So I decided to hammer through this on emulator because I heard it's amazing. I typically don't enjoy weeb stuff and I hear disc 2 is crap. Is it worth my time or should I move onto ff tactics?
So I decided to hammer through this on emulator because I heard it's amazing...
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Yeah its a pretty cool RPG
It's a really great game.
Story can get a little convoluted.
Remember you gotta practice your deathblows before you can unlock them.
It's a pretty fantastic JRPG
>Is it worth my time
>and I hear disc 2 is crap.
Don't listen to them, the second disc is literal brainlet filter.
It's my favourite japanese game, so I'd say it's worth it, but definitely not for everyone. The "problem" with Disc 2 is that there's very little gameplay in it, but it's when the main chunk of the story is explained, and also when the game is at its best in my opinion.
The reason why most people play this game is because of the story, so if you don't care about that maybe you won't enjoy it. Also Disc 2 is like 6 hours long if I remember right, so it's not a big deal.
Also, japanese != weeb.
Setting is 10/10, Story is 10/10, Combat system is fucking shit
Depends on your definition of weeb, it’s pretty much a late night 90s scifi mecha anime. Great game.
Skip Xenogears. It uses a lot of big words so people think it's story is good and the combat is garbage.
Like, being honest I was pretty interested in its story for awhile. I thought it was interesting and going places but... nothing ever gets answered or wrapped up and plot holes are fucking everywhere and a lot of the plot requires characters to just break out of character for no reason. The story is ultra-ambitious and it just winds up tripping over itself and looking retarded as all hell as a result. That isn't even getting into the chair dimension in disc 2.
Combat never evolves past the player needing to just mash basic attack and winning. There's no need to stockpile combos or whatever that system is, there's no depth to it at all. It has some nice sprites but that's it and hell, Disc 2 is just "use xenogears and win literally every fight with a button press" up until the final bosses.
The best I can say is the game tried. that's it.
Disc 2 is rushed and feels very unfinished. Which is pretty much what happened (Square pulled a bunch of resources off for FF 8).
If you can get over the rushed factor, it does try and finish off the story as well as it can. If Disc 2 was as good as it should've been, Xenogears would be undisputed the best JRPG ever made.
The story is the best I've ever seen in a videogame. Everything else is honestly mediocre.
Still worth it.
as much as i like xenogears, i never could finish it. xenosaga games are much better. well xeno 2 sucks but you still need to play it.
final fantasy tactics is the best game ever so if you can't stomach xenogears, you will enjoy fft.
also vagrant story.
Gears is my favorite Xeno.
Fantastic gameplay, I love the combos in the game because it makes an RPG feel like a fighting game.
Disc 2 is unfinished. Literally unfinished. You'll have Fei sit in a chair ala Evangelion style in the dark talking about shit that WOULD have happened if they finished. The final dungeon however is fully complete.
It's also a fantastic story.
Nobody praises Xenogears for its story, considering i it's just a mish mash of anime cliches. Xenogears is great because of the world and setting is top notch and developed well.
Only part of the world I can remember is
Billy's Orphanage
The jail you spend half of disc 1 stuck in
Platform tower from hell
The giant white sewer filled with robots.
Nothing else really stood out to me that I could remember.
Man I liked vagrant story but for some reason after escaping the first dungeon all of my attacks literally began doing 0 damage to everyone and i was forced to quit.
oh you gotta go back. i remember that issue first time i played it. your weapon affinities are shit and you might need to repair them and/or add gems to add affinities to whatever class of enemy you're attacking. try different weapons and smithing shit and see what can hit harder. also chain attacks to increase damage. when you're that new in the game sometimes chaining is the only way to gain enough damage to kill shit. once you get a decent great sword in the catacombs you should be able to get decent damage going on. gems are your friend in this game. also learn herakles and prostasia spells and spam as necessary. same for whatever the spells like degenerate and the armor break spell i can't recall what it is. also figure out how to use elemental stuff when possible, obviously fire vs ice etc.
The story and the way it is presented is what develops the setting from boring cliche (muh 2 countries at war) to the fantastic setting at the end.
I just did this about a month ago. Sadly, is pretty spot on. I've never played a game that so blatantly came out and said: "Here's what we wanted to have happen, but we didn't have time."
Play it, it's one of the best jrpgs.
Disc 2 kinda sucks because it's basically
>Word dump for 30 minutes telling you the shit that happens, not even bothering to show it on screen, just a character sitting in a chair recounting it
>Boss fight
tfw my pc is so shitty I can only play on psxfin on full speed.
