anybody can have skill but only few can have TALENT to win with such a low tier character


Im still not playing SFV,

>catching each other by throwing fierces

god i hate SFV so much.

he does have insane blocks tho, he blocks shit that would easily hit most top players

yeah, adderall will do that for you

>affording adderall

he can afford a bunch now

he won $12 million in his country's currency. Dude can do whatever he wants now.

Tokido threw after the first 2 rounds.

I would be scared to even go back to DR.

Birdie is considered mid tier

only good esports player is JW
he is our guy
no one else

>dominican Smash 4 player
>wins Capcom Cup out of fuckin nowhere
>made it to Winner's Finals
>reset the bracket in GFs

What the hell happened to Punk this time around?

Jesus sucking hobos dick who the fuck still play/watch this fucking shitshow

real talk this, fuck shithole countries like DR

they might kidnap his mother or just straight rob his ass at gunpoint in his own home

That guy menard is legendary, I swear.
Man said he could win capcom cup if he ate well enough. That's some straight anime shit.

sent to losers first round and got 9th

Got beat by Nemo, probably would have gotten beat by infiltration if he got past Nemo too. Didn't bother to see how he did in losers because I knew he'd get taken out after losing to the LCQ winner.

This is hilarious if true.

>low tier
Nigger I play Birdie he is not fucking low

>Sup Forums player says birdie isn't low

welp mystery solved guys

Birdie really isn't a good character, Mena is just really good.

Birdie counters the top tier like Karin

birdie also counters akuma
he's really not a bad character

He has every tool needed to be good.
-Close grab mixup
-Unpredictability with dolphin dive
-Strong CC
-Strong C.jab
-Best AA in the game
-Good VS
-Above average VT
-Shitton of Health/Stun fuck if I know why
-Damaging, simple, advantageous BnBs

The only thing that stops him from being stupid good is that his comeback isn't retarded like Urien or Boxer, but he should never be that far behind due to his high damage and health pool. That and a bit more reliance on meter than others.

no 3 frame button is probably his biggest weakness really.

who needs 3 frame when his special bull rushes have so much good shit

I would normally agree with you but c.jab is 4frames and goes far enough out that it compensates unless you do a jab wakeup. And if you're doing jab wakeup against a bully/grappler you're fuckin' stupid.

true but that takes meter

Define "talent" and "skill."

>american host
>black "american" host

>play unga bunga fighter V
>pick unga bunga character with safe gap closing ex moves to get to the juicy melee range where you can play rock paper bunga
>outguess the champ at rock paper bunga
such raw talent wow if I didn't know any better I'd say he didn't miss a single chance to press buttons!


Fucking drug addict
Degenerates should be gassed