When is Nintendo going to join the 21st century and implement achievements/trophies into their games ?
Nintendo achievements
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I don't like achievements (I feel they tend to just interrupt the actual game), but they should really do something with mynintendo for switch as a rudimentary achivements system with actual rewards. Also that mockup is a clusterfuck of a UI.
Some indie developer claims that Nintendo is working on one.
I'd imagine if it is, it'll get announced alongside their online service.
Hopefully never since they're stupid and anyone who wants them is an idiot.
Somes games have their own achievement system.
Bayonetta and the Xenoblade titles just name a few, Mario Odissey also has something similar.
Not necessary. Nintendo likes to trim the fat when making games and hardware.
Want Hulu/Netflix? Tough shit. Use your phone/smartTV/Chromecast/PC
nintendo isn't againt using netflix though?
>game device being used for games
Holy shit, what a novel idea.
Already on Switch, Netflix and others are slated to come later.
I've been really hesitant to play some games after I heard this in the case that their achievement system doesn't detect which ones were already done before the system is implemented.
>I was born in 2002 and every game I've ever played had an achievement system
Kill yourself
They’re not. They’ve just now released Hulu for Switch. But it’s definitely not their focus. I mean the PS4 has, literally, a “share” button for publishing media
Hopefully never
>“share” button for publishing media
So does the switch
I'll never understand why people care about achievements. Like I've literally seen people say they don't want to hack their console because they might get banned and lose all their achievements.
I could understand not wanting to get banned but because you don't want to lose achievements? They're literally worthless.
When the use an actual friends list and not fucking friend codes
Wasn't Nintendo already working on something called "accomplishments" a while back?
I know Sup Forums is designed to hate everything, but what is wrong with achievements? They give games extra replay value from trying to obtain them.
I want the games to strive to contain that value within themselves.
I also don't like having all that mandatory bloat on my account. If it was possible to reset achievements whenever you wanted, or disable them entirely, I wouldn't have so much of a problem with them.
Give me the option to back up my saves on a server and I don't need or want anything else.
they are feats of strenght, when you get friends to show them you will understand, if you dont have anyone to show them, yes, there are worthless
No u
Because achievements control how you play instead of letting you play the game the way you want.
Never because Sony and Microsoft have them. Just like they don't use friendcodes, so Nintendo keeps using them.
It's kinda funny that some Nintendo games have ingame-achievements
>Achievement unlocked: BING BING
>"Collect 10,000 coins"
Do you really believe this?
Achievement whores deserve the worst.
I completely endorse Sonic Mania having no Plat Trophy as well as Kickstarter or Pre-Order Achievements.
>tfw finally collecting 200 bings and getting a wahoo trophy
The power moon requirements of the last 20 or so in the Mushroom Kingdom is basically the achievement system for the game.
Mario Odyssey already has an Achievement system of sorts.
Odyssey already has achievements built into it. Why would it need an regardless external achievement system?
>caring about achievements
Are you 6 years old?
achievements are coo,l but I could care less if they were there or not.
Meant to say rewardless.
achievements are shit. Just play the game you idiot.
Try 60
Sup Forums is full of pic related.
>but what is wrong with achievements?
Because it's a Pavlov conditioning drip, just like how many RPGs abuse the concept of leveling. Leveling for leveling's sake or grinding mindlessly like a retard when you're not having fun is antithetical to the entire concept of video games, which is entertainment. All you get is a quick arbitrary dopamine hit to trick you into thinking you're enjoying yourself.
The very act of playing a game should be fun, not the external reward system attached to it (like an achievement, or a badly designed level/progression system.) Faggots who mis-design a leveling system need to go back and look at why Dungeons and Dragons implemented it in the first place. Hint: it's called a challenge rating for encounters
Who needs achievements when you have shitty figurines for every game?
Pretty sure the PS4 didn't have Netflix, youtube or even a media player for the longest time.
PS4 still can't play certain music or video file types as far as I know. I have a few Sony TVs that will literally not play videos unless they're in a certain format. Annoying.
Hopefully never
Who the fuck decided your reward for progress/skillful display should be making a number go up? Original ratchet & clank had skill points you could redeem for bonuses, that was better than any in-system achievement system
hopefully fucking never it has been refreshing as hell to play games without constant pop ups
Games can have both.
Insightful post
>Even if you already have multiple done you need to talk to her multiple times because she only gives you 1 at the time.