ITT: Games released the same year you were born.
ITT: Games released the same year you were born
Best game best year
>best year for pc gaming
Whats the point of this. How am I supposed to know games released when I was 0? We just go and google games? waow
Breath of the Wild
Super Mario Bros.
Can finally post on these type of threads
Coincidentally, it's also my favorite FF
No I am genuinely curious.
Tfw 1997 was 20 years ago
>google search
>games that came out in 19__
Isn't hard you autismo
I found one that came out on my date of birth, so we're both the same age. :3
My nigga
What I was born in 18xx?
No shit. But whats the point? We will just end up posting games without discussion or anything.
It's an image board, posting images is one thing you can use it for fucking retard.
I don't know what else to tell you man, just leave the thread ig
Played it when i was six on PS1
Gubthxryji8 gf xryhbf
a day before i was born this came out
ITT: youngfags
TFC and GoldSrc mods in general were my golden age of gaming. Vidya will never be as good again.
Still the best after all these years
Hi grandpa.
My captcha was a Blockbuster sign, how appropriate.
Off by a few days.
The N64 and all of its games that year
Duke Meme 'em 3D
President Weevil
Skyrim 2: Daggerfall
And some others that I couldn't think of a stupid name for.
Top year except for me being born
>grand strategy sperg
it was written
Look here, sonny. I'd have had to have gotten started mighty early to be a grandpa.
Best one that year
pic related did! It's worth mentioning that Final Fantasy VII and Goldeneye did as well but desu I couldn't give less of shit for those two games
I loved this one. I think only this and Deus Ex have really changed my perception of what a videogame could be. I wonder if they could make a modern iteration of this, making a sort of immersive sim take on it. no walking simulators please.
this, and pic related