XenoBlade Chronicles

So I've tried to get into this series, and I just saved the bird chick.

Is the only viable party Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla?

It seems like any other party can't output damage or survive any big attack

Shara is weak, probably the only NON viable person in the game.

Sharla is easily the worst character in the game

sharla sucks dick, and not in a good way

This is unfortunate

Sharla is a noob trap, she seems good because of her AOE and large heal attacks, but she's a bane for Chain attacks, and overall is too frail for later bosses.

That was my team for the majority of the game.
I had to switch Sharla out eventually...
Seriously had no idea how important agility was on my fucking armor.

you get a character with an AoE heal very soon, replace sharla with him ASAP


what a great game
if only it wasn't that slow to start until tephra cave

So why can't I get Dunban to hold aggro, and why does it appear that Melia and Riki's heals can't keep up with the enemy damage output?

Melia is not a healer, her Water summon is kinda shit.

Riki and Shulk together should be able to keep things relatively healthy.

If you are gonna have melia in your team you need to control her otherwise she is almost -1. However, good luck getting those backstabs on shulk with the AI.

>good luck getting those backstabs on shulk with the AI.
Same goes for Riki AI.

So basically, the friendly AI is worthless?

Reyn and Sharla seem like obvious team mates, but IT'S A TRAP. Both have terrible damage output, thus prolonging every fight.

I generally ran with Melia as point (because the AI is far too stupid to make good use of her), then Dunban or Fiora for "tank" and Shulk or Riki for dps/support. Every one of these characters can shit damage to one degree or another, while providing useful buffs/debuffs and off-healing. The end result being mobs die quickly, and nobody gets appreciably hurt.

It's pretty good on certain characters but if your character is even a tidy bit more complicated, like melia, or needs positionals, they will usually drop their spaghetti HARD.

I went through the game controlling Melia and having Shulk and Riki. Made the game a cake walk. Being in control of Melia gives you good control over buffs and when to explode all that for potential damage. Shulk and Riki can manage themselves. Though I do wish Riki had better agro. Shulk ends up tanking half the time in this equation.

>terrible damage output


sword drive in chain attacks does a retarded amount of damage

Do you still get the future visions if you are not playing shulk?



And yet Dunban, Fiora, and Riki are all superior choices.

I don't think riki had better DPS than reyn. Fiora can't even tank properly

I am close to the end and i use Dunban, Shulk, and Riki

i play as dunban its pretty fun

>Shulk and Riki can manage themselves.
Aren't these two characters reliant on hitting the enemy rear?

Sharla's fine for a while and even lets you heal tank fights way above your level, but her shit damage drags things out.

Reyn's great. Shulk's great. Melia does beastly ungodly damage but only if you control her as her AI has brain damage and won't stack Bolts. Dunban does good damage and works as an evasion tank.

The next party member you get is also amazing as a jack-of-all-trades and provides all the healing you normally need.

In what fucking way is sharla useless, she literally removes any challenge from all fights

Are there any cheese tactics or gameplay tips?

Gotta say playing this game with 60fps makes it much more enjoyable from the first time I tried.

Did you guys played the same game i did? When she wasn't on my team, i died constantly

Don't use Sharla, she is literally the worst character in the game.
Personally I use Shulk/Reyn/Dunban until I get the final party member later on, whom I swap out Reyn for.
Shulk does just fine as a sort of healer as long as you prevent your allies from taking a bunch of damage in the first place, plus Arts Heal gems help a whole lot more than you would first think, there's really no reason to have a dedicated healer in this game, its just a waste of a character slot.

That was my party too. It was pretty fun. I sometimes used Melia too though. She should've won.

I mean it's the final smash team, it has to be good.

So you want battles to take twice as long?

MAXIMUM dodge is the real EZmode
Also Riki is fucking fantastic and you should use him, kick shulk and sharla out unless you really need shulk for a boss.
Dont forget to make them friends so they can link abilities more.

biggest reason is she kills chain attacks. her talent art is needlessly detrimental

git gud, riki's heal is more than enough

She has terrible skills for continuing chain attacks which hamstrings your damage output. She also doesn't play into the break-topple game which becomes even more critical. Sharla's okay, but using her makes fights take way longer.

>kick shulk out
Can't bring myself to do that, Shulk is the main character and the whole fucking thing is about him and the monado.


don't be autistic and make the game easier on yourself

I don't like your attitude

Play Melia, stack Lightning gems, win game.

Why does Takahashi insist on cucking girls in his games.

Sharla's easily the worst, every other character can work amazingly in any combination pretty much. Melia's probably far and away the strongest if you control her and build her right (stack electric plus and agility to spam stacked Summon Bolts and the instant-topple combo).

Dunban, Melia, Riki best party.

Prioritize gem slots in equipment over everything else, and save scum to bring ether cylinders to 90-99 quality when crafting, so its easier for gems to reach 200 and go into heat (gives the finished gem an extra level and is the only way to get level 6 gems) if the gem reaches 300 it goes into overheat (creates a duplicate of the finished gem)
The game is piss easy if you know what you're doing with gems.

Dunban/Riki/7th character built as an evasion tank, Shulk and mage girl for damage and light healing. Honestly this game was kind of a mess when it came to healing and tanking, but it's like that I guess.

>Play Melia, stack topple gems, win game.

Well with shulk and Riki you dont need sharla to heal so you can get someone better.

By the end of the game you dodge everything or in team attack mode 100% of the fight. Or if you happen to be playing robit girl your heal on attack and attacking so fast that your life points never go down.

absolutely, topple locking

Whether you like it or not, there is a specific fight you need to take him out for.
>He can only do 1 damage
That was some serious bullshit but true to the story.

people hate on sharla because shes mandatory
chain attacks don't make up for proper heals in boss fights

Dunban Riki Reyn
Go out and fuck shit up all day long

If playing as Shulk here are your parties:

For Questing/Non-Boss:
For Story Bosses: Shulk/Reyn/Sharla
For Endgame/Topple locking Super Bosses: Shulk/Reyn/Dunban

Cheers, Shulk!

