What are your thoughts on Episode Ignis and character swapping?

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Don't care. Want more Comrades content/fixes.

I honestly think it's the best part of the game, but it's really short and you don't learn much about Ignis. Ravus and Iggy should have gotten more chats and development. It's actually good content, but rough.

Character Switching is ok, but the pause when switching is more noticeable than what I expected, and changing in smaller battles is a pain.

I didn't think Comrades would be that popular, maybe it's because I don't have paid online.

The alternate ending was pretty good, I kinda wish it was canon
I cried during the last campfire scene with Iggy

I just want them to fix Ignis' new costume. It's literally just the jacketless crownsguard outfit but without gloves. It doesn't even change his hair, what's the fucking point?

Isn’t there offline play for Comrades?

Cool. I ask because I haven’t played FFXV in year. I lost track of all the updates, but I own the season pass.

My thoughts are Ignis should have been in a better game, and that each episode released only makes me hate this game even more. Nice apology ending though. Ignis going blind and Noct dying a virgin is a downer, maybe would have been appropriate if it was still Versus. I was also hoping we could use teh grapplling hook in the main game but you can't , would have been nice to be able to pull yourself up a ledge like in real video games.

Yeah, there is. You play with four AIs.

If I'm being honest, I was disappointed by the DLC, since I expected a lot of it and I was waiting a whole year to play it.
You have to go in knowing that it's a small experience, 5 bucks.
I don't want to set someone else for disappointment.

>each episode released only makes me hate this game even more
How so?

It's amazing how they advertised luna for years before the game came out, she's barely in the game and dies, and even in this new alt. happy ending she's still ded

>I didn't think Comrades would be that popular
It's already dead.

>You have to go in knowing that it's a small experience, 5 bucks.

Yeah, that’s why I haven’t played FFXV in a year. I knew these episodes would be piecemeal DLC, so now I’m starting a new play-through with them. Episode Ignis is very important to the plot, why would you put it behind a fucking paywall? Makes no sense.

Everything surrounding this game dies really fast for whatever reason, there's no discussion left. The same thing happened to Nioh. Why?

It's been out for a year
The only thing keeping threads alive is the aussie and the autism he attracts with him

God knows. I don't know what's going on on their minds. Maybe they couldn't do Altissia justice before the deadline and abridged it to serve it properly as DLC? No idea.

Aside from existing when these plot lines weren't in the main game? Gladio is just a faggot, really don't like him. Despite everyone else I like one-armed Bane Gilgamesh, and him growing ethereal limbs is cool. Prompto being an MT is just retarded, like really retarded. We finally get a boss with actual mechanics in the from of the cyborg yeti. Only after that we get Verstael turning himself into a giant mechanical worm while laughing maniacally. followed by an egregious turret section, aka the forced-walking of yore. Then we get Episode Iggy and we can finally explore more than one neighborhood of Altissia, AND we get a neat grappling hook so he doesn't hump every ledge he tries to jump on. Of all the episodes this is the most necessary, since Ignis going blind is a big deal. Him putting on the ring is pretty cool too, not to mention the Ardyn exposition dump so FF Peasant doesn't have to destroy himself speculating this game's lore.

Many games are discussed years later, Bloodborne still finds discussions without much trouble. It's telling that the game is uninteresting or forgettable.

Because there's just not much to talk about. They're relatively shallow experiences that, while fun, offer very little in terms of plot to analyze or mechanics to dig into and debate.

*false advertises u*

Spoiler me on what happens, and the "alternate ending".

>when you die the game pauses everything and gives you the option to use a revive item

HOW do people defend this? Literal mobile game tier design.

If the character swapping is made constantly and not just in battles, it would jump from a 6.5/10 to a 7.5/10 for me

Not much to spoil, Ignis fights his way to Noct, meets Ravus, fights Ravus, puts on the ring, fights Ardyn, and then we're back in another hotel. The alternate ending is weird, Ardyn just takes Ignis to Niflheim, leaves Noct in Altissia, we learn more about Ardyn's past, Ardyn reveals his true name to Ignis, Ignis uses all the ring's power and fucks up his body, (kills?) Ardyn, Noct and friends come get him (don't know how they got there or how they knew where Iggy was), Noct enters the crystal. Fast forward ten years, Noct and friends go the Insomnia's throne, Ravus is still alive, Noct becomes king, Ignis goes to see him eyesight intact.

In a world where Final Fantasy had to deliver like they thought they couldn't just skate by on brand recognition, this would have been the case. All DLC would have been part of the main game (and not suck) and each character would have had multiple quests. Fuck the industry giant we have today.

The game's combat is such a clusterfuck that giving you copious amounts of 0frames and making you unkillable with phoenix downs is a sort of concession. If you could ACTUALLY die this game would be infuriating to play, especially the endbosses that wiggle their ass and do 8k damage.

