Was this game good? Yeah yeah the SJW shit blah blah but past that
Watch Dogs 2
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The SJW bullshit is unbearable, just play ghost recon, division or GTA5.
People played this? I thought it was DoA. Seems fun but I'm not playing a nigger
>game features a poc character
>"muh sjw boogeyman!"
Christ, you alt-right snowflakes are fragile af
You know how many black people there are in the cyber security field?
Now you know how many of those black people had upbringings in the ghetto?
The first one was actually enjoyable for a playthrough, shame it went the way of Mr Robot, it was already embarrassing enough as it was
the gameplay itself is dumb fun but Sup Forums hates the fact that since it takes place in San Francisco the liberals are everywhere in it
Unless they've massively improved the gameplay over the first one I can't really imagine it being good. One of the most boring and uninspired GTA-clone I've ever played. The hacking gimmick is a potentially good idea but it's really poorly implemented. They should have copied GTA less and Hitman more.
Do you?
much better than the first but still a mediocre game
>character "hacks" with a cellphone the whole game
Did you really expect realistic hacking in a videogame user?
Besides assuming that he did the work ahead of time and that he's just deploying exploits in the field it's not completely implausible. I don't think he's supposed to be live-coding shellcode on his smartphone.
wasn't the edgelord in the first game also using a phone
I enjoyed it, shame all the characters bar the autistic guy are unbearably awful
Josh was probably the most accurate depiction of an autist in a game so far
It was fun.
Hacking was much more interesting and so were the skills you get from leveling up and gave me many fun moments, like calling the police on a race mixing couple or calling a gang hit on a rabbi walking up the street.
I enjoyed it for what it is.
Welp, you're literally proving it's not a boogeyman with your own post m8.
Aren't you suppposed to be on resetera discussing how much you love strong realistic female characters while hoping some obese college chick notices your efforts?
Huge amount of narrative dissonance for the main character, almost GTA 4 tier.
>" yo dawg I ain't no criminal, the ctOS is racial profiling and got me charged with planning a crime I didn't do n shiet."
> immediately becomes a murdering theiving nigger who kills without an ounce of remorse.
Only way his personality makes any sense Is if you used only the tazer the entire game and killed no one
Its pretty alright. The characters get pretty unbearable at times but for the most of it, its totally fine. It has a few neat ideas like being able to cause gang wars and the segment where you kill a fuck ton of Mexican gangsters is fun. Just don't expect a decent story and above average gameplay or anything.
Tranny councilman and the whole "Fuk Thrumpf" questlines were a bit grating, Tbh
It seems like fun and I've been thinking of getting it, but it has that gameplay/story dissonance where the character claims to be a good guy while moving down entire streets.
Dude, homicidal hipsters, lmao
It makes you feel embarassed for the game every 20 seconds. Everything about it is just fucking unbearable if you're not a 1337 h4x0r 12 year old or a 50 year old housewife trying to be hip.
Would be much better if the main character didn't have a gun and the game was focused purely on hacking with little to no murder
I've just started it, and just running into other players and messing around is fun.
Man, that was a big problem for me in WD1. In the beginning when you go see your niece or whatever and there's this heartfelt moment. It might have worked had I not run over pedestrians for fun on my way there.
That's why GTA always makes you play as gangsters and maniacs, you can't be the good guy.
But I really lost faith in the next mission, when the "sneaky clever hacking game" told me to go buy an AK47 to kill security guards.
The autist and edgy boy were the only characters I liked.
>He bought it
You could still be sneaky, even at that point.
You can get through the whole game killing only 3 people by riding cameras all the time.
It's very easy to be a pacifist in that game. The first weapon you get is a stun gun. IIRC the only mission where you're forced to kill people is when you're playing as a different character during the final mission.
his personality makes total sense because he's black
99% of them are incapable of introversion
Yeah, I did that. Still super repetitive and not very rewarding I found. There's not enough depth to the hacking, I wish you could do some clever stuff with what you discover. For instance learn where somebody lives by hacking their computers, breaking into their house and stealing their credentials or whatever.
Instead the most you can do is play music on their phones, trigger their explosives and activate a few scripted elements.
I thought it was really good
>hellofellowkids.jpg: The Game
I enjoyed the game when I wasn't forced to shoot it out with enemies. The story itself was nearly unbearable though.
>dat pic
I didn't finish the game but I recall them fighting for pretty much anyone who asked.
You can beat the game with just the stun gun or stun grenade launcher, Jumper and Quadcopter. The co-op and pvp is actually not bad. The map is also great.
>finish first mission
> morning after
> this plays
who the fuck is she
Do I really have to spell it out for you? What you do outside of missions is not canon. Just like you can play Postal 2 without killing anyone and not being an asshole you can actually not run anyone over and try to be a "good guy" it's your fault you ran over those pedestrians, no one forced you to.
Probably just some random slav slut.
Fuck this is the most cringy shit ever
Honestly, it was a pretty fun game. Putting actual guns and going lethal felt really shoehorned in, using tasers and melee felt like the game was meant to be played using only those.
It was a fun sneaky game
> season pass
> just awful looking clothes and 3 story missions for double what you can buy the game for.
Ubisoft can eat my ass
Is that real? Where can I get webms of her feet?
It really wasn't.
The only good thing it had going for it was the open world and exploration aspects. San Franscisco and sourroundings looked neat and the whole thing had a really nice atmosphere.
From a story point of view this game was fucking retarded. The stakes of the whole plot are incredibly low (every mission chain is basically trolling one specific company) so it's jarring when you get into a shootout with normal security guards and kill them with an assault rifle. It's also already extremely dated with shitty memes and 1337 internet lingo.
Gameplay wise it manages to be even worse than the first Watch Dogs.
The shooting and stealth mechanics in that game were pretty barebones but at least they kind off worked.
For some reason they don't in Watch Dogs 2. Gunplay is super finnicky and the level design isn't really designed with stealth in mind so you get spotted sooner than later which immediately alerts the whole base.
Best way to accomplish anything is to just use your drones in every situation which is fun at first but gets really tedious when you do it for the 300th time. It also makes the game boring because the worst that can happen to you is guards destroying your drone which just forces you to wait for a minute until it magically respawns.
Driving is a bit better than predecessor but still kinda sucks. The handling of the vehicles ranges from okay to ridiculously impossible (that fucking ATV race).
Music selection is just baffling.