This was easily the best game I played this year. What was the best game you've played in 2017...

This was easily the best game I played this year. What was the best game you've played in 2017? It doesn't necessarily have to be from this year.

Ateliers are so cute.

This was one of the few games I beat this year (finally after putting it off for so long)

I still need to get around to beating Rorona+ and the other two games after that one.

i wanna play this games, but i hate airhead bitches.
is there any atelier for ps3, vita or ps4 that doesn't have an airhead bitch?

I couldn't get into Meruru since Rorona was a loli. I wanted hot milf alchemy master Rorona so bad. I can't get over it to play Meruru in an un-annoyed state. Rorona Plus is definitely my favourite in the Arland series.


*beep beep*
make way for best atelier

>It doesn't necessarily have to be from this year.

First time I ever played it. Loved it.


pick one

None. Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky has a male character, but also has a literal retard. Being created by Gust is pure doom for quality.

Too bad the Vita version runs like ass

My famalam. Never played any of the quake games, except 3 arena. I was definitely missing out. Did you already tried the custom maps?

Not yet. Just doing the basic games first. Right now I'm on Quake II.

>alchemy master
If she's an alchemy master why did the real master alchemist turn her into a loli?

It's still the best version of the game.

I can't stop playing and I hate myself.

and it's on a dead hardware platform with no chances of port or remaster
t. vita owner

The 10 second loading times between maps and especially battles is painful as fuck

I played it earlier this year. Worked fine on the PSTV I bought.

I got pretty bored after level 20. Nothing to do except fetch fucking apples

That happens to tons of games. Be glad it's self-contained and doesn't require an always-on internet connection or access to a remote server that can and will be taken offline in time.

only hope is for a vita emulator in the future

>What was the best game you've played in 2017?
Doki Doki Club

in fullmetal alchemist, the shorties are the strongest alchemist.
that means that a loli is the only possible way to be the strongest alchemist.

muh nigga

By the end of meruru time doesn't even matter anymore. Astrid talks about wanting to create something that let's her travel back in time to a 14 year old rorona so she doesn't have to turn the current day rorona into a loli anymore and that's basically where the atelier rorona postgame starts. The canon true ending of the game is the witches tea party where they are all 14 years old.

what game?


Where are the black men?

There are no black people in arland.

>walk into workshop
>see this
What do you do?

It's a workshop so I'll ask for a female hom.

>I can synthesize whatever you like
>"m-make me a gf”

If you're fine with a homunculus then there's hope.


In your doujins

Jesus christ delete yourself from existence

can I impregnate it

I don't know. They are basically slaves and work for pies. But astrid already managed to create a potion that let's you change your gender so I wouldn't put it past alchemists to make things that you can impregnate.

Fucking disgusting imposter

She's not an imposter. She was genetically engineered to be slightly taller than cordelia

>she can blow me while standing straight

She gets turned back to normal in the true ending of Meruru Plus.

Protip: the jap version of Meruru had a giant patch pushed to it after they received death threats about loli rorona getting the age reversal thing botched and being perma-stuck at 14 as the canon ending.
They added another ending where rorona becomes her normal adult self again.

This ending wasn't brought over to the NA version of meruru, and was kept for meruru plus, which is VITA ONLY.
So you have to watch it on youtube if you're pissed off.

i like it when she talks if only because her english VA also did haruhi suzumiya

Wendee Lee is shit and overused