Fire Emblem Heroes

>Fire Emblem Heroes
>Fire Emblem Echoes
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Fire Emblem Switch out in 2018

Is this the golden age of Fire Emblem?

Heroes is mobage. Echoes is shit. Warriors is shit. FE Swtich will probably be good for one playtrhough before you realize that it too is shit, despite being so shiny and new.

>probably more nuFE waifushit
I actually enjoyed all three released games, but I have to follow the hivemind

>actually good but gacha shit and massive waifu/fates/awakening pandering ruin it
>decent story but shit maps
>absolute shit game in every aspect, it is irredimable shit
>no info yet
We might be getting there i guess. Echoes wasn’t nu FE and warriors wasn’t necessarily made by the devs.

I think the golden age has since past. Perhaps a revitalization.

I'm hoping the 2018 one is good but are you seriously happy about a fucking phone bait game, a fucking musou and Echoes?

Fucking hell mate.

>mobage count as games now

Considering how there's a Heroes general on Sup Forums, apparently so.

>Awakening and Fates are basically guaranteed to have many more units than any other FE games in Heroes at any given time because IS keeps coming up with excuses to create a new 4-character "seasonal" banner with only Awakening/Fates units almost every month

Isn't it enough that Awakening and Fates get to hog most of the spotlight in every other crossover since their inception

yeah awakening was the golden age if anything

Sup Forums isn't for video games though

What's it for?

Hope you like Lissa and Chrom :^)

Not until they all get fighting games.
1-3 = SF1
4 = Hyper Fighting
5 = Super Turbo
6 = Alpha 2
7 = Alpha 3
8 = 3rd Strike
9-10 = USF4
Everything after = SF5
1-3 remakes = SF The Movie

I was going to post this but fuck it
>I actually like open maps, fuck you
>didn't play since no system to run it
>division of "nuFE" and "old FE" is shit

>only 40 def
>my 52 atk Hector only deals 10
Someone care to explain?

Defense tile, retard.

console wars

Lissa pretty cute.

>santa unit is not a scruffy old man

Am i the only one thats bothered by this shit? I get that awakening had no character that was actually like this but idk, use gregor or kellam or something


>defense tile
>difference between attack is only 12
>effie has wary fighter
>effies special is charged

Care to explain why you are legit retarded? Or are you just new to the game, i can understand that at least.

I like Lissa but Chrom's lame.
Maybe the art will redeem stickman vacant stare Chrom currently in the game.

I really hope they are still using this. Silouette implies otherwise.

>Echoes is shit

It's going to be Robin, Shitja, Chrom, and Lissa. There's always 4 units on holiday banners.
There'll be a second Fates banner released shortly after like with Summer.

Fucking kill yourself, piece of shit!!

Drink bleach, redditor. Next time try thinking for yourself instead of being a retard.

Honestly as long as kozaki doesn’t return, FE has a pretty good chance to be good again.

>M Corrin, Felicia, Azura, Silas
Would you roll?

If nohrian summer is any indication it would probably have hoshidan siblings in it, including ryoma.

>"I-it's going to be MCorrin and Felicia b-because canon pairings! Robin x Tharja is CANON!"
Oh my sides

>Lissa x Chrom

Kill this thread please before it devolves into the usual degenerate avatarfagging and toxic nostalgiaposting

It's going to be MCorrin and Felicia because that's very basic and predictable as usual. Maybe sub Felicia for a third royal to go along with the other two that will no doubt be there.

Except it's super obviously Lissa in

The “golden age” of FE was the GBA and Tellius era and even that’s debatable.

Awakening and especially Fates were also shit


My mistake, I thought it was speculating a follow-up Fates banner.

>2nd Felicia
>Flora still isn't in the game
Yes, I'll roll.

I rolled for Amelia the newest banner and ended up with Nino and Rein, so we'll see if I can get more good stuff.

We'll only be in a golden age when we get a game with absolutely no drastic shortcomings.

There's literally nothing wrong with educating your younger sister on how to please men. Especially for a princess, she needs to be a good wife to maintain diplomatic relations when she's married off to another country.


>implying it's not Lissa x MRobin, along with Tharja x whoever pisses you off most


Come to think of it, that other silhouette could be Gaius.

>more Awakening

the golden age of FE was when you didn't know about it

Lissa obviously but the right one you can't really tell since it's pretty clearing wearing a hat. Just inferring it's Chrom from the sibling pair.

Lyndis will forever be best girl.


Honestly, it could just be MRobin with a different pose as well.

Queen Moron.

Queen Moron

Religious zealots on the side of a non-conquering faith seem to always end up looking retarded in FE.

>The 3DS Fire Emblem's are shit

You dumbass niggers can't enjoy good srpg's that actually saved their series.

Kill yourselves.



>Warriors literally buried and forgotten because of Mario and Xenoblade

I haven't even played it myself in like 2 months and still have lots of shit to do in it

No, this is 2017, not 2002.

Conquest was fucking shit. Run Xander/Camilla/Corrin and you win the game. So much for the """challenging difficulty""". The story and characters were a steaming pile of diarrhea on top of that.

