Now that I'm an adult I question whether he actually did anything wrong

Now that I'm an adult I question whether he actually did anything wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

>colludes with terrorists
>colludes with RUSSIAN terrorists
>gets the homeland invaded
>helps start WW3
Stop pretending to be retarded OP


The data you download from Makarovs house incriminates Shepherd because of Allen's involvement in the airport massacre.

He betrays TF 141 so that he can hide his treason but also take the credit for bringing down makarov.

lrnMW2lore noob

I Still can't believe MW had actual decent lore for a while

Nuke Iran.

This was the last good Call of duty

MW3 and Blops1 were also pretty decent.


10 year old me was so heartbroken when he died
RIP in peace Gaz #2 ;_;7


The quick rundown on his motives is making America great again. He just did it in the most hamfisted way possible


>10 year old

Either this is some sick trolling or I’m way too old to be here and need to leave

Either troll or fish memory, CoD4 was 10 years ago. MW2 was 8.

Take a guess chum ;)

>Later they went on to make Titanfall 2

Fucking hell Modern Warfare looks so stale compared to Titanfall it's almost like it's not even made by the same people


Didn't he decide to do all the shit he did simply because people didn't care about soldiers getting killed?

Only because you were an underage shitter when it came out.

WAW was the last good CoD

WAW was horrible you shitlord.

>10 year old

I'm ashamed to say I frequent a site with people like you

I wish Sup Forums was 21+, would give people a few years to mature

>broken MP with shit netcode that might as well give you a free killstreak if you get host
>same bland linear hallway shooting with cinematic crap happening in the background as all previous CoDs

CoD MP hasn't been good in forever and the campaigns have never been good

Who cares, honestly. Modern Warfare was always shit, and it ushered in this modern to futuristic bullshit that every game does now.

and I wish it was 30+, in order to give people a few years to mature


Overblown lore, dollar signs in their eyes after CoD4, reused weapons, garbage secondaries and fewer good maps

What made WAW bad, exactly? It was CoD4 (renowned as the best cowadoody), but with a WW2 skin. Great atmosphere.

explain yourself, WAW was fucking great

See: Shepherd deserves to memorized in American history as a traitor worse than Benedict. The fucker worked with terrorists, Russians, got USMC nuked, got the US Mainland Invaded, and helped start WW3.

He did literally everything wrong. How the fuck he was able to keep his position in the military after the USMC got nuked is beyond me. The US would've sacked him harder than anyone and at a rapid pace.

I mean if you're 30+ you ought to be busy with your family/career

21-30 is the important period where you're somewhat dumb, but starting to get jaded

>what made WAW bad?

grenade spam
unmemorable missions and overall campaign
snoozefest pacific theater sections

Black Ops was the kino of CoD though.

It was a movie alright

Didn't they patched this?

>CoD campaigns
>ever getting patched

The russian missions were great though.

Grenade spam was more of a bitch in CoD4 though. You only had 2 in WAW, and the maps were so big it hardly mattered. Rifles had some real use, unlike codWW2 where you go automatic or go home

Yeah pacific theater was a bit boring, but I think americans are more in their element fighting them than the nazis

There was probably no one else and the nuke did help the US retake DC.

CoD's have always balanced around popular opinion rather than what is actually good bad.
>explosive spam got too bad in MW2? Fuck it make them literally useless in all the later game unless you stick someone with a semtex at which point you should have just used a throwing knife
>quickscoping is a meme? Make all snipers basically garbage

And throught the series hipfire SMGs and high damage full auto assault rifles have remained top tier and amazing, but are never getting nerfed because people don't complain

Its was about the gritty theaters. Russian and Germans held nothing back, same with Nips and americans.


>he isn't a 55 year old wraith

he would have been tried and executed the same day in a huge court martial.

I call shenanigans because I have died on the plane ride being shot at.

>looks so stale
and yet somehow it manages to be the better game, funny how these things work out, eh?

