Was he right all along?

Was he right all along?

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It depends how you look at it.



Yes but his terminology isn't perfect

In the specific way he outlines it, yes, it makes sense.


Reminder that Henry was always right


But it makes perfect sense.

Sin functions aren't the only things that can be graphed, are you dumb?

Fuck off """Henry"""

It's not a binary system in this game, you either didn't watch or didn't understand.

Pressing A makes Mario jump, right? Sure.
But after he's jumped and landed, if you're still holding the button it is still having a function. It extends Mario's distance traveled when falling etc.

So you're getting an action from the initial press of the button and then you're getting a status change from keeping it held.
Then your status changes back when released.
That's THREE different events from one press and depress of the button.

in electronic terms yeah

Pressing a is pressing a no matter how you look at it, if the button has been pushed which it needs to do to work then the button was pushed

Just a dumb name. If thegame registers a push of a button and gives you a visual representation of it, it was fully pushed. If it was pushed but doesnt give you a visual representation, it wasnt pushed. ince you get a representation when releasing it, which is just a part of a complete interaction (push 1/2, release 1/2), it makes it 1/2 pushes, or 1/2 jumps as he states it. Its not rocket science, henry is wrong

TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""" HENTRY """"""""""""""""""""""""" yoshi

Releasing the button is not a half push. Its a release of the button you just pushed.

No. Since an A-press has three distinct parts to it, notation can only be done in thirds.

how else are you supposed to measure it on paper
if you use 5 presses in the first level and 7 in the next level but the last press in the first level and first in the second were the same press, how do you illustrate that on a spreadsheet?

i said its a stupid name. releasing is 1/2 interaction of a complete button interaction and since it shows an ingame result it could be seen as what pannenkoek described, half a press. You just forget the context and are discussing semmantics you robots

Every time you push the button it counts as 1 push. That's kindergarten level knowledge

I'm only one robot thank you

You know what the actual problem is? He took a simple idea and needlessly over-complicated it. All he had to say was
>a half A press is when you start a level while already holding down the A button
No graphs or 5 minute long explanations. Just say it like it is.

What the fuck is this thread? Asking for my EE friend.

Pure unadulterated autism

>he doesnt robot on different planes of existence
Time to upgrade m8

>What is aughtism

yes, but you said it perfectly. "from one press of a button" Meaning, not a half press, a press ie 1. Pressing the button before the level starts and keeping it pressed is still 1 whole press. He's just using the level as a barrier to say its only a half press, which is just grasping at straws.

Mommy, can I study Mario 64 sciences by PhD pannenkek?

A button has only two states but 3 actions. On/off and press/hold/release.
Technically speaking it should only be 2 A presses because he does 2 presses.

Henry was always wrong. Pressing a button IS a binary state, but a star you can reach with a "half-press" can, based on how it's ordered in your run, potentially be completed without interacting with the A button at all (i.e. neither pressing nor releasing it). If you are NOT able to capitalize on a previously-used A press, then that half press is meaningless as you must press A in the first place to start holding it, becoming a full press.

An A press than can be either 0 presses or 1 presses depending on the context within a full run is what he calls a "half press". How the N64 or the game registers button presses has nothing to do with it. This is purely about how many times you need to press A in the first place, which was the goal of the run from the start.

Hold is not what you think hold is. It just repeatedly presses the button until you release so technically, there are only two states.

>Technically speaking it should only be 2 A presses because he does 2 presses.
Yes, but the 0.5 comes from the fact that A had to be pressed before, otherwise you would need 3 presses. When you're organizing a minimal A press run, the ideal way to represent this on your spreadsheet would be a number that represents that this route is better than a full press but worse than not needing the A button at all, and the best number that fits the bill is 0.5. This has the advantage of maintaining the proper order if you decide to sort your stars by total number of A presses, which would not be the case if you just used some non-numeric terminology or a comment like "must hold A".

>It just repeatedly presses the button until you release
HAHAHAHA no. If that were true youd jump on land. Youre wrong and should accept that.

You can make up whatever terminology you want for a closed system, but technically speaking A is only pressed twice during the run.

It depends on the game itself maybe it recognizes the pattern an executes whatever function you have in your head. Easy way to test it is just to take any mapping software like antimicr, map it to a button and hold the button down. There are hold zones tho but most of the time they act as modificators so if you hold button x for y amount of time it changes to button z So technically speaking, you are the retard and should excuse yourself out of this thread

He's not wrong. Internally there are only two states: 0 (not held) and 1 (held). If you were to somehow press and release the button in such a way that it was pressed at the beginning of every polling frame, it would be the same effect as holding it.

Yes, but that's useless information when more interaction with the A button than those two presses is required. If he found a route that allowed him to get the star with only two presses and no holds/half-presses, it would be an objectively better route to the star. In fact, it's actually in the closed system that this is most significant, because you NEED to press A three times to get that star no matter what. The 0.5 just means that you piggy back off of an A press you used earlier rather than needing a 100% dedicated A press just for the star. It's only in the open system of a full run that you can actually eliminate that 0.5 and thus get the star in only 2 presses.

2.5 presses means:
3 presses when only considering that star.
2 presses when considering a full run.

It's just nomenclature.

Cut it boys, if you arent as good as kek in any game you play, you dont have the internet rights to shitpost that hard about this made up shit

He sucks at video games though. Couldn't even do 10% of the shit in his videos if you handed him a controller and made him sit in front of a console.

get your book faggot words out of Sup Forums

>mfw i misalign myself in the quadruple parallel universe plane

Oh neat, Henry finished high school

Why haven't you made your dream game, user?
Why haven't you even begun to try?

Right about what? The .5 press describes a notation, not objective reality. There is no right or wrong with a notation system, it simply is as it is defined.

Did our guy pannenkoek choose this nomenclature on purpose to rile up autists?

>it would be the same effect as holding it.
Not necessarily. It could work either via polling or interrupts. Also the device could send a signal saying a button was pressed and then send another signal saying the button was released rather than monitoring it's state. Analog sticks work that way in that the signal they send is whatever relative change happened rather than it's absolute state. That's why with older consoles (not sure if newer ones still do it) if you held the stick in a position as you turned on the console that position would be "neutral." It really depends on how everything is set up.

All of that is pointless for this discussion though because a button press in this context describes an action taken for a challenge run. In other words the point is to limit the core mechanic of the game to create a different gameplay experience. The internal facts of how the button works are unimportant.

TJ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""HENRY"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" YOSHI

In the N64's case it works by polling. You input a byte with the value of 1 and are returned four bytes containing the controller's state. The first two bytes which work as bitflags for all the buttons, and second two bytes contain the analog controller's state (one for X axis one for Y axis). The state is absolute (with a range of , but it's calibrated system-side so that the control stick's position when the game starts is treated as neutral. This was to prevent minor differences in controllers from producing drift without the need for substantial deadzones, but does result in the limitation you mentioned if the stick is held when it starts.

An N64 controller only communicates its state with the console in response to a signal from the console. It will not provide the state of any inputs unless polled for it.

>(with a range of ,
*Range of -80 to 80
You could potentially with a third-party controller or TAS tools get values outside that range, but a natural controller sticks to that for each axis.

t. j "henry" joshi

No, because if a button press is actually 3 parts, then it couldn't be 2.5

It could if you only used 1.5 of those parts.