Opinions on shenmue?

opinions on shenmue?


got away with a ton of shit you couldn't nowadays

tom best boy

Pretty fun, especially after the slow beginning. Some good laughs, an all around good time with a friend or two.

The final battles were pretty cool too, with all the classic tropes it pulls.

I have never played Shenmeme. Is it really worth playing or is it nostalgiashit? I mean, isn't it like an interactive movie (and a bad one at that) or something like that? I thought Sup Forums hated those since you guys always shit on Kojima.


It's a drawer opening sim with a detective vn and Virtua fighter combat added on. If you like all those things, it's easily one of the best games ever. Most of Sup Forums wasn't alive when it came out and no one had a Dreamcast at the time anyway. There's not much nostaliga to be had.

only game you can spend all your money in a gachapon toys collection



>I have never played Shenmeme. Is it really worth playing or is it nostalgiashit?

I can't believe someone actually talks like this.

Dead game

I like it, the time management aspect appeals to me, and the setting is interesting. But sometimes it tends to care more about its story than its gameplay, the jobs are notoriously tedious.

Groundbreaking open world gameplay for it's time. It even basically invented QTEs of all things. If you think about it, basically a proto Yakuza.

i like it but it is THE biggest self-indulging waste of money in gaming history, so many unnecessary details and deals with real life brands is what killed it.

God I feel bad for kids who grew up without a Dreamcast

Schenmue 3? more like dead on arrival amirite?

shenmue is a cool guy he "nani" and doesn't afraid of anything.

Hugely ambitious. Technical masterpiece. Average gameplay. Camp characters and storyline. Forklifts.

Loved it. Still have my original copy.

It's a tiger not a scorpion

15/10 and still waiting for my 160 dollar shenmue 3