>colludes with terrorists
So like america with bin laden right before 9/11, then.
He didn't really collude anyway, just "needed an enemy" and indirectly diverted resources to ensure the government would stay wary, rather than rest on their laurels.

>gets the homeland invaded
>helps start WW3
He ensured the russians gave away their game plan too early, allowing the US to kick their forces into action immediately. This had the side motive of allowing him to have his revenge on the ultranationalists, as the US would rather use an experienced general who didn't really slip up (did you expect him to stand in front of the nuke or something?) rather than go through an impeachment process at the start of WW3.

So basically, Shepard wanted a second crack at the ultranationalists, and kept the US government on their toes so that they'd be prepared for WW3. No, he did nothing wrong.

TF141 wanted to start infighting on the cusp of a major war.

please don't lie on the internet

>10,000 USMC soldiers die by General sending them in
>The body count caused by the USMC was nowhere in the 100k or millions like in 'nam.
The media and US government would have a fucking shit show and Shepherd wouldn't be the only person getting executed or court martial. The intelligence division would be shitting itself, which makes me wonder why the C.I.A would allow a U.S agent with Russian terrorists after the disaster of the USMC loss.

Fighting "ultranationalists" is what only a dirty communist would do. Having your own country without apologizing is the American way.

We can safely assume anyone who prefers Treyarchs games is an underage.
>heavy rock music in a ww2 game

>Like America with Bin Laden
>Right before 9/11
Are you stupid? The United States provided weapon and training to resistance groups during the Soviet Invasion & Occupation of Afghanistan to resist them/mess with the Soviets. That is fucking different than giving a terrorist an agent of the United States, telling them about it, and letting them do the fucking terror attack so said agent can be found and start a war.

In fact the difference between the two is huge. One is resisting an invasion of a country the other is just mass murder over religion/Afghanistan being buddies with the U.S in protecting it.

I agree. There should be no music. Music is entertainment and war isn't. Unless the soundtrack is not meant to be fun but to judge you on your brutality. Oh wait...


Fair point The US doesn't really have enough of a stake in the fight with Germany either, and they're a little overrepresented in what's essentially just the final push of the allied forces.

Brits are underrepresented in DDay despite having been in the fight 4 years prior, having scored the first major victory against the Nazis with the Battle of Britain. And that's let alone the countries who are literally SEETHING over Germany's occupation. Sure, France looked a bit salty in codWW2, but they've got nothing on Poland who were oppressed for years, had a brief glimpse of freedom before having it taken away again.

By comparison, US v Germany seems... empty. "Fuck those nazis!!!!" for all of about a year with little motive, and then the war ends. Zzz. Pacific theater was much more interesting.

>So like america with bin laden right before 9/11

Cofer Black had been following Bin Laden around the world fighting Al Qaeda for almost 3 years by the time 9/11 happened, and the CIA had been following him for almost half a decade.

Shit only happened because nobody believed Al-Qaeda was a credible threat in the 90s.

I wouldn't be caught defending the involvement of U.S in the Afghan war no matter how communist the opposition is. Communism was an idelogy that was failing before it had reached 100 years of age. The way to fight commies is not to arm and train literal jihadis who had existed for 1400 years and exist for the sole purpose of not only destroying your enemies but eventually you as well. The Mujihadeen are exactly like any other islamist terror organization. Supremacists bent on world domination brainwashed from birth to die for their eternal crusade. Even commies are more reasonable because they at least live in the real world even though their perception of it is skewed by propaganda. The U.S should have joined the USSR to glass the entire Afghanistan off the face of the Earth.

>making America great again
His goals were to make America a global military power and basically shove its nose into every conflict. Drumpf's stated goal was to minimize American involvement into foreign conflicts and to focus on the country and its citizens. Which is fairly reasonable.

>if you're 30+ you ought to be busy with your family/career
H-haha yeah bro. I'm totally okay.

God this place is fucking dead it hurts so much fuck all of you
fuck you

...the "ultranationalists" were people who wanted a return to communism. Fighting them would make you anti-communist. Try to keep up.

