America has been fucked for a while, we just need the country to collapse
Tbh I'd like all countries to collapse but gotta start somewhere
Are you stupid? Feminism was the reason this got sent in the first place.
inb4 a Joke is made about her saying no.
Kill yourself you dumb mutt
You know what else doesn't exist, Gabe?
Half Life 3
This is video game related you faggots.
If it is revoked, steam and other dd stores are gonna get fucked, and we downloading digital games is going to become a huge pain in the ass.
>80% of Sup Forums users are not from America
heheheee eat shit and never comeback 58% muttie
>net neutrality means that ISPs aren't allowed to block sites
>ISPs have already blocked sites like Piratebay even with net neutrality
I'm literally pic related so please help me understand
Fuck iff pajeet