Damn... guess I'll have to join team sony to play this amazing Playstation™4 Exclusive.
Damn... guess I'll have to join team sony to play this amazing Playstation™4 Exclusive
Other urls found in this thread:
also it's coming to pc
why is japan so gay for this redneck
>join team
>Playstation™4 Console Exclusive
>sony owns death stranding
>game runs on engine made by sony firstparty studio
>codeveloped by sony
Sorry, but I'm not delusional.
Are those USB sticks around his neck?
it was confirmed a while ago that it'll come to pc eventually.
exactly what kind of """"""""GAME""""""" is this supposed to be? not a single gameplay trailer is out there.
I think that was before they picked the engine.
It was confirmed for a PC release before kojima partnered up with sony.
>TPS Open World
>gameplay wise, probably an evolution on what we have seen on The Phantom Pain with 2deep4u mechanics
>scavenging and exploration of the current world as well, having to fight mercs and other supernatural beings
No thanks, I'll be playing it on youtube.
I didn't invite you to come along, faggot.
>it was confirmed a while ago that it'll come to pc eventually.
bait thread backfires and forces me to say the obvious: it was a fucking made up reddit rumour. I mean jesus, I'm not even taking sides but that was an obviously fake Q&A that conveniently revealed one piece of information "coming to PC". I'm not ruling out it coming to PC but can we please stop making up shit for once.
>admitting to browsing reddit
you need to go back
>>admitting to browsing reddit
>you need to go back
no im not. that's where the Q&A came from and spammed here. wtf.
actually sounds alright.
Just wait some years and emulate it
just watch it on youtube it's a kojima game and laugh at the degenerate OP who thinks it's a exclusive
>just wait until all discussion is dead, all relevancy is gone, and every plot point has been turned into a meme blasted across all media boards to ensure the worst possible mode of enjoyment
>not using filters
Boi you stoopid.
Its supposed to come for PC since the start.
not just pc honestly, youtube exists on most systems
Tetris is still good
Oh boy, can't wait 20 years to play Death Stranding
The "confirmed" retards are seriously the worse thing on this thread. There is literally nothing that even remotely indicates this is going to be on PC.
>death stranding
bruh look at this dood
> Playstation™4 Exclusive.
>source: ???
IGN is not the developer. They have no source for the PC release.
It’s PlayStation.
>it doesn't count!!!!!
Digitaltrends is not the developer. They have no source for the PC release.
I remember all the hot 80s memes on russian text boards
are you retarded?
Are you? The game is not coming to PC. I said it, it's official now.
whatever makes you sleep at night
it's not coming to PC, it's using the decima engine bro, pc cucks infrastructure can't handle it, sorry!
In the year 2018, PS4 will get:
God of War
Days Gone
The last of Us 2
Detroit: Become Human
Kingdom Hears 3
+ all the definitive versions of multi-plats
Meanwhile peefats will be left with Scam Shitizen and broken, delayed ports.
back to
>also it's coming to pc
It's going to be on twitch though, so I'm going to be able to "play" it as much as ps4 owners.
okay, i'm baiting with the infrastructure thing, but seriously it's not going to be on PC because the Decima engine, i have a pro and a fairly good PC, so i could care less anyways.
No it wasn't. There was an article released by some no-name site that cited a PC release in a Q&A with some Koji Pro guy. A bunch of other sites quoted that article, and the article has since been deleted.
Can you people ever just type normally and not make it so obvious that you're furiously sucking corporate dick.
>whatever makes you sleep at night
seriously wtf is wrong with you people ? stop false flagging with the same fucking rumor. It was a Q&A that said Sony doesn't own the IP. Guess what Sony owns the fucking IP. Unless Kojima himself says it, it's not coming to the fucking PC. I'm not a sonyfag I'm just annoyed by your autism.
>not make it so obvious
he's not, he's false flagging to give himself an excuse later on to post "also on PC". meanwhile mods are sucking dick
sorry to burst your bubble but it's a timed exclusive
>it's a timed exclusive
PCfats are so delusional.
rev up them crying wojacks sony cuck
the decima engine used on PC to develop the game
>In a Q&A also issued by the company, as published by Medium, it was revealed that Sony is not investing in Kojima Productions, and the unnamed game in question "is planned to become available on PC" after its PS4 release.