So like the USS Maine?
Move the goalposts all you like, I'll just keep on scoring.

So was there ever a way to turn off the fucking subtitles in the game?

>the "ultranationalists" wanted to return to communism.
No. They wanted to return to the times of Tzar rule. You know, the thing that was before communism?

You're welcome

>They wanted to return to the times of Tzar rule.
What? No, that's dumb. Also their leader, Zakhaev, isn't even a Russian.

>everything with a guitar is automatically rock
Almost none of the motifs are played on the guitars, and chords are barely used - it's really not rock.

The eastern front is also a combination of cellos and the balalaika.

Guitars were added in places to accentuate the bloodlust of soldiers, and it works. The "orchestral music while gutting a german soldier" meme has been done to death in movies, and it's a garbage romanticization of war.

No. They wanted a return to the soviet union.
They literally carry the hammer and sickle. Can you not do the smallest modicum of research?

He's dumb, but so are you. Of course he was russian.

Kinda bored of kids purpoting their headcanon as fact now t b h

hmm... I could have sworn that at some point it was revealed that they wanted a Tzar again. But I wasn't completely wrong. They literally are not communists. They just think that Russia had a better national identity during the Soviet era compared to the westernized modern version.

>Of course he was russian.
"Zakhaev" isn't a Russian surname. He was probably from Chechnya or Dagestan. It was always funny to me that the leader of "Ultranationalists" was a churka. IRL Russian nationalists hate USSR because USSR was all about "Friendship of the nations" and how all people are equal, and Russian nationalists obviously believe that "Russia is for Russians, fuck brown people and Islam".

>wants to start WWIII so he can win it for America and be recognised as a hero

This was the plot IIRC right?

>Absolutely everybody must live a life with a demanding, time consuming career to provide for a greedy family
Many are simply fine with getting by.

Though actually I just remember that there is a kind of "Russian" nationalists who idolize USSR and think that Russians are more than people who are ethnically Russian, but everybody who knows Russian language and consider themselves to be a part of the bigger "Russian" identity.

>top 10 anime betrayals

...So communism, then. The hammer and sickle was the soviet unions physical display of a commitment to it, which is how integrated it was in their national identity.

>"Zakhaev" isn't a Russian surname.

Don't really care. His canon nationality is russian.

>Like the USS Maine
In the United States defense they seriously thought (At the time) Spain had caused the explosion because of bad relations. It wouldn't be until centuries later that the explosion would turn out to be an accident.

Not too mention. The US raped Spain to death, but it still gave Spain money in the treaty when it didn't have to.

The Inner-Circle wanted to return to Tsar rule, user. Ultranationalist wanted the Soviets back.

>I'm willing to remain ignorant to win an anonymous argument
Oh well.


Most people need some sort of social interaction. Men without families at 50 are lonely, lonely people. A career gives you the economic wealth needed to integrate into society, help out friends and look after yourself.

You're either NEET or the rare person who is happy with isolation. The latter's fine, but don't pretend that it's even remotely common.
The former is... well. Immoral. It makes you a leech, and society would be better off without you.

the nuke from the first game not the EMP from the second

His entire plan was to raise recruitment rates after the bomb in MW1 so what he did was he had an undercover agent work with Russian Ultranationalists to have his homeland attacked so that he could come out a hero and also run the country by killing the president and anyone else in line to take over after the president. He was completely insane.

Just because you're 18 now doesn't mean you're an adult, Timmy. Now go back to posting mundane shit on Twitter or whatever it is you, young soys do these days

What the fuck was China doing during Modern Warfare? Russia attempting to cripple and currently engaged in a war with its largest trader in the world would make sparks fly and China despite its personality would pick the U.S due to more benefits and it not posing a land threat to it.

Not too mention force the U.S to increase its pacific forces activities.
>tfw no Modern Warfare game with a pacific campaign to the war.

>ignorance is not ignoring canon now, apparently
Cute. Reply back to me when you've got an actual point.

