About to start kotor 2...

About to start kotor 2. Last time I played was years ago on xbox with a ds exile so i'm gonna go light side consular i think. Any advice or mods you would recommend?

Light side is boring as shit.

Get the Sith Restoration Mod. It completes the game. Make ABSOLUTELY sure you get it.
Other than that, make sure you don't get Narshadaa as your first planet. Do it as your final planet, you'll understand why. Other than that, enjoy the ride. Make another thread after you've finished the game and played both the light and dark side.

But isn't there a party member to get on Narshadaa?

No. If you play with the Restoration Mod, it adds a shitton of enemies to fight which were only implied in the original game. It becomes an insane drag and is very hard unless you're high level. Also, once you get high level, make sure you get Force Storm. It breaks the game and helps a lot on that part on Narshadaa. You literally go UNLIMITEEED POWWWAAAAAAA

Forget DS, it sucks as much as you think it does (why do you think you did a DS playthrough first...)

Do what Kreia actually wants and ditch both.

>implying being an edgelord isn't fun

Because i was an edgy 12 years old?

Go look up TSLRCM. That shit is mandatory at this point.

It's okay if you're a shitter, but that doesn't mean you have to give out shit advice. Nar Shadaa is manageable at any point and combat ends up piss easy no matter what you do so OP should build however they like

I'm downloading it right now and there's a separate download called M4-78EP that add a droid planet, is that any good? I think i remember reading it was shit

Probably, but I can tell you, it's pretty craptacular.

Full Neutral run, Kreia will both thank you and be 1000% assblated for it.

>is that any good?
You heard right, it's shit. Don't bother.

It's 'good'
Honestly it's fun questline - but goddamn is it so long and arduous.
So much walking.

Fuck it i'll check for myself

At the very least its loot and xp

It's not worth it. Play a game without it and try it later. It will ruin your experience if you get it.

It's optional right? If i start it can I leave any time?
Also is a restoration mod needed for the first game too?

Because the game becomes so difficult that you need it, right?

Does this or is there a way to get this to work on a gamepad? Think I tried it with kotor on steam and couldnt get anything going

Doesnt the enemies scale anyway?
Jekk Jekk Tarr or whatever the fuck it's called was a complete shitshow

We warned you. It was the most boring, tedious, mind numbingly, sleep inducing garbage I've ever had the displeasure to go through in an RPG

Is this game worth getting?
It looks like a shitty RPG but people keep saying is the greatest SW game.

It's one of the greatest games, so yes, it's worth getting. But play the original Kotor 1 first.

>But play the original Kotor 1 first.
this, it's an inferior game and I can't play it anymore because, honestly, it just bores me to tears with it's cringy dialogue and characters that feel like your typical bioware cliches, but it's pretty important to get the background to the KOTOR 2.

play the remastered version (Aspyr), which includes the restored content. beyond, that include whatever mods you want.

The difference in writing is like night and day.Although Kotor 1 is more in line with SW simple stories.

yeah and I didn't mind KOTOR 1 and thought it was the shit when I played it in my teens. But after replaying it, you just notice how much of a drag it is.

I wonder how much of the praise it gets is because we played it as children. I played it when I was 10-11 or so. I know most people did.

It's still a very solid RPG. The twist was awesome if you hadn't been spoiled on it yet, and even if you did being able to pick up on all the offhanded foreshadowing was nice.

I disagree. I played Kotor 2 before 1 and I never got lost with the backstory.

It's still advisable to play kotor 1 first because getting into 2 feels like a different experience.
>standard Star Wars story purposefully made to be simplistic
>deconstruction of Star Wars, purposefully made for an older audience