Will video games ever reach the artistic merit of cinema?

Will video games ever reach the artistic merit of cinema?

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Will cinema ever reach the artistic merit of paintings?

There's a Monster Hunter theme park in Japan, so I'd say yes.

painting is just the poor mans sculpting

>not literature


Already happened a long time ago.

Why would we want it to? Video game should be games first and foremost. If I wanted an artistic cinematic experience, I would watch cinema. I hate the artsy faggots who couldn't cut it in Hollywood barging in on video games and pushing their faggoty crap on us.

Because artistry only pertains to cinematic quality

Art house cinema is a meme. Just sitting on your arse for 2-3 hours pretending it makes you any more intelligent or interesting. It's purely passive.

only when we can remove the stupid "gamer" culture that surrounds it

2D will always be more art than 3D in the purest sense of conveying an emotion from the creator to another person.

Sound is the highest form of art.


Pretty much, it's worth watching a few of them though.


Every "art" video game is a cinematic pile of crap. Most of the hacks who push for games as art railroad you into playing a certain way because otherwise, the "message" and "themes" of their "work" wouldn't make sense.

hopefully not



Hello there.


It might have artsy elements, but it isn't an art piece. It's a game first and foremost.

>"Film as art culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to intellectually masturbate the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control"
- Simon Pegg

>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen 2001: A Space Odyssey over a hundred times. I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see 2001 again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand faux-intellgencia banalities"
- Alec Guinness

>"I don't think they are making [art films] as elevated art form, I think it's still just a French guy smoking a cigarette with a Noir filter around his stupid depressed face... It's for quasi-intellectuals, it's adolescent in its core."
- David Cronenberg

>"I don't want to see or make films about a guy and his dog where nothing actually happens as some kind of metaphor for the pointlessness of life. I think it's fine for people who want to pretend to be smart, those of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- Alejandro Iñárritu

>"They have been poisoned, this culture genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to pointless camera work and terrible religious metaphors and shit that doesn't mean nothing about the experience of a simple story."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky

Films are for entertainment, not for pretending you're cultured, idiots. Read a book.

Video games have had artistic merit for decades. They'll just never be highly regarded by the population as a whole, or at least not anytime soon. Not helping things are devs that are self-conscious about this and try to remove elements unique to games out of their works in an attempt to make their games more like other respected media, and in doing so cripples the work's artistic merit as a video game. You end up with a game that's neither a good "movie" nor a good game.

t. Hate capeshit.

It takes no active effort on the part of the viewer. It's a false sense of intellectual accomplishment. You're not editing Homeric papyri or teasing out details for a thesis in medieval Chinese administrative texts. It's a way for pretentious hipsters to live vicariously more interesting and artistically fulfilling lives.

Being art and being a game aren't mutually exclusive, brainlet


as of 2016 I've only watched webm, gif, and youtube videos. If I never see a film/movie again in its entirety I don't think I will miss a damn thing. Redundant, boring ass medium. Video games are not much better.

This, stop worrying about "artistic merit" and try thinking about quality for once.

Yes, triple A games work really hard to establish that. Because when I hear games the first thing I imagine is sitting back and watching a film



educate yourself

whatever, film is shit. Whether it's introspective sundance shit, or cape shit, still shit.

I am sure this is bait falsequote post but

>Simon Pegg
just comedian who also wrote that terrible new ST film

>Alec Guiness

who cares

>David Cronenberg
Jew that makes shlock


Overrated hack worshipped by hipsters


the epitome of pretentiousness and quasi-intellectualism, worshipped by the counter-culture faggots like John Lenon.

>unironically quoting Simon Pegg
Stopped reading here.

Stop projecting and pretending you're making some kind of enlightened of point.

Dance is the one true artform.

Only redundant thing here is your shrinking attention span.

Yes they are. The point of art is to make you view or feel something a certain way. The point of a game is to let you do whatever you want. Games are the antithesis of art.

>I am sure this is bait falsequote post but
You're right. It's a Sup Forums pasta based on similar pasta but instead of 'smarts' replace it with 'geek'. Same shit. It's a counter to that.

>falling for pasta
>falling for edited pasta
How embarrassing for you.