>His entire plan was to raise recruitment rates after the bomb in MW1


>what he did was he had an undercover agent work with Russian Ultranationalists to have his homeland attacked

Nope. The undercover agent never "worked to have his homeland attacked."

>run the country by killing the president and anyone else in line to take over after the president.


>He was completely insane.

Even Stalin was considered in control of his mental state. So nope.

Christ, how can one person get so much wrong?

nationality =/= ethnicity

He is not ethnic Russian, but most likely Chechen or Dagestani like the other user pointed out. His nationality is Russian because Chechnya and Dagestan are ex-Soviet republics, and many Soviet citizens were granted Russian citizenship after the collapse of the iron curtain.

Probably doesn't want to get dragged into a major war which could damage them greatly. Economies can recover quicker than a city which is completely flattened by bombing. Plus you have to consider public opinion, even the Chinese, they don't want a revolution again.

It's like the US in WW2. Roosevelt wanted the US to jump into the war and help Britain from the beginning (they still supplied materiel and money) but the American people weren't exactly on board with joining another major conflict after WW1. It was only when they were attacked directly by the Japs that they were ready to commit 100%

>nationality =/= ethnicity

Nobody said it was. Where the fuck did ethnicity come from? It's literally irrelevant

He even states that America was hit a devastating blow after Zakhaev's little incursion and that not enough people were enlisting to protect the country making us weak. I believe it was during the White House bombing level? Might have been revealed during Burger Town though, but it was revealed to us that America was in a bad place after the nuking.

>Nope. The undercover agent never "worked to have his homeland attacked."
Of course he didn't, he was completely oblivious to what was going on around him and was sent there just as a way to keep an eye on Makarov and instead ended up following the plan and got framed. The point was that Shepherd set the whole thing up, that's one of the grand reveals for crying out loud, he had his undercover agent kill everyone and get framed for it which causes the war against America so that he could not only come out a hero at the end.

You literally find the president dead during the White House level and I believe during your trip through the burning White House they even talk about certain members of congress being dead which gave all executive power to Shepherd which if I recall correctly he also talks about to Soap and Shepherd in his cave.

Talks about to Soap and Price rather. His betrayal of the country and his interactions with Makariv is the entire reason why he kills not-Gaz and Roach in Estate as well.

I don't recall the ultranationalists using the hammer and sickle as their insignia.

I'm Commander Shepherd and this is my favorite thread in the United States Armed Forces

Now that you're older there's no excuse for being this retarded.

>nationality =/= ethnicity
Ah, I guess that's my problem. In modern Russian language nationality (нaциoнaльнocть) means ethnicity.

*throws knife*

Damn. If only google existed.

How do people do this kind of bs? I die within 10 seconds of getting on that plane unless I constantly shoot them all.

>that not enough people were enlisting to protect the country making us weak
Rhetoric to justify him being a fallen hero.

>Of course he didn't
Then why say it?

>You literally find the president dead during the White House level
No, you really don't. He'd have been evacuated if he was stupid enough to hole up there during an invasion.

I can't find the citation in the wiki that ties the alleged use of the communist flag to any ingame scene. Where did the wiki dig up the hammer and sickle? So far looks like fanfiction to me.

On flags in every level that features them. One shot one kill, the mission before the last.

It's the "spetsnaz" symbol in multiplayer too, who are really just ultranationalists.

You do know that the Soviet Union and China got into shooting matches with each other right? The Soviet Union almost nuked China until the U.S told them to chill out.

With the return of the Ultranationalist, the border conflict between them would return as well.

Well I'll be damned. It's been a while and I can only remember the old soviet era insignias inside the missile base and stuff, which were obviously not put there by Zakhaev's boys. Is there anything in the game that actually points to them supporting communist ideals though? Or are they just aiming to restore the national pride and identity of the union?

user, you're dumb.

The majority of the Call of Duty series games that are good is the ones from Treyarch.

>Price gets in a fistfight with an old man
>Old man whips his ass
what did they mean by this