Redpill me on this. What's it about?

Redpill me on this. What's it about?

Other urls found in this thread:

p2w garbage just like survaaivrieium

hardcore fps with survival elements but mostly just pvp with some pve elements (a.i roams the maps).

I like it.

You have to escape from Tarkov.
How was that not obvious to you?

game is not p2w in any way.

for the low price of $120 you can have fun! and not have to be autistic to manage a retarded inventory.

it's shit

careful for these shills, the game is going into open beta soon so they are out in force.

holy shit how?

all gear you start of with from the EoD is trash you use to get better stuff and can be bought within the first hour of playing

unless you think the hatchet (melee weap reskin) means something

or is it starting at reputation 1 instead of 0 with traders despite rep meaning nothing now that quests are also required to rank up traders

As a player of EFT I don't like the attention the game has been getting as of late, because I frankly don't trust the pyccкий devs enough to not just slow down and seize development once they've gotten all the cash they can off of the upcoming open beta, and/or slow down future plans in order to monetize the game further (as Survarium had done).
They update quite frequently and the like, but I've seen this exact cycle happen one too many times.

Yes, the game is quite good. However there's only 4 out of 10 raid maps out at the moment, and that's not even touching on how they're supposedly going to be connected to one another at some point.
The game is simply not at the state at which I'm comfortable seeing so many new players flock towards it because they saw their favorite Youtuber play it or whatever; it's still in alpha no matter what the devs say, and there are no certainties that everything won't just shut down once hype dies off and the money is made.

>all gear you start of with from the EoD is trash you use to get better stuff and can be bought within the first hour of playing
i don't buy into the whole shill talk, but you have to be one, you can NOT buy all that within the first hour you fucking retard.

I can't tell if you never played or really are a shill

This, don't buy the game until its ready and they aren't locking an inventory you can use in $100+ pre orders you CANNOT REFUND, fucking scumy as fuck

I would also be quite happy if everyone just fucked off for now. There are already heaps of people playing. If people really think EFT is p2w (lol) maybe that will scare them off. Good.

I am already shocked by how many fucking 14yo kids play this game when most of the squads I am in are made up of guys in their 20's.

And since they released weapon & item cases I have zero issues with inventory and I have standard ed. I'm never going to upgrade.

EFT is not for you. Do not buy it. EFT does not need you.


how much they paying you ivan? i also enjoy paying double AAA price for the early access trash that is full of bugs and lacks content

this game is being made by 13 russians and it's a better FPS than any AAA western developer has come up with in recent years.

and it's built on UNITY lol what the fuck

>weapon & item cases
oh someone should point out these things take forever to grind for, these are not a solutions, dont trust these people.

just don't buy the game. I don't give a fuck. Less autismos like you screeching about p2w while I am enjoying it. I think the devs are already making heaps of money like other guy said. It's a dangerous period atm.

Fucking hilarious. Do you also suck dicks when offered money?
Noone's gonna buy your pathetic excuse for a greenlight title. Those skilled devs of yours have no idea what they're even doing.
Enjoy your Spaghetti Code: The Game.

user it's okay to be bad at videogames. most ppl I know have multiple of each.


>0.2 deposited
do NOT trust these posters, the game is not what it seems, it is GREAT gunporn locked in a shitty poorly made early access game.

I'm in an oceanic discord with 200+ regular players I don't care if anybody buys this game.

stay mad

>Redpill me on this.

>i am on the devs defense force and i enjoy rewards for defending it online

I got the base game and I've been really enjoying it.

I do kinda want to stop playing till they "finish" it, but I've gotten a shit load of hours out of it.

Oddly enough one of the best parts of the game is the gun and explosion noises. Shit is intense the first time you play.

Yeah I said don't buy EFT. DO NOT BUY EFT. Just fuck off if you're even thinking about buying EFT!



Why do so many people think the accounts saying please don't buy the game are shills? Wouldn't they be begging people to buy it?

All Aussie & NZ

>i enjoy EFT

>stay mad
I have no reason to be, because I'm not the one hoping for a finished product despite all the broken promises.

