Want to replay a game

>want to replay a game
>remember that boss
What’s her name Sup Forums?

Are you insinuating rom provided difficulty

sure is hard to run past spiders and circle round a giant slug

the right hand should be on the top, why does from always fuck this up

Mine's that one fucking acid duck calling dinosaur thing in monster hunter 3

If you have trouble with Rom you need to take out the spiders and then circle strafe him. Always keep an eye on her and just keep running when she shoots the meteors, don't roll.

bad idea, the spiders become really aggressive if you attack rom without killing them first and do too much damage for some reason

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Nicchae and Ishtaros boss fights playing as Rachel.

Whoever thought people would like playing as Rachel was severely wrong.

>playing Sigma
>not Black
That's you're first problem.

Is Black really better than Sigma? I don't know much about it.

>spiders become really aggressive

When I fought him I noticed only some of the baby spiders attack, not all. From my experience, it's simply not possible to kill all the baby ones. More just spawn. I just had to keep dodging and attacking.

more spiders only spawn when he teleports, which happens 2 times max

>bad idea, the spiders become really aggressive if you attack rom without killing them first

No they don't. Any that come in are very easily body blocked by Rom.

It's even BC on Xbox One now and X Enhanced supported.

It took 4 characters for all the bosses to click with me and to fully appreciate them, but I will never see Rom as anything other than utter shit. At least Micolash has good music and awoo's at you.

Not a boss per se, but a rare monster in Final Fantasy XII - Disma.

That thing was an absolute nightmare to fight.

>run past the infinitely spawning spiders
>bad idea

As long as you stay on Rom's ass, she'll just push all the spiders out of the way while rotating to face you.

So many of them are if you are unlucky enough to bump into thsm unprepared. That skeleton in yhe Westersand springs to mind.

Pretty much the same game except for the shitty Rachel parts.
NG2 Sigma is the bad one

Or just get a Xbox for 50€

>Want to fight last Jeanne battle again
>Realize it's behind the stupid fucking rocket SHMUP
God fucking damn it it's so much fun too.

>Our eyes are YET to O-PEN
>aaaauuuuuu OOOOOOOOOOOO
>Aaaahh, a hunta is a hunta eveninnaDREEEM
He's a silly bitch and every time i prepare myself for an upcoming boring 10 minutes of running around like idiots and either stunlocking him or getting one-shot by Call Beyond

You posted it. Fuck Rom.

Phoenix Down puts that fucker down quickly. It doesn't work on Disma.