Is this game flawless?

Is this game flawless?

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yes it is, user

Its incredible that nobody can come up with any flaws whatsoever.
This must really be the best game of all time

it's only flaws are nitpicks, like the queen of zeal being a mediocre villain, it's pretty much perfect

Having no flaws means there is nothing to point as bad, not that it's perfect in the sense that it couldn't be better in anyway. Well rounded, in another words, but with room for improvement.
That said, Chrono Trigger is a really good game indeed. Perhaps the best turn-based RPG, at least it certainly was in its time. Still holds up.

>turn-based RPG

its boring, therefore not flawless

It is a JRPG with a combat system barely deeper than Dragon Quest. The game is only good in spite of it's mediocre gameplay.

It's certainly up there for me as far as JRPGs go. Possibly my favorite.

That said, though, I can easily nitpick some problems.

>A horrendous localization job on SNES with some mind-boggling choices such as the way Frog talks, the Masamune, grammatical errors in almost every other text box, censorship etc. Only some of these actually get fixed in the DS rewrite.
>Many ways to absolutely break the combat, as if it weren't easy enough. While there are objectively better party setups, many of them will include at least one dual tech that can see you through the entire game, barring only two gimmicky boss battles. Falcon Strike anyone?
>Speaking of easy combat, and this is completely subjective now, the combat itself, even at the fastest combat speed, is far too slow. It's honestly baffling why there is even a Wait mode and that many people I know use it instead of Active
>Also another subjective opinion: The game is short and incredibly linear up until the death of Crono. Another 10 hours or so added to the main plot would have gone a long way for some people like me.

I can probably come up with more but unfortunately it's pretty late. That doesn't really change my overall opinion of the game, however. It's an amazing experience.

Id even argue that DQ has deeper combat in late game

You can cheese by overleveling
Like any jrpg

this is terrible

what release is this from?

>>>A horrendous localization
I don't think I remember one good jrpg localisation in the 90s

Is giving the option to cheese in a singleplayer game really a bad thing?

While this is true It's honestly kind of embarrassing if you have to overlevel. Chrono Trigger is one of the easiest if not THE easiest JRPG I've ever played, and the game forces just enough combat to ensure you're ready for the next boss.

It's from the PSX release. And I agree, the anime FMVs are just god awful and break the pace in an awkward way because the game just plays the in-game version of the cutscene immediately after anyway. Also, that scene plays just after Frog states his name but before he pulls out the sword from the ground. How the fuck did it suddenly magically teleport to the sheath on his hip?

Very true. I think we know who to blame for that one.

- Yes, in that it can often be unintentional (ie, if you explore or do side content you are "rewarded" with an easier, less fulfilling game)
- Yes, in that if you get stuck it is now unclear if you are underleveled or if the designers are expecting more from you.
- And as an extension of the previous two points and an argument against leveling systems at all: games most fun at a certain difficulty curve and being either under or over leveled at those points in the game make it a worse experience. Fixed level ups and implementing proper difficulty options would be superior to this "do-it-yourself" stuff.

It's my favorite game ever. I own CT merchandise and an SNES cart. But here are some critiques:
>Debuffs in the game are basically useless, like how hypnowave barely works on anything
>many combo techs are useless and you're better off with a single tech
>Black Omen is identical regardless of what year you go there (except the future where it's locked) and you can't reverse-run them to duplicate gear like in other parts of the game

It's time

you must like chrono chross then

>games most fun at a certain difficulty curve and being either under or over leveled at those points in the game make it a worse experience.

Too true. Many games struggle to strike that fantastic balance without patronizing or confusing the player. Still, when it actually does work, and the boss is kicking your ass just as much as you're kicking its, the tension generates proper enjoyment and even if you lose you gladly try again immediately because it's just too much fun. It's rare, but I love it when it happens.

>Is this game flawless?

does having a shitty sequel count as a flaw?

It's my most favorite game to Low-Level Run.

I feel like FF IX is ok at that
I don't remember grinding a lot

>Low-Level Run

Fuck yes, CT Low-Level is also one of my favorite things to do. I also really love to replay Vesperia inheriting only the Artes and Skills(but not the weapons, which is key here), while cutting the EXP in half in the grade shop. On Unknown, of course.