But you're right about one thing, people shouldn't buy it. With its current model and in current state, it ain't worth no money.

It's fun. I only paid 30 some sheks for it and I'm excited to see where this game goes.

Why buy it when complaining on the forums is free?

are the devs so childish they think reverse psychology will get people to buy their buggy EA? i know Russians are stupid but come on

I love the game, I just seriously dislike aspects of it.

As a player, you have to prepare for every bush to have someone sitting in it. AI to either miss you completly, grenade you behind walls, or snap shot you dead with a pistol from a mile away.

As a skav, you have to prepare to be spawn camped, and betrayed by friendlies who wiggle.

I feel like the game has potential, just need like something else. Idk what it is...

I have been playing games long enough that if the whole thing implodes early next year I won't be slightly surprised. Too many cunts buying the game and flushing the slavdevs with money might derail the whole project.

I don't have any hope. I'm just enjoying it right now. What else are you going to play other than STALKER or METRO if you want this kind of experience? And there is no MP option for either of those.

So what option do you have? I'm waiting

it's EFT or nothing if you want a tactical millitary-sim shooter that's online and has survival elements. you're welcome to go play DayZ mod or some shit

Bush camping is the ultimate tactic. I don't do it myself but have died to many bush camping faggots.

>So what option do you have? I'm waiting
It's simple. I still decide to not buy it.

>Tarkov is P2W
Fucking lord, these are the same people who say EVE is P2W, something must be wrong with their heads.

You literally cannot get larger stash size without buying the limited editions and the gamma container is the best container in the game, bar fucking none. But if you argue that the Epsilon container is better good news, EOD doesn't preclude you from getting it. It just gives you something better at the start of the game.

>expecting people on Sup Forums to play games

That's $140 there bud.

15 mins of hatchling runs and I can buy and mod a real AK the 4 average pistols and 2 stubby aks are ez to get in an hour

>caring about stash space
EOD is for faggots

Having a bigger stash makes you better at shooting people? I don't understand how this would be considered P2W. If anything its pay for convenience. Which is super fucking grimy, but not P2W.

>Oh man, look at all these games i'm winning because of my bigger stash!!!

>grinding is fine in a FPS!
what the fuck is wrong with you people

>hatchling runs
kys scrub, there is no reason to not bring in a pistol after the first raid unless you're a pussy.

>playing vidya means falling for obvious ruski huimemes

hold more shit, including being less impacted by tasks eating up space, spend less time autistically managing inventory instead of playing the game.

also gamma containers but none of you have even tried to argue against that shit.

look at all the upset shills replying to this. he is right, the stash has a HUGE effect on how much fun you have, do NOT LISTEN to these retarding russians and shills

I haven't played it during the last few updates, but prior to that I was only having fun doing hatchling runs.
It kinda sucks if you're playing solo when your ambush doesn't work because none of your shots actually landed because lolrussiannetcode. Not to mention there's never any fucking good loot left despite sprinting to the locations immediately after spawning.
Lack of any sort of honor system around not shooting faction members is kinda shit too, unless they've added that since I last played.

There is never any grinding in any other FPS game. You are right.

>Being this fucking retarded.

If you have to actually manage your stash you are a baby who is too scared to bring actual weapons on runs and should probably stop fucking playing.

>gamma containers but none of you have even tried to argue against that shit.
Because it falls under the same category, more inventory space =/= winning

Will the paid posers ignore this or spew more STASH DON'T MATTER shit. hmmm

I have standard and it's fine. If your stash is full you're not playing right anyway - you're hoarding shit you're too scared to lose because you're a pussy. EFT doesn't need players like you.

Nice evading.

So is holding more shit pay to win?


So your saying if i go 1v1 someone in game, if i have a larger stash i will win?

Whats with these threads and paid posters? is it because the game is starting open beta soon?

Still evading.

Fucking retards who hate shit with out playing it. Seriously go play in traffic before you go on the bus to your 5th grade teacher.