So how will noctis leave heirs now? With ignis?

Dunno, the game kind of insinuates that the Lucis line are abominations and should cease existing, or at least the crystal should. I'm guessing this was more of a thing is Versus.

>Not much to spoil

>ignis wears ring

>beats Ardyn

>Everyone confirmed to live in alt

I'm conflicted though. I don't know if I like it better or not.

How is it spoilers? We know Ignis goes blind and we know Ardyn fucks off somewhere after Altissia. The other is an alternative ending so who cares.

Too little too late and important content sold for money and mroe shit to come on 2018 that should've already been in this early access game. Hopefully FF won't continue like this.
Also check the catalog

The alt is mostly what I wanted to know about. I do realize there's not much to spoil out of the main story.

Why the fuck did i even pay full price for this shit. I should've just pirated it in late 2018.

Rundown from threads over the past months:
>IndustryInsiderBro came.
>Was the first to confirm Tangled world (with screenshots prior to video proof).
>Confirmed that there would be a ToyStory tie in.
>Told us BigHero would be included before video proof was shown.
More recently:
>Told us Utada hasn't gotten a single ready for next years release.
>Big figure was misinterpreted when he said the series would always have Sora.
>Sora himself will be removed at the end of KH3.
>Since Sora is half the cast the series would always have Sora (in some way).
>Last ditch effort to get Marvel tie.
>Talks with SW have been reduced to only space fights (expected to go nowhere.
>Said the game would be disappointing.

>Utada not ready

What the fuck? I heard that Utada herself said she had one ready and waiting for Squeenix to give her the confirmation.

This isn't a KH thread and this is just spam at this point.

>Prompto being an MT is just retarded, like really retarded
It was poorly explained, IIRC. He wasn't an MT, like the robots you fight, he's a clone of the scientist, that was being prepped to become an MT, like the children they were kidnapping. An MT being what happens if you fuse a daemon with an human. How does that mean you become a robot is anyone's guess.

I think they condense the person/demon down and use it to fuel the MTs.

I find amusing how with the DLCs the characters added became more capable in the danger state. The Glaive can block while in danger, and Ignis can use the hook, dodge and even revive himself. They might finally be realising being helpless wasn't that good an idea.

>fights Ravus
And thank god, with how he just came in and joined your party with no conflict I thought there would be no battle, and that would have been a missed opportunity.

>mfw [Spoiler] Iggy crying at the campfire when Noct thanks him [/Spoiler]

Don't respond

>Said the game would be disappointing.
No. I refuse to accept this.
KH2 came eleven years ago. I need this.

>Episode Ignis
>Save Noctis, but Luna still dies

>Episode Gentiana
>Save Luna, but Noctis still dies

>Episode Luna
>Save them both, get true ending

Ravus blubbering over his sister and his subsequent trying to stab Noct was the most development he's had.

I'm not sure it would be just fuel. According to the research logs, having the MT keep its sanity after being fused with the daemon was a big problem.

How the fuck do you best Noctis? I can only get him to half health before he begins wrecking my shit.

It's fake. They've been spamming it for the (You)'s

Honestly, Luna is better off dead.
Then I have no clue, I forgot about that point and the fact that Verastel was conscious in his new bodies.

>click this virus link
Whoa there!

It would be best to just report it at this point.

>KH2 came eleven years ago
So did the trailer for Versus

I don't care about FFXV too much; As an observer I ask: What the fuck took so long. I mean I really like that SE is listening to feedback and making changes accordingly, but damn.

>>Save them both, get true ending
The true ending will always be Noct dying and him spending the afterlife with Luna. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Tabata pulls a "everybody lives!" ending just like in Type-0. Seeing that they're basically doing what people want and what they wanted most is a happy ending then it'll most likely happen.

That's fine

FF had a lot of development problems evers ince X technically but really bad since XII. The V13/XV team even had to help out with XIII and XIV 1.0 back then and switching V13 to mainline and chaning engines and platform was probably too much. If i was Square i would've just made a new game completely with differnet characters. but they probably knew that it could live off the V13 hype

>Episode Luna

It's a shallow experience and I wish they would move on with 16, so we can finally bury this piece of garbage. But I have the feeling that the next iteration could be even worse and we might look back at 15 with "fond" memories.

I like the fact that she stays dead. Probably because I don't like her character. And before someone tries it, I didn't see what I saw of Stella either.

>Episode Ardyn
>kill them all

>What the fuck took so long
Which one?

The game in general? 3/4 of its development time was with a skeleton crew, since actual manpower was given to Toriyama to do the XIII trilogy, and to help YoshiP fix XIV and around halfway of that quarter actual development time with a full crew, they booted the OG director, Nomura so they can make him do other things and put Tabata in his place, who doesn't get action combat, has to finish a game in a scale he's never touched before, and in addition, wanted to change the story's focus to other things, scrapping what work the previous team has done. Not to mention all the technical issues surrounding the engine and such, turning it open world with an engine not designed to do so.

