What the fuck kinda headline is this

what the fuck kinda headline is this

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It means that if it has enough thirsty weebs whom will masturbate to the characters ingame it can actually be a success

Whatchu lookin at boi?

might be one of them there clickbaits

it worked for Fate

see "Overwatch"

Take Nier Automata for example, android ass no doubt dragged in a lot of players who would have otherwise given the game a miss.

it was an article about rimworld devs shitting on key resellers

>fanservice is bad meme
Western video games are fucking shit the past 2 decades.

Nah don't lie


The ass drew me in but the game itself won me over. I really liked Automata.

>weebs always insulting ironic weebs
>can't see that they're the cancer that started everything ever

Enjoying your hobby unironically is cancer now

Sex does she. Not all games have a budget twice the size of its development cost

Anime porn is the future.

People don't care about games anymore, it is only just a method to reward people with porn.

Is that image actually from a game?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Xenoblade 2 is fucking cringe, and Camilla in Fire Emblem absolutely broke the immersion. Tharja did happen, but she's a mage and not terribly central to the story.

Here's the article in question: pcgamer.com/how-anime-porn-is-giving-some-games-a-second-shot-at-success

I thought it was going to be the usual "complain about gravure or titty in regular games" article.

I'm not talking about the ones that are just secluded to their hobby. I'm talking about the MLP tier assholes who go out of their way to shit things up.

Based weebs keeping the good videogame genres alive

Hey man sometimes even porn can renew interest in something enough companies might try to sell you stuff.

The type of headline that makes faggot OPs create threads to draw attention to the article.

Whatever makes you click on it

I played Armor Blitz when it was just a mobile game. The 3D was meh and overall the art is just okay.
They then re-released the game on Nutaku and added porn to it.
Overall the game's pretty basic but it's alright if you just want to play some weeb porn game.

Armor Blitz, look it up. The image is from the trailer IIRC.

I mean, it's both story and porn being good.

That's how copies of Neptunia games sell.