Switch Pupper






>Just stickers that'll get dirty and fall off after a few hours of use

>this head dog drawing that does not match the controller

Just don't put the stickers on then. A charging grip that looks more comfortable for 20 dollars vs 30 for the official one isn't bad at all.

>eyes aren't uneven on the cartoon dog

Gayest shit i've ever seen.


So the dog is pretty much the canon console-tan now.

>condoning this shit
I hope they realize this is just going to make more autists draw that abomination with the big ass.

yep, can't wait for tuesday to BTFO these autists

Have you tried a mirror?

It was probably Bill Trinen's idea

aren't the sticks misaligned now

>that kid who didn't copyright the dog design and now everybody is stealing it


I really hope they dont name it that.
It would solidify Sony's grip on Northern Europe even more.

It's a fucking dog.



It's a fucking Switch