If only females could post on Sup Forums what do you think the board would look like?
If only females could post on Sup Forums what do you think the board would look like?
Just as much shitposting, but with male (female) trap discussion.
Constant Twitter screencaps, shitflinging and eceleb bullshit.
The biggest shitposters are women lol
Most threads would be dedicated to Candy Crush.
Took the words out of my mouth.
In other words, not good.
They'd post more pictures of themselves and there would be more tripfags
Women ruin everything
NOT this
What a super cute face.
>If only females could post on Sup Forums
I think I'd be okay with this. Having to send a picture of my dick to the mod tram every time I want to post makes posting here kind of a pain.
>not natural attentionwhores
The same but with more feet pictures.
I remember a while back some people found a chan called moochan or something like that and its poster were supposedly all women. It looked pretty much the same from what I remember, but instead of just bitching about other people in general they just bitched about other women, as most women do.
Like this
it would be about selfies and spouting nonsensical video game phrases to impress Streamer Chad
People who talk about vidya they don't play, but on an unironic level.
These vidya are of course main stream triple A games only. No Jap shit besides Nintendo and Dark Souls.
dats sum rank ass pussy
>reverse traps on Sup Forums
oh boy
You'd probably have a bunch of shallow, simple-minded people who judge people primarily on appearance. I'd imagine they would relentlessly spam silly insults like nu-female, soygirl etc
You really think women pathetic enough to spend her time on a video game forum would actually WANT to show themselves off?
All threads would be off topic thrash like this one. Reported.
it would look like this
You called?
Why not?
Male anons have done it before.
Stop trying to repost a deleted thread.
There will be a lot less traffic and most of the threads would be about AAA games.
I want a Sup Forums gf
Yeah, but males think differently.
Not an argument
>here's my haul from today
I want to impregnate Kat
It's scientifically proven that males just give less of a shit when it comes to how other people percieve them. A fat dude isn't gonna care if you call him fat, a fat girl on the other hand... Have you ever met a girl like that? They are a fucking chore to talk to.
There are "women" posting on Sup Forums tho, dont be a bigot
>Nobody likes me...
Bishounen everywhere
>Have you ever met a girl like that? They are a fucking chore to talk to.
Not him, but no. What do you mean?
vaginas are fucking disgusting, why can't it just be another asshole that doesn't poop?
Or better yet, a feminine penis.
You can't say anything that even suggests their appearance is bad, or they are gonna go balistic on you.
>thinking every user is as physically unattractive as you
>thinking a fat girl wouldn't want to spread herself all over the board as a form of trolling and get a chemical high from all the hate
>thinking an all-female Sup Forums wouldn't be full of tripfags and avatarfags
Oh OK. Why would you do that though?
Reverse traps are NOT gay they are cute
hey it's not me that came up with the idea, i'm just spreading my knowledge of women.
completely normal, but if they girls were 7+ probably some useless gay shit.
Because they look like shit and you aren't a liar. Chubs always need to be reassured constantly if they feel like your out of there league.
Maybe because i don't like smelling cheetoes every time i meet her? Everyone needs criticism once in a while.
>Chubs always need to be reassured constantly if they feel like your out of there league.
Huh I guess they don't feel this way.
I still would
It seems like most women don't like reading or autistic deep discussion about media. Even their shows like game of thrones, the most analytical they would get about it would be talking to their (stupid) friends about the plot or something.
Also I think women are more mature and would be less likely to shitpost with wojaks, whirrposting, "what did he mean by this" etc.
So you mean nufem-Sup Forums would be sterile boring environment were women complain why don't more games are women-oriented? Also 10% actual videogames
There is no such thing as scientific proof unless you're dealing with simple physics.
After a quick glance through /cgl/, the level of discussion of the board would be slightly better but concentrate more on different genres.
Atleast the Sup Forumsfaggotry and stale memes would fuck off for the most part. I'd rather have a few shitty genuine jokes than an endless pissrain of epic lmao beaten dead horses.
t. soyboy
I wish the soyhate would end, there is nothing wrong with soy.
My ex actually use to post on here.
She had some nice creamy white thighs.
Exactly what a soyboy would say
I wonder what the fem-Sup Forums version of "soyboy" would be
t. nu-male
this user here
Hey I heard the most epic new ironic meme is to permanently migrate to facebook! Epic for the win my dude, all the cool kids are doing it!
Women don't play games, retard.
She has layers?
All the cool kids are doing it?
Then why would you think I, being the contrarian that I am, would wish to partake in something all the "cool kids" are doing
Fucking soyboy
Zelda and links to their twitch stream.
Lots of camwhoring
I meant cool ironically.
delete your harddrive
>Zelda and links to their twitch stream
Is this a pun?
It'd look exactly like this because Sup Forums is full of fujos roleplaying as fags.
They'd talk about dick, abortions and how they were "raped" because their bf left them, even though the sex was consensual when they were together.
>Do NOT pee on the floor
What is that purple panty is stained with?
Wait what's all that stuff in the bottom right for?
Nah grils prefer indies and Nintendo games. AAA is mostly macho shit.
The wheelchair is for pretending to be handicapped
If you want it to be baby
Obviously just water user.
Here have another
it's also scientifically proven that you're full of shit.
I cry myself to sleep when my threads don't take off and anons just call me names like the F-word.
Are you saying nintendo games are for fags and girls?
no u
I thought it was part of a plan to make to make user completely dependent on her.
Like, cripple him.
Women find men gross after all that? Biggest problem we have is hair, which serves a purpose of letting sweat do its job and what else? Sweat literally doesn't smell if you're clean. Our dicks aren't filled with puss and mucus or leak blood.
Why the fuck do women consider themselves more sanitary again? I'm no fag but I consider men to be far more cleaner than women. Women are just good at hiding their nasty away under a liter of perfume and their disgusting skin under another liter of makeup.
Men wear their real skin and at least when we take a piss it goes far away from us, not next to our fucking feet and all over the place.
every time I think about them I think about them comparing their periods with pictures. I already feel sick
The amount of attention women get just by existing in mind blowing.
Why is it like this when we men get no attention?
This is the one I was thinking of
who do you think is giving women the attention?
>I'm no fag but
I need more of these
On the bright side, we have a free pass to burp and fart whenever we want
>I'm no fag but
who are you trying to convince