How come overwatch can come up with new classes but not tf2?

How come overwatch can come up with new classes but not tf2?

tf2 classes are the weapons, but that game is dead now and valve doesnt update it

What's the point of adding new classes if you ban people for playing anything not meta?

Ignoring there was a major update this year with maps, weapons and an SFM trailer
Comic STILL isn't finished either.

user I don't know what you define as dead or not being updated but TF2 is still going.

I'm kind of assuming its because Valve doesn't care about developing or updating games anymore and because tf2 has a sort of storyline comic going on, so just adding random people out of the blue would seem off. You could only play 9 classes for so long until it gets boring even with weapon switching

there was an update?


This 100%. They release a new character every 5 or so months to keep the playerbase there. Only Ana and Sombra are actually good and well thought characters, the others are just fillers.
Especially Moira, who was made for the brainless retards that can't aim.

because every OW character is locked into it's loadout
if you counted every possible weapon combination in tf2 as a separate class there are literally hundreds already

TF2 already perfected combat classes. Overwatch is played around ability gimmicks.

>for so long
We are talking about thousands of hours in the span of 10 years.
I really doubt overwatch will have tf2 longevity.

Fuck it I'll take your bait

Overwatch makes new characters that all have set playstyles. You can't change any of thier weapons. This is fine because it allows others to see the hero and immediatly tell how they are going to play.

TF2 has different weapons for the 9 mercs, and this gives them new ways to play each class. A Demoman will play differently then a Demoknight. This adds a higher learning curve to the spot the different playstyles.

They are both good games, they just add pontent differently.

They just came out with the Pyro update and subsiquent bug fixes. And they are still working on the new comp re-work.

>defining the comic as not being finished as not being dead

it's literally dead, they're just indifferent faggots who are content to let it rot, like HL3 until Laidlaw laid it to rest

The point of the nine tf2 classes is that each one has a distinct role, that none of the other classes could do better than them. Balancing of the game is focused around that idea and it’s not easy, especially considering alternate weapons, so adding more classes would be counterproductive to the point of the game. In OW this is not the case, the game is built around trying to counter the other team, and they try to give you as many options to do this and as a result, a lot of the class responsibilities overlap. But this also means that the game benefits from having more characters and therefore more options

>OW comes up with new classes
>literally only 1/5 of the cast is viable

Great game. Also this

Tf2 has solid gunplay, OW has hotkeys, thats the difference.

because tf2 adding new classes would break everything, like how overwatch is broken

>you can solo the enemy team if you're gud enough
>you can't even 1v1 properly due to hardcounters

New classes are useless.

Valve not giving a shit aside, TF2 already does this but in the form of new weapon sets for characters, whereas Overwatch has fixed weapon/ability-sets for characters and thus needs new ones altogether if you're going to add anything.

Overwatch just steals weapon concepts from tf2 and calls them "Characters"

>How come overwatch can come up with new classes but not tf2?

because TF2 was a good game at one point

Part of this is because TF2 has way less tryhards. Sometimes you play vs a stack of 5+ players and well then you cannot kill everyone alone anymore because they have 3 medics and unusuals on half of the team.

>muh hats

Overwatch classes are just different TF2 weapon builds with dumbed down gameplay.

tf2 is perfect and doesn't need new classes
OW has 26 characters but only 5 are fun and are worse than paladins champions rip-offs

valve cucks call THAT a major update???


Just be gud at sniper or spy

Or demo

>Overwatch adds a new hero
>Completely fucking overpowered or underpowered
>People flame you for picking them
>Game is still shit

with TF2's spaghetti code, adding a entirely new character would cause the game to explode.

>3 pyro weapons
>1 banana
>a lot of maps
meanwhile overwatch in 1 year add 2 uglys and usseles shitskins, 1 irish transexual and 1 shitty map

At least our updates aren't about characters homosexuality, you soywatcher.

Because balancing a game with 9 characters is infinitely more easy than balancing a game with the almost 30 that blizzard has. All 9 classes in TF2 get some use in some situation some of the time, about 2/3rds of the overwatch cast is lucky to get picked at all these days. And before anyone (You)s me with "BUT TF2 ISN'T BALANCED EITHER" that just kind of proves my point. Any time you make just one change to a class/character that changes the dynamic between them and all the others, so if Valve gives the scout a new gun they only have to worry about how balanced it is against 8 characters.

>A lot of new maps
>5 new weapons
>Not an update

I'm probably hypocritical for saying that Overwatch "updates" are just limited time minigames and skins, but TF2 has done the whole "update is just hats 'n' shieeeeeeeet".

The original cast was so perfect adding more would ruin it.

I dunno moira is pretty cool.

>4 new weapons
>5 new maps
>ton of hats
>war paints
>SFM short
>main menu UI overhaul
>not a major update

hey Sup Forums

I swear, every major update in TF2 I lost like 2-3 fps until it went under 35 and I couldnt look at it anymore. Lately I been playing ace of spades with the /k/ crew and its really hard to give up a game so perfectly balanced allbeit shit to look at

>5 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""new"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" maps

But they are new, what are you getting at by adding large amounts of quotation marks.

I can't speak for all of them but I know at least a few of them were community made and already in some servers rotations, Valve just made them official.

I know that, but they're still some pretty damn good maps. The one Valve made is god fucking awful.


It's not that they can't, it that's they don't want to break the amazing balance TF2 has.
this is what valvefags actually believe

What do you mean? This time they actually were new. Yes most times they're just already existing comp maps getting ported into the main game. But this time none of these are comp maps.

>Liking the tight corridors and god awful chokepoint in the final capture point of Mercenary Park

Spotted the retarded.

but I like mercenary Park though.

