What's better than The Witcher 3?

What's better than The Witcher 3?

Watching my mom shower


Witcher 1

skyrim, end of thread, good night, hoping for your fast recovery

You must really be fucked up in the head to even think about something like that

dinner with friends
kissing a woman in bed

Witcher 2


Games with good combat.

Also, this

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Cuckolding, the thinking mans fetish

Maybe he's saying The Witcher 3 is so bad even the repugnant experience of invading your loving mother's privacy is preferable to playing that trash?


That would mean that he has shit taste
Why would someone bother posting on a thread just to say to everyone that he has shit taste

The Witcher

dreaming about waifu

Eating glass

>Why would someone bother posting on a thread just to say to everyone that he has shit taste


Witcher 4.

Witcher 1

A great many things, but the original for starters

what are you? a fucking gay?

nigger kike, welcome to 4spic

I've seen some screenshots of Witcher games where hot women are being or have been hanged by the neck. Is this is a common sight in the series because it turns me on quite a bit and I've also heard Witcher series are good RPGs as well?


that game is terrible, so bad I never evn cared about playing any other Witcher game because I think it might be just as bad and praised by the drones

>Talk to some dwarf
>Says he doesn't support terrorists
>Ask him if he knows where they are and if he trades with them
>Can never talk to him again
What an RPG

Think hard about what he just said.


btw one of the witcher 3 design devs released version 3 of the Full Combat Rebalance mod for Witcher 3 (continuation of FCR2 from Witcher 2).

Among other things it introduces NPC reactions for stealing and a couple other neat changes.

Fallout 4

My ass

But who was shower?

Post pics of your mom and I'll masturbate to them.

Post the sex cards

Witcher 2

open world fucking sucks