What's left is an unfinished husk, and a team that has to fix the story finished by someone who didn't care enough about it, and with no details of what should happen. It's a valiant effort sure, but in my opinion, a wasted one.

Honestly, I'm kind of miffed about that. I knew why the they changed it to FFXV and it was a smart decision...but damn Versus XIII had me hooked since 2009.

What of they did Medieval Lucis and were able to tie in the other rules of Lucis after Izunia fucks over his brother?

How do you actually switch? Do you need to reach a certain chapter before you unlock it or something?

I started a new game. I'm at chapter 3 but still haven't figured it out

It's going to be five bucks like the ones we got so far, expect little in the way of actual effort, they'll go with the minimum.

It's a skill in the Techniques ascension tree. There's one for each character.
Gladio is pretty handy, if one note.

Damn, sounds like a real mess on the whole.

You have to unlock it on your Ascension board.


I'm sure

All this content is free right? Will it all be available/included day 1 in the PC port?

>kh pasta poster and her lowlife stalker shit up another thread
pls GO

I like XV, I really do. But the game's development is a certified hot mess.
I wanna hope since they said that they won't be making announcements until patches DLC are ready to drop that means more effort will be going into the 2018 shit, especially its the last hoorah for them. Unless Square forces a XV-2.

And they have said before they'd have to set Ardyn up before his DLC

The Episodes are $5 each. The character switching and other stuff is free depending on what it is.

>people are paying additional money for this game
Whoa there!

>season pass was advertised to hell and back when the game was coming out
>surprised there's dlc

shitposting really makes you think



>Lightning ruins everything again
Truly, she's the real villain of Final Fantasy.

Considering how they're posting, I think it's that user from earlier with the "leak". Just ignore it.

oh, I see, some autistic avatar fag

megyn kelly? really? get some fucking taste

I didn't think about it that way, being one of the little people stuck with fixing this mess must be hell. Playing the Ignis DLC I could tell there was care put into it.

all three character stories are probably like, 6-7 hours if you do everything in them, right?

That sounds about average for 15 dollars of dlc. I haven't gotten them yet but I probably will.


I wonder if there is gonna be more quality since they're done with this first round of DLC and the first roadmap and because they have the survey results.

That city looks amazing" Can' t wait to expl...

I want them to fix defend missions where the buildings all self destruct

I finally got the achievement for defeating Noctis in the Friendly Match by getting an A+.
Took me forever to figure out how to get a good score because I kept ending up with Cs.
Turns out if you can manage a combo with 30+, dodge most of Noctis' attacks, and beat it fast enough it's all it takes.

Here's my results if anyone is interested in trying to get an A+ for defeating Noctis.

Does he go full armiger on your ass?

Yeah he does.
I save up my limit bar at three bars, so when he starts Armiger, I use Ignis' High Jump attack to get immunity from damage.
If Noctis is still doing the Armiger combo afterwards, one last Jump attack will save you from damage but leave you no bars so save it up again.

How do you damage him? All I've done is rush him until he runs out of magic and then attack him for a bit.

Not him but that's what I do, attack at him until he hits stasis from dodging too much and then wail on him.

Pretty sure it's a bug. The unlock message even said "finally let his hair down."

>Bloodborne still finds discussions without much trouble.

Only reason why it's being discussed is because of NEVER EVER.

I use the Ice element to attack Noctis, because I feel that hurts him more often than the Fire element.
Noctis will usually block and you'll see a blue spark, so just dodge his counter attack.
Eventually he'll either hit you or starting dodging.
If he's dodging you can combo him til he enters Stasis and then if you have full Clarity, use your Fire Clarity instantly before he goes up to a billboard or above the gas station.
If he hits you and you have a full bar of health and don't get knocked out, do the button prompt to recover the press the second prompt to counter attack and this always does damage.
However, after you hit him with a counter attack, instantly dodge or Noctis will follow up with an overpowered counter attack and knock you out.
This is what I do to whittle away slowly at his health bar.
Oh yeah, if you fight near the garage and knock Noctis into Statis, there's two billboards he has the option to Warp to recover MP.
If he gets up there, you have an option to use your Grapple Hook and you get a a prompt to smash the billboard down on Noctis for big damage.

It's a shame it won't include the glasses, the round ones, party ones, monocle, etc were cool stuff.

I have to give them credits, they finally learn how to make waterfall right.

Jokes aside, possible my favorite DLC so far. I'm searching the documents right now, and after that I will face Noctis again. I tried to beat him this morning, but he make me his bitch.

because it's pretty shallow, nice when new but doesnt really do much to keep your attention for longer than needed

>the completion screen for the Noctis fight is Ignis making him eat salad
That was cute i have to admit.