What JRPG's would you recommend to someone who's been a WRPG fag his whole life?
What JRPG's would you recommend to someone who's been a WRPG fag his whole life?
legend of dragoon
Any smt game that isn't a dating sim
Dark Souls, my dude xD
Persona 3 is a good start
Arc The Lad series
Shadow hearts? Though I would say that going through the chore of the first game to get to the polished diamond second game is a big rough
FF7, Chrono Trigger, Grandia or Lost Odyssey.
What JRPG would you recommend to someone who thinks the few dozen he's tried suck dick.
Quest 64 :^^)
Persona 3, 4 and 5 are honestly very good entrypoints for someone getting into JRPGs. Buffs matter, standard battle systems, different party variations, etc.
Chrono Trigger
Paper Mario games
Soulsborne games
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactics Ogre
Dragon Quest. It's not the most likely thing to buy you into the genre, but it's iconic, easy to pick up without any background in the genre, and when you're through with it you'll know whether you like JRPGs. There're a few games here that're more likely to win you but could ruin your expectations of the genre afterwards.
Chrono Trigger, first and foremost. Easy to get in to, top tier in presentation, story, graphics (for its time), multiple endings, etc. it's up there for a reason.
FF4/5/6 with 6 being the most complete of the three.
Super Mario RPG
More niche examples being Lufia series, Lunar series, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, probably several I'm forgetting.
FF7, standing on its own not just because it was a good game, but what it did to the jrpg genre as a whole.
FF8/9 for different experiences
Star Ocean 2
Legend of Dragoon
Shitload others I'm forgetting, FF7 really blew the door open for jrpgs at this time.
>64-bit and above
Persona 3/4/5 (the rest of the SMT entries I don't consider to be introductory games)
Tactics Ogre: LUCT
Trails in the Sky FC/SC/3rd (having recently played these I'd consider them to probably be one of the better examples for beginner jrpg experience)
Lost Odyssey
Paper Mario series
Tales series (Symphonia/Vesperia are the favored starting points, but this goes way back)
too tired to keep listing stuff
>no xenogears
Gust games during their peak
Mana Khemia (avoid the 2nd one)
The Atelier Iris trilogy
That is the most unfriendly new gaming experience I can think of.
Final Fantasy X
I promise you'll like it, emulate the inernational edition.
persona 3,4, 5
smt 4, apocalypse
final fantasy 4, 6, 7, 9, 10
chrono trigger, chrono cross
mario rpg series (super mario rpg, paper mario, mario & luigi)
earthbound & mother 3
suikoden 1 & 2
go deeper into games like the trails series, smt nocturne, smt strange journey, golden sun series, the SaGa series. plenty of others but the ones i listed above are perfect babby's first jrpgs. the bottom ones are more suited once you're comfortable playing these kinds of games and want something more demanding in terms of gameplay, difficulty, or story
violated heroine
What are some WRPGs where buffs/debuffs matter? And I don't even really mean in the "You almost need them to succeed', but even "proper use of these makes the game a cakewalk if you play on anything but the hardest difficulty" are what I'm thinking of. Or do WRPG's not use Buffs?
The only one I can really think of was what little I played of Witcher 1&2, where you pre-buff with potions.
cRPG's like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
not so much buffs but the divinity Original Sin games are built around crowd control with elemental/environmental effects
Baldur's Gate 2 in particular is really heavy on stuff like crowd control and putting up/pulling down mage defenses.
What didn't you like about the ones you've tried
Persona 5 easily.
I cannot stand JRPGs at all, i hate them with a passion that cannot be described, however Persona 5 just took me in.
Still, the intro of the game really put me off because of all the weeb shit that they throw at you in the first 10 minutes of the game, after that everything calms down on the weeb shit and it becomes enjoyable.
Might and Magic 6/7
To the point that the most dangerous foes are the ones who dispel all your beneficial magic every 5 seconds
demonĀ“s souls
The first Final Fantasy.
It drew a lot of influence from Dungeons and Dragons.
Dragon's Dogma
Elona. Let me get that one out of the way, it's a crpg wannabe done by a westaboo.
Here are some that I thought had more rp than the normal.
SaGa series, specifically:
Romancing SaGa PS2 remake
Romancing SaGa 2 mobile
Unlimited SaGa
Treasure of Rudras
Dark Cloud & Dark Cloud 2. 2nd one is better
Shiren series
Lost in Blue series, starting with Survival Kids
Why recommend the messy mobile RS2 when it comes out for a dozen other platforms tomorrow?
because it's free
This is all you need.
>See the blue sash
>Assume it's Lost Odyssey
>Remember Hana's Departure
God I need to finish that game.
Are there any JRPGs with lore/world building that's as good as WRPGs?
>idiots recommended souls games
God damn you niggers are stupid.
>as good as wrpg lore
Suikoden 1,2,3,5
Xenoblade 1 and 2
Dark Souls
>better than wrpg lore
Trails games, they have some of the most extensive world-building ever even compared to stuff outside vidya.
The best JRPGs have quality lore but not much in the way of quantity
SMT: Nocturne
>just finished Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Whats another game like it. (besides X and 2)
>Xenoblade 2
breath of fire 3 and 4
suikoden 1 and 2
Name 1 thing wrong with the lore
>Xenoblade 2 doesn't have great worldbuilding
Why do people have such a bias against this game? Is it the graphics/character designs?
X and 2 are nothing like the first one.
If you're talking about believable characters and decent combat, I'd suggest Chaos Rings trilogy series on the PSvita, but given almost nobody has one of those, you can also get it on the phone, but you'd have to pirate the first 2 given they were pulled off the app store.
>[Explains a setting of the universe]
>But it doesn't apply to an already established character, she's speshul
It really fucking doesn't
Dragon Quest 3
>no secret of mana
>people suggesting Persona
Might as well suggest Neptunia while you're at it.
Dark souls
who are you quoting?
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
The artstyle is slightly anime while maintaining a generally realistic aesthetic. Has branching storylines because of "muh plot choices" and is generally dark in nature. It looks and feels very Western and doesn't have much in the way of cliche anime tropes.
It is of course a turn based tactical rog and that will make or break it for you from a game play perspective.