>$140 you are allowed to stock up and have fun edition
fuck these sub human slavs

>has no argument

This pretty much sums it up and apparently its Pay2Win if you pre purchase the game.

The developers made contract wars which was pretty sweet but they decided to expand into the open world meme which ruined whatever chance it had for me.


You know that /k/ dream game that's just a bunch of slavic mercenaries trying to kill each other?
Escape from Tarkov is basically that.

>you can't own the game and enjoy the game without liking the pure AIDS the devs pull on pricing people on content

$45 for an early access game is pretty nuts as is. The limited editions are a joke.

>You know that /k/ dream game that's just a bunch of slavic mercenaries trying to kill each other?
But all the gunporn is locked in a shitty game, monkeys paw.

Not gonna argue that. The pre order shit is super fucked up and does piss me off. But I don't feel like I am ever at a disadvantage. I've played FPS's for like 20 fucking years now, when I point and click some dick bags head and it explodes, the size of my stash doesn't matter.

>See i am your friend fellow 4channers! you should really invest in escape from tarkov! i have been gaming for 20 years and it is perfect. buy it friends

Fence just reset
>PACAs, Kivers, and Toolkits instantly getting snapped up

Why the fuck do people buy these so fast? I have to believe they're really low level and can't buy them from rapist/skier for half the price.

So do you always wear Velcro shoes or do you honestly believe they are in fashion?

Not him but
>But I don't feel like I am ever at a disadvantage.

You actually are because I've seen enough gameplay videos/streams to know that it takes around 5-10 rounds with a p226 just to lay someone down in that game so can you imagine what kind of advantage you'll have with an automatic weapon over new players?


Top Ten List Escape from Tarkov Edition:

1. Desync
2. Skill benefits at max level
3. Spawns on Woods
4. Spawns on Shoreline
5. Only 3.5 raids added out of the 10 planned for release.
6. Hideouts and about 30 different skills completely unimplemented.
7. Tiny stash and no tasks/quests to improve it.
8. Nesting bags in bags so fags with gamma containers can cheese skills up
9. Fort armor
10. Helmets emit a sphere of protection around your head so shots to an unprotected face mean the same as hitting them in the helmet.

1 bullet to the head kills if they don't have a helmet. Doesn't matter what gun you use. The better FPS player would win.

Also automatic weapons that are not modded shoot all over the place. A new player with a single shot weapon would probably kill a new player that has an automatic weapon. That's just from my experience with the game.

Like I said before though, their whole pre-order system is super dumb and should not have been made.

I can tell you have never played the game. Headshots are 1 shot kill and you will pick up automatic weapons in your first or second raid (so under 30 minutes probably).

keep shitposting friend, nobody cares if you buy the game

This is absolutely true.
I like the game, play just fine myself on regular edition, and generally find the p2w concerns silly, but stash size and container size DO play a large role in how enjoyable the game is; it's also pretty much THE reason why people spend that insane amount of money on EoD upgrades too.

You spend too much time playing tetris, stuffing shit into containers, and overall having to do a ton of micromanaging instead of having fun playing the game.
>"You shouldn't be hoarding anyway"
True, but you cannot act as if the game doesn't force your hand in a lot of instances. For example, because of how trader tiers work, you may be forced to hold onto STANAG magazines and 5.56 ammo because when you get your hands on an M4, you wouldn't be able to actually use it otherwise, and selling it is a definite waste.
Conversely, you can also be forced to hold onto high-end kitted guns because you are unable to load them with anything, or don't have any vests/helmets available (because you can't buy any worth a damn) to make sure you don't immediately die upon stumbling into your first firefight with it.
This of course happens a lot more than just in these specific cases, way, way too much.
Apparently the plan is to have stash sizes be upgradeable, but until then, it really is unfair and gives a clear (if arguably marginal) advantage in the enjoyment of the game to those who put down the money for higher tiers.

