
>Added the global map


>added a dominating difficulty
>psi fags are now ass-blasted because early game enemies can kill them easily with psi-cognitive interruption

is map good? i might actually buy it now

the map is great, they also added new areas to make the map more coherent.

Expansion when

Holy shit finally. Maybe I will actually finish my run now. It was such a pain in the ass trying to figure out where the fuck you were.

>Increased crawler attack damage a bit; they also regenerate health now (even in combat) and have dark vision
>Added a stronger version of crawler

welp, time to burry all my hopes and dreams

man if you think the new crawlers are hard it's because you haven't seen the Siphoner Man or the Azuridae Goliathus yet.
>go to silent isle on DOMINATING to retrieve the lost cargo
>3 fucking azuridae goliathus

>Siphoner Man
The fuck?

I enjoyed drawing a map on paint while playing this game. What I didn't enjoy was the slow as fuck movement speed.

Shit is easy yo.

How are the psi builds nowadays?
Cryokinetic orb was buffed from what i've heard, how is is for nuking now?

That and the slow transition between areas with a lenthgy black screen, there is no need for that. Just load it instantly since I have a SSD.

>t. brainlet

Anybody have an infographic for those looking to get into this game?

Are pistols finally good?

why is it that only a handful of slavs manage to make a game that deserves my money

just use flares

Do you still have to walk everywhere?

Somewht outdated though.

This shit is ancient

there's boats, trains and metros to walk around faster.

>Added two new belts that augment chemical pistol attacks
>You can now use High Efficiency Energy Converter to reduce the energy cost of firing energy pistols
>Energy Pistols now have two enchancement slots when crafted
>Plasma pistol damage increased by 25%
>Laser pistol base action point cost changed to 15 (down from 22)
>Laser pistol usage energy cost reduced by 20%
>Increased the damage of chemical pistols by 50% (will be applied retroactively on exisiting items)
>Cooked Shot special chemical pistol AoE attack with radius of 1
Energy/chem pistols sounds fun now at the very least.

Grab cheat engine and use speedhack

How do I do stealth? SMGs? Crossbows? Pistols?

knife or sniper

or whatever you want to use

I did. And so did so many other players. Question is that why can't you run in this game? It's the game's biggest flaw because 30% of the time you are walking from A to B.

Oh shit, I'm sorry

the only thing missing from the new patch is making riot shields cooler

Stealth knife build is fun
Nothing like nuttin personnel behind someone and use the Cut Throat trait.

Sorry for what? Our daddies told us not to be ashamed of our hand drawn maps, especially them being such good size and all


Someone redpill me on dodge and evasion, cause I still don't really understand the defense options in this game.

>read through patch notes since
>taste for blood and combo nerfed

you go full hp+armor tank or you go full dodge+evasion ninja

>tfw I tried to make my first character a riot shield wearing pistol man

You need about two or three more stat points than what they give you

So if i go light armor I'm pretty much forced to skill dodge and evade?

Have they fixed Depot A? If so I might just buy it

Stop it user. It still hurts. Why does it have to be so shit?

I am going to do that when the new patch comes out

on my last playthrough I've seen that light and now I understand that I need to get a taser and execute

or use a lot of utilities like healing, grenades, nets, traps

to add to this, underrail isnt the game where you hoard all your consumables and utilities until the end of the game because "I might need it later", combat often demands that you fucking blast the enemies with whatever you got and maybe survive somehow

SMG and Knife
Cutthroat + Ballbuster + Full auto and you can pop 3 jacks out of the shadows without giving them a single action.

He threw us a bone by dropping Steadfast aim back down to 5 str at least.

Call me when riot gear doesn't suck dick

Thank fucking god, i finished the game and i had like 4 fucking papers glued together with the map drawn on it not counting the underground stuff that was a nightmare to draw too.

The last area was such a clusterfuck that i didnt even bother trying to draw, that was a mistake too.

What was wrong with Depo A?

It filters plebs

>use Assault Rifle
>blast one dude
>nothing moves anymore
>walk up a bit
>5 more bodies in the distance

If i learnt something from Underrail, is that you can solve everything with enough prep time and traps.

Depo A i probably sneaked my way though while killing everything in my path with the crossbow/sniper.

I'm guessing you and rat king were best buds

will this game offer a more satisfying experience compared to Wasteland 2? W2 combat was nice but the exploration and general world interaction was garbage.

Exploration is much better imo, especially if you're playing on oddity xp. World interaction isn't great here either though

Yes, absolutely, in every possible way. Wasteland 2 was hot garbage.

I dunno, like Underrail for me was very fucking combat heavy but also exploration heavy and better than W2.

As for world interaction i guess not really? Like i liked the world they set up but you cant really interact with it ala Fallout.