They're memeing on you
Sharla is strong if only because of how Shield Bullet interacts with the vision warning system, and this will let you fight some tough enemies before you "should"

That said, since Shulk, Riki, and Melia are all capable of doing SOME healing, it's totally possible to make a whole bunch of different party combinations that don't need Sharla..

Anyway, what you should do is bench Reyn.
Dunban (in light armor, don't fall for the naked Dunban noob trap) is just a plain better tank.
It turns out never getting hit in the first place is more efficient than taking the hits a little better.

Once I got Riki I never played as anyone else.

thats pretty shulk
regards sadshulks

You need to control Melia / Riki to get the most out of them.
Stack Dunban with Agility gems for dodge, make sure he has his aggro abilities equipped. I've gotten through the game with Dunban tank and Shull/Melia "healing" for most of the game.

Why would I want it to be easier? The challenge is good.

>using sharla ever

Don't do it, user

>If playing as Shulk

Why would you do this?
Not only is his moveset boring, but AI tanks in this game never seem to be able to keep aggro when you're piloting the DPS.
I guess it's fine if you're just topple locking everything anyway, but if you aren't a that point yet it can be a pretty big problem


Personally I just use whoever I like the most in any JRPG regardless of how good they are.

Get a load of this fag

>Why would you do this?

This is clearly a game about Melia and her mystical staff. Why would anyone play Shulk?

Born in a world of strife

She is good first quarter of the game.
Then she just becomes eh


All I remember is that 7th and Dunban were the best.
Though you most probably wont need to think about your team unless you wanna beat optional bosses.

just a quick question for xenoblade chronicles 2 if you play as nia are you stuck on her mount the whole time or can you walk around as her without being on her mount all the time

if you have dromarch engaged and not in battle she's be on dromarch

I don't know what this means I assume dromarch is her cat mount right? So are you saying its just a thing you can flick on and off whenever youre not in battle?

Depends on what blade is the first blade she uses in combat.

ya press ZL to change your blade

>7th ... the best.

She's a DPS character that doesn't have the right stats on her gear to actually compete with the other DPS characters.
One of her best uses is just auto attacking for up to ~2k damage a hit. That just isn't enough output to be worth it.


What build did you end up using that she only hit 2k a hit?

the best is hands down melia

Last I recall, 7th, Heropon and Melia is one of the best, if not the best team in the game. What's better than that?


alright cool thanks

All attack power gear, so whatever her strongest weapons is, Dystopia or something I think (still only has like 480 attack power or something ridiculously low) and then attack up, double hit, and crit wherever I can get it.

She's bad.

Well, Shulk is better than 7th or Riki, so him to start with.

Don't Melia and Riki have a lot of abilities that don't stack with eachother like dots?
Also either of the two only performs well when played as iirc so you're better off switching one of them into Dunban whom the AI doesn't fail at

Shulk, Reyn, Dunban is the topplelock superboss party. I'm not really sure how you'd beat them otherwise. Melia is the overall best DPS though, because Ether damage is halved on resist instead of missing outright.

Jesus Christ user, I was hitting 4k a hit with a haste and aura setup, now I'm going to have to go find my old save data just to see what the hell I put her on.
Also she was the absolute best, Shulk Seven Melia to take down the over 99 enemies all day long

Fuck me, I'm gonna play this game again.

I'll never forgive that shitty save-transfer, though.

>Be so weak and lack so much synergy
>She needs 100% crit chance against fliers(including final boss)
>And a % to instant kill
>Debuff removal with no strings attached
>Aura extension(!)
And i still hate how she is basically a pain to play as.
Having no way to setup whites for chain attacks kills her past level 50+. Or have no way to trigger Cool Off before it fucks you over, because you need to up your pace.
She is potent, but so fucking bad for actual play.
At the least compared to keeping up tension, and literally surviving on the edge of your teeth, because you can see and change the future.

The game completely changed for me when I got 7th, 2 double attack VI in weapons, armour with built in haste, Dunban affinity skill which makes all double attacks crits, spam second gear and speed shift. I have no idea if it was actually strong but it used it through everything in the game.

Most people like to deck out 7 like a second Dunban, with 7 doing more dps with the haste and Dunban doing more actual tank things. I ended up using Dunban in that setup more, especially when I was fighting monsters way higher level. I think 7 is more of a novelty if that's the build you use on her but hey, it works unless you run into something with spike damage so you do you.

Melia and Riki dots stack, so no worries there.

For some reason I thought they overwrote eachother. I'll have to try it on my next playthrough

DOT muncher Riki was one of the most fun things to do against bosses and named enemies

>terrible damage output
He's got some crazy PBAoE/Frontal AoE damage, a really good spike aura and good single-target damage, but he really excels at AoE damage/threat generation.
If you set Reyn up correctly, he can deal crazy damage while self-healing like it's nobody's business and still tank like a champ.

I was using 7, shulk and dunban, and abused chain attacks to topple enemies by the end of the game.

Anyone know good ways to grind affinity? If there's one thing that really annoys me in this game is just how long it takes for it to level up. It takes fucking ages.

Have your party member give gifts to each other

1. Crits
2. Gifts
3. Fish and chips

Sharla is dead weight that just slows down any kill, I have no idea why so many people will stick with her throughout the game considering how ugly and useless she is.

Sharla is a shitty crutch for bad players, use Dunban instead, or Riki if you REALLY need healing.