Disney Just Bought Fox

I know this is more of a Sup Forums thing, but how does this effect our video games?

Fox has Alien and Avatar, as well as the rest of the Marvel franchise. Could this be a KH3 delayer?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=family guy kingdom hearts

>Star Wars X Marvel X Avatar X Disney (and maybe pixar) X Anything Square Enix related

Would seem legit

X-Men in kingdom hearts

how this fuck i this not being stopped?

Kingdom Hearts is gonna be wild

Is it OK now for the X-Men to return to Marvel vs. Capcom?

What's your delay time guess?

Why the fuck is Disney swallowing so many fucking companies? What's their end game? Monopoly?

Op here with an update image, here's some of what Disney now owns

>Anything Square Enix related
How so?

Isn't that the end game of any company?

Holy shit simpsons mighty be good again

>the Simpsons in kingdom hearts

They wanted the X-Men movie rights

their mass media kikes. it's to brain wash the pubix into buying their products and getting legislation that allows them to sell sex toys to xhildren

They already have one kiddo

OP here again, How about the mouse fucks over EA



Unless they forcibly make the old writers come back, I doubt it

All I read is more kingdom hearts possibilities for nomoura to play with.

>implying there isn't already a Mutant Massacre DLC pack ready and rearing to go
Functions more like FUN

Does this mean Deadpool 2 is canned?

>what is charging more for EA Sports rights

They bought SOME of Foxs properties. Why is this board so illiterate?

nigga, i read the headline perfectly fine

>always sunny in kingdom hearts

Op has the link to disney's original statement as well as screenshots from their live investor stream

That's not how it works
The Leagues allow use of team names, logos, etc. Fox just owns TV and radio broadcasting rights of certain teams within those leagues

They also get the original Star Wars movie rights from this they didn't actually have.

Please tell me Sunny will be ok

Of course not, they might actually put some budget into the movie now

Old media devouring itself. New media really needs to cut the ties from all those crappy overused intellectual properties.

Disney is mega pozzed. RIP western entertainment.

Sunny's been on life support for a few years now, broski. Where have you been?

Real talk Disney buying Fox had less to do with Marvel and more to do with the streaming service they want to start.

Having exclusive access to Fox's movies is a huge chip on their shoulder.

More like they will finally put it to rest

Marvel head jew is butt buddies with Trump


>Heartless: Making a Mess all Over the City

yo yo real talk homie bruh nigga

>mega pozzed

I need to use this term more often

>Ice Age

Oh boy, and here I was expecting it to be done already.

>Could this be a KH3 delayer?
Serious answer: no. Worlds were already finalized 2 years ago

Disney: Proud to be one of America's 4 companies

When you have incomprehensible amounts of money at your disposal, you exist only to swallow everything else up and promote your agenda.

>Marvel can now stop pretending the X-Men don't exist and stop trying to make the Inhumans a thing

They'll buy Elon Musk next and colonise mars.


>tfw german and free from Sky's bullshit thanks to DAZN

Maybe I should start watching baseball, it seems interesting

>mfw Sup Forums was right

>first Fox
>then Amazon
>then Time-Warner
>then the US Government
>both Conservicucks and Libtards too fucktarded to care about monopolies

might as well as go after Sony for the Spiderman rights
how long until Disney owns their own fucking country at this point

fucking commi. go to china if you can't handle the free market

Hey, Sorah! Hey! Hey kid!

The GARAGE door has opened...Nyeheheheheheheheh

Jeez, kid, why the mopey face? That wasn't such a bad joke.

Who doesn't want this

The mouse will stop at nothing to achieve maximum gain

>Disney has just bought Japan.
>They now own anime

I think Sony would be too stubborn to give the spider-man rights up. Sony is trying to make their own Spider-man universe

""""""free"""""" market

WHY am i even surprised.

lmgtfy.com/?q=family guy kingdom hearts

hey sora

>advertise to chilluns
>chilluns ask mummy for toy
>mummy buys toy
>more sales for stores
>more hiring bux for wageslaves, either directly at store level or via expansion
>wageslaves have chilluns
>so on and so forth
And thus adding to the great chain of capitalism.
Why does nat (((soc))) hate the free market so much?