Fuckin' play it. It's classic and STILL the best Xeno game. You heard me.
I prefer Saga but Gears is pretty fantastic.
This is like reading a parody of a Sup Forums user . So much cliche lines like “winds up tripping over itself”, like that actually means anything and not just another style of a buzzword.
The only thing missing is "dated" and "hasn't aged well"
Great game, I wish I could replay it if I had any free time anymore.
And yes, disc 2 is everything you've heard about it; characters in chairs telling you what happened.
Wasn't part 2 rushed to make way for FFVIII?
It's just a rumor.
The fuck kinda moron are you. Common phrases are used because they're an easy way to communicate, you think everybody coming up with their own manner of communication would make communication any easier? The fuck do you want him to say? The story takes a tumble? The story throws? The story fucks itself? The story fumbles around? If anything you should be arguing WHAT about the story 'winds up tripping over itself' because I got no idea, I never got far in the game, but Jesus Christ man just argue his opinion which we all understood, not how he fucking said it.
That's the problem with you fuckers on this goddamn image board. You're all a buncha fucking children spouting dumbass fucking opinions like that fuck, but nobody ever backs up their opinions with examples and delve into their arguments like intelligent people. Instead you waste time writing faggot shit like how a guy 'used too many buzzwords'. As if YOU'RE the intelligent one for completely ignoring his post and saying something as non-argumentative as that. Hope you feel safe in your bubble, the bubble in which nobody could engage your opinions, buddy.
Quality shitpost mate
Xenogears is one of, if not, my favorite story in a game, VERY ambitious. Plus there's tons of lore to read about if you're interested in the world after you beat it.
Also if you're gonna play FFT, play the PSP version; the re-translation is so much better than the original
Thanks, needed to vent because these two posts were some dumb shit and it's too common.
Next time put some effort into your original shitpost instead of resorting to the lazy route, it'll save us all from boring cliche shitposting. Spice it up a bit and put some effort to make it more believable.
Stay butthurt faggot, but know that what I said is real and evident as fuck in those two idiot's posts. Call it a shitpost if it makes you feel better you insecure moron I don't fucking care.
Why would anyone be butthurt over lazy shitposting? It's just boring if you don't put effort into it.
Now this is a lazy shitpost.
I'm just trying to motivate him to do something positive with his life. Even if he'll never amount to anything because he's Muslim, at least he can excel at shitposting if he were to try.
Nah, it was just poor management. They wanted to make a game so huge half way in they realized they wouldn't be able to finish everything in time. A sequel was out of the question for Square, so the options were to end the game at Disc 1 and leave the story unfinished, or turn Disc 2 a pseudo-VN so they could give the story a real ending. They chose the latter and I think everyone would agree it was the right call.
Play it. My first playthrough took about 50 hours (about 44 for Disc 1 and 6 for Disc 2). A lot of people shit on Disc 2 (for valid reasons) but that's where the story of the game really shines. The game suffers from some serious pacing issues (too slow in Disc 1 and too fast in Disc 2), budget mismanagement (Disc 2 is literally 2 dungeons, a few boss fights and characters sitting on chairs talking) and a pretty shitty combat system (mostly way too easy, then the final boss is a massive difficulty spike).
But speaking for myself, this game has by far the most touching and ambitious story I've ever seen in a video game. It literally is worth playing it just for its storyline.
While the final boss is harder than the rest, you can take it out without destroying the other parts first or finding the most overpowered mech equipment. Not too bad.
It's pretty damn bad if you don't at minimum take out the healing part of it first.
Actually, being pedantic, the final boss is Urobolus which I don't even think if it's possible to lose. Deus was pretty hard but to me Opiomorph was by far the hardest in the game, specially considering it's right after the Amphysvena fight without a chance to heal.
No one counts story fights as the final boss.
>Final boss
>Difficulty spike
I just used 3 alt party members to kick the ass of two of the cores and then my main party to kick the ass of another core and the final boss itself. It was honestly way easier than I expected.
The only difficult story boss in the game is the sewer one.
Damn right that was a hard fight cause I dont think you can beat Ramsus without boosting and using System Id wasting lot of fuel.
>It uses a lot of big words
it actually doesn't use a lot of big words at all. have you ever played this game?
I wanna fuck that robot.
>playing Great Value® Evangelion: The Game
Enjoy your 50 hour long unfinished ripoff with a shitty battle system.
All I ever wanted in life was some Elly/KOSMOS porn. Is that too much to ask?