>>In a Q&A also issued by the company, as published by Medium
>The author deleted this Medium story
you sure showed me
Yeah, the only source of a PC release that was in a since deleted article in 2015. The game totally is coming to PC.
time will tell
i just come to these threads for the caramel posters
It's stupid faggots like you that feed the Sony niggers.
>tfw playstation 4 is the last console i've ever bought
im still happy with my last choice, consoles are only good for exclusives and this is the last generation i'm gonna fall for the trap
release it on whatever the fuck you want to
imma check that movie on youtube day 1
>sorry to burst your bubble but it's a timed exclusive
>rev up them crying wojacks sony cuck
>>In a Q&A
>time will tell
>58 replies
>30 posters
why is it so easy to bait you morons ?
>god of my wife's son
>shitty mariomaker clone
>shitty zombie game worse than L4D2
>shitty detective game worse than LA Noir
>shitty disney game that's guaranteed awful
>PS4 pro loses multiplat crown to Xbone X
I own a PS4 but let's be real here, those are all garbage.
Death Stranding coming soon [youtube link reserved 202X]
Yep, this is a game you watch on youtube or watch some dumbass stream it if you want a "live" experience.
>implying youtube isn't on PC.
your into trannies? pretty shit fetish bro
didn't know that i could only post once sorry
soy niglets absolutely blown the fuck out
What did he mean by this?
>all these mad "watch it on YouTube" cucks
>the same cucks who make the "why watch a stream when you can play the game yourself"
>this delusional after PT & PhantomPain
I don't plan on buying or playing this but goddamn is it funny reading your salt
I think you mean watch,you can only play video games
YouTube plays these (((games))) just fine
holy shit
get fucked mustard
>Death Stranding is a property of Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC
>Decima Engine
How can anyone think is coming for PC?
Am I missing something? Kojima games so far had some of the most fun gameplay I've ever seen. Except for MGS4. Fuck that shit. Why is everyone suddenly calling it a movie? Because it's exclusive to playstation and they somehow need to feel better about themself since they can't play it?
>I don't plan on buying or playing this but goddamn is it funny reading your salt
this is random as hell. look objectively (and I know this is a bad word) Sony scored big for getting one of the biggest names in the industry to develop a game for them. And the PS4 is doing so well right now they don't even need this game. They have TLOU2, GoW, the Zombie game and the Ninja game. Whatever happens at least ONE of those games will do well. DS is likely to be the swan song of the PS4, a cross gen game kinda like TLOU. They literally won PS5 gen before it even started.
>Except for MGS4. Fuck that shit.
>Why is everyone suddenly calling it a movie?
Today you learnt that MGS 4 has a better gameplay to cutscene ratio than MGS 2.
Where does the movie end and the game begin with modern Kojima. For nearly 3 years we've been shown 3 trailers of extended length cutscenes and only a promise of gameplay.
high possibility does not equals confirmed you absolute fucking retard
>8 hours of cutscenes and non playable segments
uh, I'll just watch a gameplay, it's practically a movie
Do that, I'll spend the money and play it for myself. Sucks to be you in this situation but I guess it can't be helped.
confirmed means someone with authority actually CONFIRMED it. do you even know what that word means?
>high possibility
dude, there is 0% possibility. this is a bait thread, a guy is responding to Sony owning the IP with wojacks.
I don't care about Kojima games anymore. After MGS4 and MGS5, I've been realizing he's a hack.
Hell, MGS1 and MGS2 are even shitty to me now. Too many cutscenes and they're way too fucking long.
MGS3 I still like, despite it suffering from the flaws, because I genuinely enjoy the scenes.
What do you think based Mad's character is in Death Stranding? Obviously he has some paranormal shit tied to him for sure. The TGA trailer they just recently showed had to have been him that floated on top of the car.
Do you even know what Property of Sony Interactive Entertainment means?
I don't think he's an enemy, but more akin to a rival like the Pokemon games. Him and Norman probably have the same goal in mind, but different ways of achieving that means.
yes, it means you're a retarded faggot
This would be interesting since Mad's usually plays villains in most of the works he's done. It would be new for him to play a morally grey character.
I may be wrong but it kind of looks like he's trying to alert the characters about all the bad things around them rather than threatening them
dude you are either completely retarded or just deluded