ITT: Moments where games redpilled you
ITT: Moments where games redpilled you
If you take sociopolitical opinions from video games, you deserve the life you get.
It's no coincidence that (((witches))) are behind all the destructive shenanigans around here.
I like how they made these to ridicule nationalists, but stuff like this would actually red pill kids.
Spyro was a massive red pill. Moneybags is clearly depicted as Jewish and keeping Sheila imprisoned is a commentary on human trafficking in Israel.
Donkey Kong Country Returns.
A (((tribe))) of musical instruments mindwash the animals of the land through music (bread and circus) into serving them.
The Kongs, the primates closest animals to humans and thus ingame aryans, are to fight the manipulators for their stolen bananas and to free the land.
The stereotype of greedy rich asshole is so close to jews true personality that anyone depicting such traits looks jewish, even without any additional characterization.
This is just retard tier mental gymnastics. I really hope this is bait.
Danganronpa thought me that only liars succeeded, and you shouldn't be ashamed of lying.
Skyrim was a pretty redpilled game.
That plot may not have been allowed today, for sure it would be heavily criticized.
I wonder if Bethesda doesn't risk launching TES6 because of that tide of high tide of marxism.
Yeah Skyrim red pilled me on how shitty Bethesda is
We used to be able to make racist jokes on this site without being accused of being neo-nazis.
This game itself, but in a meta way. It taught me that if you appeal to black people/things they like, critical acclaim comes far easier. Keep in mind this series was pretty niche before incorporating this and in the past Taro's games were relatively unpopular.
It has several ways it accomplishes appealing to negroes. 2B has a fat ass, something these guys love. They also like sissy white boys (9S) who you play as for most of the game. Lastly, the story appears intelligent while lacking any sort of substantial depth, allowing them to feel smart. It really opens your eyes to how much influence they have in the media.
>The "old Sup Forums" myth
you know it could just be a joke
not everything is actually trying to push a secret political message, despite what Sup Forums & /r/politics would have you believe
Oh look, it's yet another phoneposter posting pictures of his dick/ass
He didn't call you a neo-nazi he just said you were retarded.
>he got memepilled by skyrim
>not oblivion
My dude...
Honestly, unironically the quest in Fallout 3 where you negotiate a peace between the ghouls and the inhabitants of Tenpenny Tower, and the ghouls kill them all anyway because they are a bunch of butthurt faggots
Probably one of the best redpilling moments in the series
oh, also the part in New Vegas where everyone builds up the Boomers as a bunch of cruel, murderous assholes and you go meet them and they just let you in after you walk up to the gate
I understand you may be a bit fuzzy on events that happened here before neogaf's implosion. Not to worry new friend, we welcome immigrants from all sites with open arms.
Ethnonationalism is retarded.
after trying to murder you
shit was jokes back then. Now it's more or less sincere
He literally had to question whether or not that user was being serious when the guy was using Donkey Kong as an advocate for white nationalism. Who EXACTLY is the simpleton here?
>and thus ingame aryans
any game that actually challenges you, forces you to strategize, in turn building character and uplifting you as a human being, building your confidence, enforcing self-pride and masculine qualities for conquering the game, is redpilled. interactive movie type video games and/or games with simplistic gameplay are typically bluepilled, because you're just braindead mashing buttons, also games with stories made beyond 2007 are typically pretty cucked
Oblivion was fun, I made some tanned guy and ran around in my loin cloth taking skooma and running like lightning punching people
Oblivion was a bad Elder Scrolls games but it was a fun game if you didn't want to roleplay in it or have an immersion but Skyrim just sucks for everything
You want an RPG get Morrowind
You want an action game get Oblivion
You want shit, well don't get Skyrim because it's worse than shit
they shoot all trespassers on sight
to be fair, think of literally every other character in that game who could have possibly been walking up to them, and ask yourself if the boomers did anything wrong
Persona 5's ending was pretty redpilled. Special human beings that see the world for what it truly is, while the masses are blind and ignorant to it, masses who have given up, effectively sold their soul to modernity, the gang having to come to terms with being outcasts and yet overcoming their grief with a strengthened resolve to keep pushing for change with whatever power they're capable of
Oblivion is worse than Skyrim in every conceivable way, but you prefer it because you played it when you were 12.
Morrowind is still brst
I was actually 17 when I played it, Skyrim is just dog shit it's not as fun a game as Oblivion and it's not as good an Elder Scrolls as Morrowind
>he gets his political opinions from Bethesda games of all things
I miss Sup Forums before Sup Forumseddit was made
You could actually (kind of) discuss politics without memes and make nigger jokes without being called a Nazi
And it wasn't on every single fucking thread
Sup Forums is garbage, full of a bunch of left wing nut job liberal socialist atheists. Even my grandma is more conservative then them and she grew up in the 60's!