I wouldnt call Wasteland 2 hot garbage, its a decent RPG on its own but it could have been better, it feels like a sequel straight around the time W1 came out.

I always thought the lack of the map adds to the immersiveness and difficulty of the game but I am very glad that stygg has added it anyway. Even hardcore neckbeards need it once in a while.

>trap autismo engaging again
shit user what are you doing to me

Whats a good build for a first playthrough?

psi if you like playing wizards in rpgs, knife+light armor if you like rogues, and assault rifle + heavy armor if you like brute force

I like playing samurais though

It's called undertale not underrail

not a game for weebs

>can't do a stealth/talking/crafting build because theres just not enough points

I want to do a protecuck run, I hope the talking skill has some use in the expansion


>nerfing things in a patch for a single player game
I want devs to stop doing this

So, what was the deal with two headed mutant?

he has a random chance to spawn with the junkyard muties
i got him to show up once, but it's more trouble than it's worth it

>nerfing things
>in a single player RPG
literally what is the purpose

Pleasing autists I suppose

remove drones

How do I get into this game?

press play

make a character, die a few times, make a better character, kill shit

Anything as long as you max your your stats.

Nigga, just wander around for a while, you'll eventually just burn into memory where stuff is

It's only a pain for a while, but once you learn how places are connected to each other, it's not hard to get around without a map

God damnit, I dont wanna restart again. Fucking crowd control. I made a sneaky light armor low hp utility/pistol/sniper character, thinking the versatility would go a long way, but it's just become I have to roll these 70-80% throw/snipe chances and get flashbangs to not be resisted every time or else one guy resists and and it's either perma stun time or crit city death for me.
Those shock bolts are my bane, I got triple crit by one before, shield drain, nvg drain, taser drain and the regular damage on top.

more molotovs
also if you start with stealth you can set traps

Sadly I'm not using traps. I've been using grenades with a sniper/pistol that lets me use 1 grenade along with a shot. Probably should've ditched pistols and dex so I could max agility for blitz, instead I'm spread pretty far going for execute/rapid fire in case enemies get up close I can taser->execute. How far do regular bear traps get you? Does low trap skills mean enemies detect them all the time?

>full psi + grenades
Is this as viable as i think it is?

try setting traps around the corner
if it doesnt work, dont bother

also, do you try restealthing after a flashbang?

You never had to walk everywhere, what? There's always been train and boat travel.

By the logic the two of you have why not just make everything so overpowered it kills things in one hit?

>do you try restealthing after a flashbang?
Sometimes, assuming I can. Snipe has to be used in stealth so it gets put on cooldown. It also feels sooooo cheap to restealth and run away, getting a free instakill shot every time. I'm already savescumming like a madman anyway, which is why I'm really feeling the restart.

>what is sniper build

when you have to fight dozens of lunatics you wont worry about those cheap kills

Assault and Heavy armor or Psi-build.

Anything else is going to cause you numerous headaches. Particularly Sledgehammer, Knife, Pistol and Sniper builds.

What kind of character should I do for my second run? Torn between full psi, SMG, or crossbow. Regardless stealth is going to be a key part of the build.

Yes, very.

Psi with a packful of molotovs can curb stomp anything

Stealth and crossbows I guess then

What's the downside to a psi monk? The moment you get force emission everything starts blowing up. Is the force emission damage a separate instance of damage when it comes to overcoming armor or is it added together with the regular attack?

Not really the point I was making. More so that the two of you are essentially saying "Why balance a single player game?" You tell me, why do you make sure a single player game isn't too easy?

Whether it's done in a path or not is pretty irrelevant. You are ignoring that just because you played the game already doesn't mean everyone has. Obviously the dev is patching the game to create what they feel will be a better experience thus making their game better over time. I do agree that doing this too much is a bad idea that leads to ruining a product eventually but saying blanket things like "it should NEVER be done" is just ridiculous.

Cool, i might get back and complete it, though im still undecided on what build to use: refine my old tanky AR/Sniper with balistic ves(That got me to core city, so it wasn't so bad) or go full crossbow trapman?

depends on your stat/skill distribution and perk choices. Could be low hp and survivability, and poor crowd control, but generally, monk is one of the best builds in the game

Unless you distributed your stats in a really wonky way you're going to be a glass cannon.

Seperate, and there isn't many downsides. Psi-monk is one of the best possible builds you can do.

>it's a "guy recommends you dump lockpicking/hacking" episode

Is there anything worse than this?

When is the DLC gonna drop ?

I cant wait

That fucking dev is based as fuck. I am so happy I bought the game full price. I'm waiting for the expansion before I start the next playthrough though

getting swimming in deus ex :^)
