When did you realise he was the killer?

When did you realise he was the killer?

but he didnt kill anyone

When most of the site thought it was funny to spam image macros of him

Honestly, if I didn't know beforehand, I,would have never have known before the Namatame confrontation in the Hospital.

But also this

when i accidentally spoiled myself cuz i thought he was a cool bro and looked him up on the wiki to see if he had a social link and I read too much

Does he deserve redemption?

When Sup Forums spoiled the game for me.
There are way too many of these threads.

Is it really his fault some gas station goddess gave him supernatural powers he was unaware of? I can only blame him for being a thirsty faggot.

Sup Forums spoiled it
Feels bad man

Pretty much immediately. P4 was bad at a lot of things but it was the absolute worst at being a mystery, and it failed at that as early as the character design level. Which is baffling because they specifically redesigned Dojima so he didn't appear suspicious, yet had no problems leaving the actual culprit sticking out like a sore thumb

>Just started persona 4 a month ago
> know the whole story from almost a decade of shitposts and spoilers

right now, asshole

Adachi is the killer is the Snape kills Dumbledore of Sup Forums, it's impossible not get it spoiled even if you have been lurking here for only 1 month

He didn't actual kill anyone. He would have been a good antagonist if not for "Heh, I'm just a crazy ass fucker for no reason kekeke :^)"

He and Namatame were the only non-playable non-SL characters with portraits. They're also both ugly, to make them look more evil.

huh, turns out akechi would've been a much better antagonist if not for "Heh, I'm just a crazy ass fucker for no reason kekeke :^)"
it's like the villain going from potentially interesting and three dimensional to le crazy face edge man out of the blue is never a good move

luke dies in the new Movie.

Before playing the game because of this hell hole.

One of the characters had to be the killer. He acted so innocent and game literally tried to shove down my throat that he's a good guy. It was too suspicious and obvious

when the option came up for me to pick someone, I took a good amount of time to think about who would be the killer, and I narrowed it down to two possibilities.

got it on my second try

But he did nothing wrong

>tfw I always spoil myself this way so I have nobody to blame but myself
I searched a character once and the first thing I see in his introduction on top is that he was deceased which was supposed to be a spoiler for later down the series.

I maxed my soul link with him after.
The guy is a fucking hero.
I wish he was in P5 so he could get rid of that 40 year old prostitute teacher.

was the first one nanako?

When he says like
>"You kids really shouldnt be snooping around where you dont belong"

he was a cameo if you watch the tv at the begining of december. his in some talk show and the host asks him why he killed people with a tv.

when will you stop posting major spoilers on Sup Forums, you fucking faggot???

shit taste

When he mentions he moved to the town recently was a dead giveaway.


yeah. dont have the screenshot on my atm but his reply was something like

>beacuse Life sucks i guess? lol.

I've never played the game and don't even know what game he's from but even I know he's the antagonist of whatever game he's in because nobody knows how to fucking spoiler their bullshit.

Do you fuck young boys?

i just started playing for the first time today, i know how you're feeling
what's the general consent, is P4 better than P3?

I still think Makoto would have been a better traitor than Akechi, I get that he was supposed to be obvious, but still.