>some servers rotations
maybe in 2012, definitely not after the shitshow known as MyM

>new classes

You mean new heroes but are dead on arrival/nerfed to shit?

>Make new characters
>Ban people who play them
>Then ban people who just play the one they're really good at

Really activates my almonds

What other classes could they even add? What would they bring that new weapons wouldn't?

It's alright if you like it user, I'm not implying everyone should think like me. I just don't like Mercenary Park because there's a lot of enclosure and tight spaces.

>J-just keep adding classes!
No retard, that's a great way to constantly throw off the balance of existing classes resulting in player dissatisfaction, metashit, and the nerfing of either the new class or old already loved classes.

The only reason to add new classes is if there's something completely missing from the game's team dynamic and you can justify an entire new class to fill that role.

Way to ignore the rest of his post. Delusional.

>Make a bunch of new characters
>one's mexican, 2 are african fuck if I remember the 4th one
>make them crap
>buff the superior Aryan Angel
>ban those that play the new classes
>create new glorious pure race meta

is Blizzard secretly red pilled as fuck.

>How come overwatch can come up with new classes but not tf2?

How come tf2 can come up with new weapons and not overwatch?

You give or take one, you can't have both. I mean essentially you might have the demoman still get shit like the scottish resistance, but they could've made a new class out of the demokight gear.

new tf2 "classes" are implemented through different weapon sets.

They really need to balance Doomfist already. He is literal shit. Everyone else is pretty much where they should be. Maybe a slight junkrat/mercy nerf. But I don't see any other characters that can't be picked without throwing the game not including defensive characters like torb and sym.

The maps were shit.
The SFM was also shit, they could only rope in the desperate-for-work Scout VA while everyone else turned them down.
New Pyro shit sucks ass and didn't fix pyro at all.
The comic comes out like once a year nothing to brag about there.

>Everyone else is pretty much where they should be

nigga half the roster is lucky if they see the light of day, you call this balance?

holy fuck user what a killer post

At least blizzard unlocks new classes for everyone from the start instead of having to grind out everything in tf2

Because it isn't needed. The 9 classes that all have their function with the weapons being their customization.

Well, it's only like that because the map is 6v6. Same thing happens in TF2 6v6. If it was 12v12 like pub tf2 then you would see more variation.

tf2 is free, overwatch is a full priced game w/ loot boxes

>what are achievement servers
Stock weapons are the best so who gives a shit.

I'd say TF2 has way more style.
Some caricature nation-bias mercs are way better than some lesbian time travelers.
It is really hard to beat time travel lesbians.

>he actually believes you have to grind to unlock weapons

What characters do you think never get played?

Well shit, this guy doesn't like the update. Looks like Valve has to shut the game down now. It's been a good decade.

Because no one at Valve wants to work on it anymore aside from a skeleton team.

Not in TF2s prime, before it was overrun with autistic pony fuckers.


what's the point in adding more classes when your game balance looks like this?

having only 9 classes means those classes actually have depth and better game balance.

It's not about getting played thanks to every hero having a small group of one trick autists dedicated, it's about viability. Namely heroes like Sym or Torb who get auto banned due to how the report system works.

Because tf2 is balanced

w'hs 2012 treating ya?

Tracer and Lucio could be essentially one class.
Widowmaker and Ana could be one class.
In TF2 you can switch weapons, in Overwatch you need to reinvent constantly new characters.

Not the same user, but off the top of my head:
>Almost the entire Defense characters minus Junkrat
>Any healer that isn't Mercy

It's fucking depressing is that this is.

lmao this is just factually wrong, must be from like the first few seasons, mercy will always be on top if she has res, this must be from like season 3

Valve is shockingly incompetent and lazy.

tf2 doesn't have a character as useless as orisa though

What do many people have against mercenary Park? It's not too complicated, it's the perfect area between too big and too small, sure the area between B and C is a tad confusing at first, but it has many backdoors and work around areas, great Spy routes, Engie spots, only real weakness is the chokepoint that C becones.

In TF2's prime it wasn't free and you didn't have to unlock any weapons so idk what your point is

people hate the last point because of the choke point but i have had some nailbiting fights there.

I guess it's dependent on whether your team has functioning brains or not. My first time through I got two pyros who didn't check those spy routes, and a medic who didn't uber.

I think he is only mad about having paid for the game only to see it becoming free later so everyone playing now is a "pony fucker".

Mercenary Park has to be one of the worst maps ever designed for TF2.

Last point is choke point hell.

>We want ASSFAGGOTS audience

why? It's not like half the early maps filled with thin hallways or tiny chambers. Those I feel are far worse.

>what are crossroads at tc_hydro


>tf2 classes are the weapons
Kys, polycound update killed the game.
When from a well design polished game to a fucking mess in both style and gameplay

>b-b-b-but you need new content to not stay stale
You fucking don't. Unless you are a trend kid that just wants the latest gossip.
There is people still playing fucking Quake 3 up to this date because the game itself is good.

Now go cry on twitter you piece of trash.

>being this assmad
>Hating on new weapons
>implying people aren't still playing TF2 today

People are still playing TF2. A game doesn't die just because you uninstalled it.

Because Valve actually have put effort into the game and 9 classes are extremely well balanced and adding another one would completely break it. OW has virtually no balance as Blizzard change it every month or so, so theoretically you can do pretty much anything with the game.

>everyone brings up new weapons and maps
>ignores fact that the Pyro is out of beta and is now playable after a massive overhaul

At least Overwatch is trying. Praise Gabe though amirite?

>implying people play tf2 and not just farm hat drops all day

like 1 fucking server plays dustbowl anymore