Also while I have your attention, again, don't buy the game.
It may be fun, but the game is in a very odd place currently, where not even half of the game is complete and yet the devs are pushing for an open beta.
BSG are not a known entity and may up and stop development and/or alter their promises at essentially any time. It's best to just wait until the game is in a more complete state before giving them any of your money (and especially any more of your money if you're thinking of upgrading).

You gain and lose guns at an extremely fast rate. Yeah a P226 sucks dick and can't even penetrate armor. But all you have to do is go to a trader and buy an AKS. At the start of the game you can afford about 15 of them without running out of money.

Only the AKS has shit recoil from hipfire and even then who cares it's an AKS you knew what you were buying when you saw the cheapest rifle in the game. Everything else is a fuckin laser gun compared to other FPS games.

Most likely you'll have kept better loot from runs than the guy who has standard edition. Maybe that certain 1v1 you guys are both kitted as fuck, but eventually there will be a guy who only has a pistol and you're still rocking a full kit.

I agree but fort armor is fine. We need more fucking maps.

Fort armors fine protection and rarity wise but players are still way too fucking fast in it.

If you have fort armor you take it unless you're doing a budget fun run.

I don't think he was shit posting
Stash size really doesn't bother me. I've come to a point in this game where I just buy guns I want and just keep some fort armor or helmets.

I do agree, don't buy this game now. In a few months it will be in a better place if the devs don't go full retard.

I am definitely not upgrading. I also don't think stash space really matters. You get quite a lot with standard. It's bigger than Diablo 2 stash.

d/w I am kitted in fort and using AS VAL or VSS 100% of the time until I run out of fort or guns/money. Which doesn't really happen. I consistently float at about 4 pairs of fort armor give or take 3 depending on good/bad day.

>We need more fucking maps
It bothers me how we've only seen 5 maps out of a supposed 10 (the 5th showed up for about two seconds in a 2015 trailer) when the game is supposed to enter open beta (and apparently release) next year. This is also one of the reasons why I'll never understand EoD purchasers- They're buying a season pass for a game that hasn't even mentioned half of the release map pool. IIRC we know nothing about them except for their names.

>1 bullet to the head kills if they don't have a helmet.
>The better FPS player would win.
Chances are you'll be aiming for any body part while in a gunfight so can we stop with the "Head shot meme"

You're honestly making it sound like headshotting is easy to pull off in an intense gunfight.

Or aiming is easy when you haven't maxed out your skills. One shot hits you and you jerk away from where you're aiming and it's fuckin gg

Yeah that's my point. When I have fort armor I use fort armor. There's no depth to it at all. Guns on the other hand have plenty.

There's a lot of shit like that, not just maps. Stuff devs have said will be in the game or have a grayed out UI button and absolutely no preview or in game mechanics that tie to them.

They need to change the armor system. There is a GIANT leap from PACA to Fort in terms of damage reduction with not much in the movement speed area.
Can't argue that, but really the person with the better aim will more often than not win. I've potato'd so many times and lost to people with pistols and in return done the same to super geared players.

It perfectly reflects the shitty life of your average 80s-at-latest militarized slav.

Not to mention the randomness inherent in hueg maps. I've walked up behind fully kitted players who just happened to stop and scan without looking behind them and bam, dead from a grach, free gear 4 me

Footsteps are bugged to shit. Head them clear as day 40 feet away, silent 10 feet away from you.

I hatched a fort/m4 player before he loaded in because I know a spot where players spawned.

Game is buggy as shit and with every update they seemingly break it in a different way


yeah like what the fuck is the auction house or flea-market? Apparently the other maps are actually all nearly finished but I call total bullshit on that. I suspect that what we have now is about all they've got.

It's meant to be realistic and at the moment it is. Look up fort armor IRL. It is much better than some soft kevlar vest.

>but really the person with the better aim will more often than not win

That still doesn't matter an experienced player buying this pay2win shitkit is going to have a massive advantage over new players.

you can sprint for like 5 minutes wearing 100 pounds of gear there's nothing overly realistic about the game in practice. It's just a bunch of different realistic stuff added together that are undermined by skills and video game logic.

which is fine but I never play the realism card when describing the game.