By dumbing itself down so even a monkey can play it and throwing out the old artstyle of the GBA/GC games for overdesigned crap?

>I put more time in Warriors than Mario
I tried to enjoy Mario, but I played it for a weekend and stopped, I figured 200 moons was enough

Awakening/Fates didn't have "overdesigned crap", it was just generic sameface animushit. Everything about the 3DS era was fucking awful for Fire Emblem. I'm so glad we're past it.

If you're going to say "just use these set amount of units" then you can say the same thing for a lot of other games in the series like FE8, 9, and 10 and etc. And besides Xander has poor res and speed, Camilla is weak to bows and isn't as tanky as Xander, and Corrin isn't as tanky as both of them.

>Dumbing down when it's one of the hardest in the series

The 3DS FEs are all good to certain degrees, but Revelations is exempt as it is insufferably irritating. They also have crippling flaws that prevent them from being truly great, and no amount of "I only care about (single aspect) of the game, nothing else matters" can change that.


>gacha shit
>remake that despite adding new content and mechanics didn't touch several glaring flaws like the map design
>another cashgrab Musou reskin
>IS's last chance to redeem the franchise
Let's all hope they don't fuck it up

You expect me to believe anything that comes out of 3DS fags mouths? You losers said Awakening was great for fuck's sake, you lost credibility a long time ago.

Conquest isn't difficult, there are just a couple of grindy chapters where they throw a bunch of bullshit at you. The rest of the game is a breeze if you're not a retard who just started the series with Awakening.

>mobile shit
>spin off shit and 4th game still using FEA's engine
>Musou spin off shit
And I swear to God there'll be hell to pay if FE Switch doesn't release in 2018.

Fire Emblem was never good you autistic nintendorks.

Let them have time to finish the game rather than cutting shit out. There's plenty of TRPGs to play in the meantime.

>I have no argument so I'll just project and call you names

Yes it was difficult on Lunatic. Notable chapters that present a great challenge are 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25 and Endgame.

Not like oldfags are any better saying shit like FE4 is the pinnacle of the series.

Excuse me but have you not seen the artwork of Lyn's boobies and legs? Fire Emblem used to be good.

Awakening was also "difficult" on Lunatic, for similarly poor reasons. Artificial difficulty is nothing to brag about. If the game was actually difficult, it would remain that way on moderate difficulties as well.

>13 and 16 difficult
>forgetting Ninja Hell and Furry Forest

So which weapon triangle mechanic would you prefer to see in Fire Emblem Switch?

Fates method: tomes are paired with swords, daggers with spears, bows with axes. As such, bows were more effective against spears and tomes resisted by daggers. On the one hand, this gave each weapon "type" a ranged option. On the other, you had strangeness like heavy armors now being dodgy against magic.

Heroes method: fire tomes are paired with swords, thunder tomes with spears, wind tomes with axes. On the plus side, bows were now effective against all fliers and you could have daggers as general anti-mages. On the other, you now needed to worry about your swordsman being resisted by the color of the tome, and it needs some more mechanics to have an "anti-dagger" unit.

But Conquest's difficulty was fair, including on Lunatic, baring inevitable end.

Those ones are actually kind of simple but more of a slog. 13 and 16 keeps you moving due to optional incentives.

>As such, bows were more effective against spears
Even with this, I literally never had an issue with killing fliers with Mozu or Anna.
I'd actually like to see the weapons triangle have more of an impact on damage, like in Heroes, but with rank scaling. Early game, it could just be like in previous games, maybe one damage and hit modifiers, but later on, when you've sufficiently raised weapon ranks and increased stats, maybe a +/- 5 modifier.

>creepy old man with blue skin and glowing eyes who literally can't stop cackling like a supervillain tells you to leave your army and set out alone to meet him
>put complete faith in him
Is Celica retarded?

I liked fates triangle the best honestly.

>Blaming one artist for the quality of the game

>By dumbing itself down so even a monkey can play it
Nigga 7 and especially 8 were easy as shit. 8 is my favorite FE and it's the easiest fucking one.
>throwing out the old artstyle of the GBA/GC games for overdesigned crap?

Manlets, when will they learn?

>But Conquest's difficulty was fair, including on Lunatic, baring inevitable end.

No it wasn't. There were several chapters where they just threw a ton of enemies at you in the hopes you'd get bored or frustrated and quit or something. It was just boring bullshit, not good chapter design.

>the pope of the opposite side of your shared religion tells you that his plan is the only way to save one of the gods, even though it's on the other side of said religion
She's a sheltered princess who thinks humanity can't survive without the dragons to lead them along.


Sounds like the same thing people say about Corrin. "They're a sheltered prince(ss) so just excuse all moments of naivety"


The difference is that Celica's is the result of religious faith and being taught that humanity is nothing without the providing/leading influence of the gods, while Corrin's is just stupidity and naivety due to having zero life experience at all. Not to mention Celica is intended to be as a foil to Alm's character, while there is no noticeable (at least deliberately placed) foil for Corrin.


That's pretty clearly Falchion's pommel though.

>Lucina version #5



Would hit it with a Brave Sword.

She will sell you the Brave Sword first.