Who /Doom/ here?

>tfw finally MCU FF
>tfw Doom returns to MvC

>goes to china
>gets bought out by Tencent instead

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: Sup Forums was right again

we might get a good X-men game since X-Men Legends 1 and 2!

>"Homie we're in kingdom hearts" posts may soon become reality.

Can't wait to see Doom join the great cast of villains such as Malekith, Ultron, Killian and Zemo

>the point of capitalism isn't to produce a wealthy, prosporous society, but to continually expand and become poorer overall

wow great system

I fucking hate Disney. Complete scum. Everything they do is suspicious.

capitalism makes people wealthier you dumbass commie

This. They are pretty sinister.


Fucking kikes what happened to anti-trust laws?

it would be an accomplishment to fuck up Doom any more than Trank and Fox did.

>Homie, you gotta help stop the darkness with Sora!
>But Marge, Disney is becoming a monopoly!
>Hmm, no buts homie, now grab your keyblade and kill some heartless!

Natsoc allows for some freedom, however the government steps in whenever it wants. The free market on its own will eat everything. That is why natsoc is the best system, as it allows some wiggle room but will step in when needed. Natsoc is the way of the future but if implemented improperly, will result in gay commie bullshit. If you put the people to work to build their country's future together, everything will work out in the end. It's just everyone's gotta do their part and follow the morals of the collective nation.

Sounds gay but like anything, it has to be a group effort.

Maybe Walt has ordered them to buy all the companies in the US so they can secretly fund his resurrection.

there isn't a "point" to capitalism. Capitalism is just how goods and services circulate in a free market (key word: free).

it makes people in high positions in companies wealthier.

It makes the population as a whole poorer.

My husband, petah griffon, is fighting Xehanort!

One step closer to the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny becoming a reality

No idea what it could possibly be.

avatar is crap and alien games are only good when they imitate the older movies

nothing was lost

Sony has let Disney use Spider Man for the MCU movies though, Fox fought tooth and nail to keep all of their Marvel franchises away from Disney.

x-men can finally be in MvC infinite?
Maybe the game has a chance now

Wrong, it makes the entirety of society wealthier you lying retarded commie. This is why the Chinese adopted it.

>My brand of socialism is sure to work!
>Centralizing lots of power in government won't go wrong because this time we made sure our politicians are good people who truly want to the best for everyone!

Communism and Nazism are defeated ideologies, though. No one serious is actually going to try anything like them again, even with the concession about the free market.

Marvel movies have some of the worst villains, is it because they always kill them off or they don't actually give them character

They're a fucking company with a lot of money just sitting there, it's only natural to buy and invest in other stuff, specially now that's a time where any company, no matter how big, could crash and burn any moment for no reason. This way even if your main business crashes there's still a fuckload of other money incomes.

People like Elon Musk don't get involved with business of any kind just because they're crazy.

God I want to fuck Meg and Kasmine

Disney ruined the muppets.

NatSoc worked just fine, it took 2 super power countries and an alliance of some of the most powerful empires on Earth to bring it down.

You are right that the people at the top have a faster growth curve than people at the bottom, but even the poorest people get more wealthy over time and have an increase in living standard in capitalistic countries.
They only get poorer in relation to the top of the society, but objectively have higher standards of living than before.

avatar in kingdom hearts

Remastered 4k UHD Blu Ray X-Men cartoon when?

>tfw all my Disney waifus are (((DIVERSE)))
Well hey, thanks Jews

>The first ever human colony off the surface of the earth is Disneyland™ Mars™

proud as an american

sad as a human

Yurops really don't even know the feels