It's impressive how divisive CC is

ehh i wouldn't say the combat speed is much of a problem, if anything it's a lot faster than most other jrpgs of time, it only feels sluggish if you're playing in wait mode.

I have fond memories of it because I discovered it on a hentai site

If everyone found it the way I did it would be less hated

Give me more entry level JRPGs please.
I really enjoyed this.

I'll admit it's been awhile, so I can't accurately compare it to another game with ATB. To it's credit, though, if it were any faster we wouldn't get to enjoy that fantastic battle track. It's especially awesome when the battle track persists outside of battle, like when you're pushing your way through Magus' Lair.

You **MIGHT** enjoy Mystic Quest. It even boasts it's entry-level status on the box art!

I had fun playing it

>Position-based skills.
>Can't reposition your party.

Robo's close range bomb skill is completely worthless.

>Frog gets to duel with Magus in his castle because Crono and Marle are useless
>also gets to shit all over Giga Gaia by himself
>Ayla motherfucking MVP of Black Omen, Charm infinite Power Tabs and Megalixirs
>that fucking Mega Mutant fight oh god
>having to find the pixel-perfect spot in the Reptite Lair to avoid a seemingly unavoidable fight
>beating the shit out of Lavos with Level 1 Crono together with LLGirl Marle and Robo through clever usage of Greendream and a full(but not active) ATB bar with Lifelines
>the clockwork fighting against the Mammon Machine and Lavos in Zeal's Palace
Such a good time. I love that it has both pure luck fights -and- specific pattern fights.
Zeal probably gives me the worst time, every time, just because I go for absorbing Hexagon Mist, so double Skygate can really fuck me over badly.

Yes. It's the apex of Japanese cultural productions.

Reminds me of my Mania Mode Symphonia playthrough with no GRADE bonuses.
What a fucking time that was :^)
The three Desians in the desert town is legitimately the hardest fight in the game(next to Sylp-AIR THRUST AIR THRUST AIR THRUST)

That was supposed to be the point of the black omen. They state that it transcends time, but it’s different in 2300AD

and it has the best fight theme

Battle, Boss, Dark King - they're all so fucking good.
Ryuji Sasai did so fucking good on the soundtrack, holy shit.

ATB is a shitty system for deciding who attacks as the enemys will always have an advantage from every second you spend in the menu.

Still a stellar game though.

story 10/10
graphic 10/10
characters 10/10
artstyle 10/10
music 10/10
battle system 10/10

yes, it is

A masterpiece.

>Free Strategy Guide Offer
>"Geez, kid. This game wasn't easy enough for you? Ya gotta be hand-held? *sigh* Fine, you can have a strategy guide too if you want, you friggin pleb!"

Does it matter when you're going to disregard any criticism anyway?

Am I the only one who thought the Black Omen was a tower-like structure and not an imperial star destroyer?

Earthbound's was pretty good.

Same here, user. But after I got corrected once I can see it as a star-ship looking thing waaaay easier. Makes way more sense, honestly.

No. It's way, way too easy. I'm not even a git gud fag, but the game has no challenge whatsoever. In every other way it's perfect.

It was until the DS remake botched it.

>tfw I was lucky enough to own a copy of Chrono Trigger on SNES when I got the system for my 9th birthday
>a brand new boxed copy, with the manual and the world map

Naturally I threw the fucking box in the trash. I used to love to read the manual and see the screenshots of the dual techs I didn't have yet. I took it with me on vacation and lost it in the hotel room. Years later, I have no idea where the cart itself is. My mom used to hide it from me because she said I was obsessed with the game and that it was evil and full of demons.

Simply being an RPG makes that impossible.

No game is flawless, but I do believe this is legitimately one of the greatest games ever made. It still amazes me how much love and care was put into the game and it got me into turn based RPGs to begin with. Heck I remember as a kid when I first heard some of the music tracks I was blown away, there was so much emotion from the relatively weak SNES sound card. I love this game and I encourage everyone to give it a shot.