Attention span isn't the issue, it's just isn't enjoyable to hear/see opinions and statements in that format. Read a book.

they already did it, user

Not him but I assure you almost every arthouse film is self-masturbatory and quasi-intellectualistic. It's not just words. It's filled with contrarian confirmation bias and self-perpetuating "postmodern" commentary.

Try turning away from the instant gratification silver screen every once in a while before telling other people to read books my man.

Yeah i am sure attacking said people and not what has been said really will show who is right here.

Avant Garde is French for 'bull shit'

The Mirror is a masterpiece though.

Name the three most recent arthouse films you've watched.

Bloodborne is more artistic than cinema

Bloodborne is garbage though

Didn't you hear me? Doesn't matter if it's indie introspective or a big budget flick, doesn't matter if it's a high school/college assignment or a passion passion project. It doesn't matter, do you understand the basic principle here? The medium itself is moot.

you all have whore mothers and like nigger dicks anyway

that's a russian movie

it's not about being intelligent or "gettint" it, it's about a convoluted pulse of feelings and ideas bubbling in your soul for 2h


top kek

>implying knowing what isn't pasta or not in this god forsaken website isn't more embarassing
Some people have a life.

Because video games still require a controller or interaction which defines the medium, it is an art form that is condemned to be ignored by the masses and as a consequence despised and never socially recognized.

How did Nintendo predict the fact that we live inside a dream?

I hate every single of them yet i agree with what they said, even a bum can be right sometimes.

And yet, you're here. I've come to terms with my problems, user. Have you?

>Read a book
*proceeds to read Ready Player One™*

Thanks user, boy, that sure does look like a riot of good fun! Look at all those references! I hope it gets a film adaptation soon!

Also video games use a TV or a screen.
That's not good for the advertisers, propaganda and shitty television programs.

It's all in their interest to continue to bash video games as a mere distraction for adolescents and manchils (which a lot of time it is, but that's besides the point here).

Well, at least I'm not trying to be an armchair psychologist on an anonymous image board.

>peasant scratching out shapes
>carefully and deliberately molding slabs of minerals so that they don't break and take the shape you want

get fucked drawfags

Devs can't have as much control over a video game as a director does over a movie unless they basically make it a movie. And video game devs at their best are film school dropouts and will never reach the heights that movies or literature have.

Why recent? Why not the staple recommendations that every single "intellectual"
drools over, the "experimental" subgenre. Godard, Bengmar, Bunuel, Bresson, Antonioni etc Contrite garbage, all of it.

recently I watched
czech new wave, Jaromil Jires
romanian Mitulescu
japanese Hirokazu Kore-eda

tarkovsky is based

Cinema isn't art.

why do you devote so much time to something you dislike?

they already surpassed it

Gameplay is art in itself. Conveying more emotions that arent railroaded than any movie, kino, photoplay could ever dream to archive. most of the time accomondated with an ost or artstyle, making them the supreme art form that isnt officially art (yet)

>The medium itself is moot
What did he mean by this?

I feel extreme pity for your ignorance. A stone will always be cold to the touch, it's surface hard and unmoving, uncapable of emotion and love the sculptor tries so hard to convey to another person through his expression. All it will ever do is one-dimensional and linear, grandiose, and monumental are the words most commonly described most sculptures, empty and hollow expression of art.


How can Cinema even hope to compete?

I married into an academic and "intellectual" family.

>asking this on Sup Forums

Quality will speak for itself. If it's shit it's shit if it's good it's good, doesn't matter if it's art.

It's not. Literature is painting are etc.

Good cinema is basically just moving paintings.

so you're watching films like Valerie with your wife or some shit?

so what do you enjoy? AAA blockbusters, bollywood, anime?

Nah. Pressing a record button isn't like painting a landscape.

"Artistic merit" is the most void statement of all time.

More like Murmur of the heart with my mother in law and the decalogue with my father in law. I watch erotica with my wife.

80s pure unadulterated b tier schlock cheese
not joking

>what is set construction, framing, editing, acting, and scriptwriting
There's a lot going on for a movie to be made. Cinema needs to work in a more restrictive space too if live action (and not 90% CGI) because they have to work with real people and props.

Kojima is literally the Tarkovsky of video games

I thought that was Bowie desu

>tfw Tarkovsky called color film a fad despite his biggest movies being more than half in color or fully color

will cinema ever reach the artistic merit of videogames?