but was also a million times more enjoyable.

>its all fair except for that one time

always love seeing bad players come up with excuses.

I just got the plat a few hours ago and this and Yharnam Queen were my final two before becoming a Great One. I don't want to play this game for a fucking while after doing Laurence, the defiled Watchdog, defiled Amygdala, and the headless bloodletting beast all one - after - the -
This has become one of my favorite games but I was getting pretty angry for the last few hours of it. I'm beyond burnt out right now.

Are you talking about the jump that one shots you? Damn that was frustrating.

So I just beat the Shadow of Yharnam. What should I go do next?

>beat BSB
>beat Witches of Hemwick
>beat Darkbeast Paarl
>rescued all survivors and sent them to Oedon chapel

Another boss/area to go to before I fight Rom? I think Rom is the next mandatory boss anyway...


I don't even remember the Laurence fight, it took me a few tries. On the other hand Ludwig killed me about a dozen times or more and I just couldn't get the dodges down for his attacks. Even the Orphan didn't give me so much trouble.

Don't you have to raise the Blood Moon to get to Cainhurst?

You can go through the back way into Iosefka's clinic for the summons as soon as you reach the Forbidden Woods.

>fucker is the hardest enemy in thw whole ga-

Oh okay I'm a little rusty. I thought it had to be night time for the carriage to show up.

His stupid fucking arm sweep is so inconsistent, I think that's what pissed me off so much about him.

It's not inconsistent, it's just really poorly telegraphed. I know it's intentional to make him harder, but it's a shit way to make a boss hard.

I never understand what made him so hard. I soloed him not really knowing what to expect and beat him bullying him pretty bad actually.

But I keep hearing he was really difficult so I'm confused. No I'm not THAT good at the game, I'm proficient to good maybe. Can someone explain what makes him so hated and such bullshit?

People have hard times with different bosses, its been the same throughout every souls game, some people find him hard others don't.

His name is Coldsteel

It took me a year to solo him, it was one of the best fights ever.

Still I'd like to understand for next time I fight him. Haven't gotten to him with any of my other saves yet, so it's possible my first build just handled it well.

It depends on your skillset/build/weapons. I was stubborn with Bloodborne and so I refused to change up my gear at all for most fights.

Exactly. I've never had much trouble with hotdog even in the cursed chalice but Abhorrent beast makes me pull my hair out.

No one ever brings up the chained Undead Giant and I think he might be the worst boss in the whole game.

>he isn't even really from Cainhurst.
Explain further.

I just bought the DLC... and there's nothing to download? How do I access the new stuff?

Those guys were easy, Pthumerian Descendant is a bit tougher without viscerals.

I think it's more of an unspoken agreement that most of the chalice dungeon bosses are just bad.
I do remember his damage output being super inconsistent, though. Sometimes his chain swing would take out only a bit of my health, while other times it takes out all of it, and I have no idea what the difference is.

Anytime a Souls game had DLC, they patch in all of the content before hand, so you only need to download the stuff to actually access it.
Just get grabbed by the guy outside the cathedral

Just fucked him tonight, no deaths

He's easy once you bait him onto the stairs

The one time I actually tried to go through the chalice dungeons I ended up stuck on that faggot for like a week. His ball and chains fucked me up every single time and it felt like there was no reliable way to avoid them. I rolled a new character recently and I was going through the chalice dungeons having a pleasant time wondering why I never finished them until I got to him and it all came back.



You dont know true terror until you have faced two (2) roaming pthumerian descendants protecting a red spider maiden in a cursed dungeon.
This game is evil.

Just summon Valtr right outside the fog door (you'll need to have the "Impurity" rune equipped, though).

Yeah, he was tricky. Took me three attempts before I beat him.

I don't think he's hard, just incredibly annoying.
In both of my experiences, depending on your build Laurence is either a snoozefest of a fight where if you make a dumb mistake, you die in two hits, or a slap fest with a bunch of fire and explosions going everywhere.
He pretty much encompasses all of my problems with the beast bosses in the game because he's always flailing around, does stupid amounts of damage, and has a bloated health pool. His moveset is really boring in the first half of the fight, and the second half of the fight is best fought trying to cheese him from range because you're most likely either get hit by his literal lava shit at his ass or his constant, non-stop swipes and fist slamming. Not even to mention that all the shit going on can just kill the framerate.
It's just not enjoyable. It's cleric beast, but worse in every way, showing that you can take a piss easy boss and make him the most annoying, unfun piece of shit in the game by just beefing his stats and adding explosions.

the most fun I have had in a video game is copying this guy's style and twinking on gankers and PvE babies in the nightmare frontier

>use exploit
>wow, this game is easy

*somehow gets hit by the same hitbox twice*

>Fighting intelligently is exploiting the boss

Okay fag, have fun running up to him mashing r1

>first time fighting Ludwig was on NG+

none of you know what true hell is like

When you gain access to the forest, it also becomes night time.

I guess using cheat engine is playing games intelligently too?

>bait his running attack for free parry when his guns out
>wail on him like a redheaded step child when he blood blades

Worst zone of any soulsborne game.



Nah, at least it looks cool. Horsecock valley, Izalith, or even the Chalice Dungeons are worse(if those count).

I do user. Orphan and he were some real ass blasters.

>Look at a guide for Bloodborne
>Guy stops halfway to take a phone call
>"Oh yeah, I'm doing a guide for Bloodborne."
>Doesn't edit it out

It's neat mostly for the novelty.

Slowing your ass down in continually poisonous swamps has never been fun, though, not sure why they keep doing it.

>First time fighting Ludwig was NG+3


Little brother murdered Eileen after he helped killed Henryk for the blades.
Did I dodge a bullet Sup Forums? Crow seems like an ass but I missed out on that rune.

Why is Yahar Gul so fucking good and why is Burgerstain so shit?

Second best area in Dark Souls 1

He isn't mentioned anywhere not even in Cainhurst Castle.
He also wears the torso of the crowfeather set, so I guess he just wants to come across as edgy as possible

blightown is a breeze after the first playthrough shit it's probably one of the easiest zones to get past

Only real problem was the framerate and that there wasn't enough stuff in the swamp to really justify its size. Other than that it's an amazing area.

What the fuck was his problem?

he's a hunter of hunters originating from Cainhurst

Don't the cainhurt hunters have to travel far to collect those blood dregs for the queen? He probably got lost after Logarius attacked and the illusion went up.

Having to deal with trailing lava is not "balanced" for any boss fight

Defeat Vicar Amelia, messengers will give you an eye. Then you can go get grabbed outside the cathedral ward to get transported to the nightmare

He was just horsing around.


He was an accursed beast, would you be any better?

This area was such a letdown, it needed to be something like the Duke's Archive, huge.

Maria isn't hard. At all. Neither is Gherman if you just understand to be patient when his poise buff kicks in.

This and Yahar'gul are real stinkers.

>Like 4 scurrying beasts in each poison section
>Can only kill one each time
>Can't rest at lanterns
>Have to suicide or hunter's dream to respawn them
>Both require loading screens
>You still have to run will into the level and trudge through poison to get back to them

The queen mentions there are only two Vilebloods left, so I doubt he collects stuff for her.
Maybe he went full edgelord after she refused to marry him.
If Cainhurst has hunters with hacked stats, why did they lose to the church cucks? :^)