Is it good on PS Vita?

Is it good on PS Vita?
I have never played a MGS before and I've heard it is the best. Should I get it? There's an offer on it right now.


it's a good game, and should introduce you perfectly into the series in general.

Is it good on Vita?

I'd say so yeah. Framerate holds fairly well and the game looks pretty nice on the OLED screen, provided you have the original model of course.

Color me sold. What should I expect?

Touch controls make up for the lack of L2 and R2 pretty well.

only trouble i had in the vita version is near end game when you have to escort eva through the jungle

also had a few problems with the mgs2 port on vita

Nice. Guess I'll buy it. Thanks user. This will help me build even further my Vita collection.

It's how I first played it and it sold me on the series. After trying other versions I'd say it's a solid port. I wouldn't recommend MGS2 on Vita though. The difference is much more noticeable.

they also remapped the controls in general, since the pressure sensetive buttons are gone, and it works pretty well.
possibly leads to less accidental throat cutting for someone playing the first time.

Get the collection for ps3.
It's the best.

Where is this offer you are seeing on it? I've been thinking of picking it up too but it's still rather expensive on Amazon.


Is it good on Vita?

Really should play 1 and 2 first. MGS3 has a lot of callbacks and references to the earlier games. Your going to miss out on a lot playing it first.

It's a good starting point to the series since the story takes place before MGS1&2 and the game is easier than either of them. If you like the game you should probably play MGS1 before playing MGS2 though.

So I have to play 3>1>2. Then what?

Peace Walker story continues the story after MGS3 events happened but it's a shit game. I haven't played MGS4 since I don't have a PS3.

The only one I can honestly recommend would be Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

I only ever played the Demo. Thought it was fun.

MGR:R? Yeah, it's a great game and the storyline goes into maximum overdrive around the time you fight monsoon

Now that I started thinking about it, the gameboy MGS was pretty good too.

if you can emulate it on your pc then no, I dont think you should get it.

also, its a really old game so you better be able to get it at a very low price.

HD on PS3 is best but on the Vita it's great cause portable and playing it bed. It's the Subsistence version too so you get MG1 and 2 on it. Although I can't condone starting in the middle of a series, at least start on MGS1.

No, you should play them in order

there is literally nothing wrong with playing MGS3 first